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OPINION AUGUST 04, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
Recent Activities in the Western
world and Indian Response
halistani separatist activities in
Western countries have been
Kon the rise. On 2 July 2023,
the Indian Consulate in San Fran-
cisco was set on fire (causing minor
damage) by a group of pro-Khalistani
Although such incidents have
taken place intermittently in the last
two decades, the Khalistani activities
overseas have intensified in last cou-
ple of years. Besides the attacks on
state symbols, the separatists’ activi-
ties across major Western countries
broadly include attacks on temples
and consulates, and coordinating
referendums for a separate State of
Khalistan in multiple countries.
Besides these events, the ‘Sikhs Protesters waving Khalistan flags gathered outside the Indian Consulate amid heightened security in San Francisco (ANI)
for Justice’ conducted its ‘Refer-
endum 2022’ for separate State of been trying hard to reignite the 200 protestors gathered in front of When confronted by India, the West-
Khalistan in the UK, Canada, the US Khalistani separatist movement in In- the venue entrance (some wielding ern countries hide behind the veil of
and Australia, where a sizable Sikh dia as well. Two major incidents which swords) to protest against the arrest. their so-called democratic credentials,
population reside. Canada witnessed saw active involvement of Khalistan That multiple Khalistan sepa- and highlight the principles of ‘free-
participation of 1 lakh people out of elements were the farmers’ agitation ratist organisations and individuals dom of expression’ and ‘peaceful pro-
total population of 5 lakh. This does in 2020 and the emergence of Amrit- could spearhead such an anti-India tests’. Hence, Khalistanis are allowed
reflect the failure of separatists to pal Singh as an advocate of a separate campaigns as discussed above, indi- to protest peacefully.
garner full support for their agenda. state of Khalistan. As intelligence cates the unwillingness of the Western However, lately, the inaction of
The Indian diaspora have been vehe- reports have suggested, the farmer’s countries, especially Canada, to act Western countries and their unwilling-
mently opposing the activities of the protest did witness the involvement of against these separatist elements. ness to rein in the Khalistani separatists
Khalistanis. During the referendum in declared terrorist organisations oper- During the period of the Punjab in their respective countries have been
late January 2023 in Australia, a scuf- ating from abroad. militancy in the 1980s, the behaviour straining their relations with India,
fle broke out between Khalistanis and In case of framers protest, it was of the Western camp led by the US especially for countries like Canada.
pro-India supporters at the voting site, later established that Amritpal Singh was guided by the then prevailing in- Canada is home to the sec-
Federation Square, Melbourne. visited the protesting sites to lay the ternational systemic order reflected in ond-largest Sikh population in the
The Khalistanis have also tar- grounds for his separatist activities the Cold War dynamics. India at the world, after India. In terms of their
geted Indian consulates in a coordi- a year later. In February 2023, at an time was perceived as a Soviet-leaning population, they form more than 2
nated manner. In February 2023, the incident in Ajnala, thousands of Am- state, and therefore belonging to the per cent of the total population of
separatists in Australia targeted the ritpal’s supporters broke through the enemy bloc. The end of the Cold War Canada, with nearly 8,00,000 people.
Honorary Consulate in Brisbane and police barricades and secured the re- and the opening up of the Indian econ- They are also the fastest-growing and
installed the Khalistani Flag inside lease of Lovepreet Singh Toofan, an omy for outside investors altered the fourth-largest religious community in
the premises. In a similar incident aide of Amritpal Singh. In an attempt perception of the Western countries Canada. Over the years, Canada has
in March, pro-Khalistani protesters to appeal to the separatists sentiments about India’s ideological leanings. seen several phases of Sikh migra-
stormed the Indian consulate in San in the state and revive the issue of Further, the attack on the World tion. They have now developed into
Francisco, raised Khalistani slogans Khalistan, Amritpal also imitated Trade Centre in September 2001 a robust and economically flourish-
and installed two pro-Khalistan Flags Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. He was and the subsequent war on terror ing community. Earlier in the 1980s,
inside the consulate premises. On 19 finally arrested on 23 April. His ar- led these countries to crack down on Canada had provided sanctuary to
March, a group of Khalistan separat- rest provided another rallying point terrorist organisations. However, two several dreaded terrorists, including
ists vandalized the Indian High Com- for the overseas Khalistan separatists decades since, vote bank politics ap- Jagjit Singh Chauhan and Talwinder
mission in London, taking out the In- to intensify their propaganda. On 19 pears to have influenced these West- Singh Parmar, among others. Present-
dian flag and tried to replace it with March 2023, Indian High Commis- ern countries, explaining their toler- ly also, several ‘designated terrorists’
the Khalistan flag. sioner to Canada had to cancel an ance towards anti-India activities by like Arshdeep Singh Gill alias Arsh
The Khalistani separatists have event in British Columbia as nearly the Khalistani separatists on their soil. Continued on next page... >>