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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                       AUGUST 04, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 14

                            The new leadership of

        New York City is keeping it Safe

            This new leadership team will continue to bring crime down, reduce transit crime, reduce car thefts and

        enhance the NYPD’s focus on quality-of-life issues like retail theft. They are New York’s finest and understand

            the importance of both safety and justice. And they reflect who we are as a city. Diverse and full of hustle

                   ERIC ADAMS

        ERIC ADAMS

              s Mayor of New York, I know
              just how important public
        Asafety is to our city,  and how
        important the right leadership is in
        achieving it. Over the last 18 months,
        this Administration has made major
        progress driving down major crime,
        and last week I named a new leader-
        ship team at the NYPD that will con-            These are the new faces of the NYPD. They are from immigrant families, Hispanic, Black, and female.
        tinue to improve safety across our city                      This is an NYPD that looks like the people they serve (File photo)
        and keep New York the safest big city
        in America.
            This new team is not just making   bly be one of the most significant and   on the historic work begun by Police   the  five  boroughs.  This  is  progress.
        news – they are making history. Po-  emotional moments for me. Eddie   Commissioner Sewell.           And it is clear, New York City is not
        lice Commissioner Edward Caban    is blue-collar. He is a working New   When  we  came  into  office  in   coming back, we are back. But we
        is the first Hispanic Police Commis-  Yorker. His story is a New York City   January 2022, our city was on the   still have much to left to do.
        sioner in our city’s history, bringing   story. His father was a transit cop   brink.  Together  with  Commissioner   This new leadership team will
        decades of experience and leader-  when I was a transit cop. And as the   Sewell’s leadership, we made major   continue to bring crime down, re-
        ship to this role. Our incoming First   head of the Transit Police Hispanic   strides and turned the tide on the   duce transit crime, reduce car thefts
        Deputy Commissioner, Tania Kin-   Society, Eddie’s father fought for di-  most violent crimes. Shootings are   and enhance the NYPD’s focus on
        sella, is the first woman of color to   versity every day to improve the rank   down. Murders are down. Overall   quality-of-life issues like retail theft.
        serve in this role. Rebecca Weiner,   and file of the NYPD. And now his   crime is down. We have seized over   They are New York’s finest and un-
        our new Deputy Commissioner for   son is the Police Commissioner.   10,000 guns from our streets since   derstand the importance of both
        Intelligence and Counterterrorism,    These are the new faces of the   coming  into  office,  disrupting  the   safety  and  justice.  And  they  reflect
        is also the first woman to serve in her   NYPD. They are from immigrant   iron pipeline. Hate crimes are down.  who we are as a city. Diverse and
        position.                         families, Hispanic, Black, and female.  And our subways are getting safer.  full of hustle. This is an amazing mo-
            And when I reflect on my time as   This is an NYPD that looks like the    We have recovered 99.9% of   ment for our city. This team has the
        being mayor of this great city, the ap-  people they serve. They all bring im-  pre-pandemic private sector jobs,  right leaders for right now.
        pointment of Edward Caban as the   pressive credentials and a record of   and tourists are filling our Broadway   Eric Adams is
        new Police Commissioner will proba-  success to their roles and will build   theaters and spending money across   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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