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BIG STORY AUGUST 04, 2023 | The Indian Eye 5
cal Bureau and Director of the Office instructions to their senior com-
of the CPC Foreign Affairs Commis- manders to induct at least one sol-
sion, Wang Yi, on the sidelines of the dier from each Tibetan family and
BRICS NSAs’ Meeting in Johannes- turn them loyal towards the country
burg on Tuesday. as well as keeping a check on their
India and China have time and families.
again faced border disputes dating However, sources said the move
back to 1962. The most recent clash by China has seen a lot of resent-
was in June 2020, when Indian and ment from the affected families. In-
Chinese troops engaged in a scuffle dia and China have been in a mili-
in the Galwan valley. tary standoff since April-May 2020
On July 24, Doval participated and deployed heavily in the border
in the ‘Friends of BRICS’ meeting areas. India has also deployed an al-
in Johannesburg. Doval also held a most equal number of troops along
working meeting with the Secretary the Eastern Ladakh sector to count-
of the Security Council of the Rus- er any possible misadventure by the
sian Federation Nikolai Patrushev Chinese in the future.
and discussed the cooperation be- The Army has also reoriented its
tween the two countries in the field focus towards the northern borders
of security and economy, the Russian NSA Ajit Doval meets with Chinese diplomat Wang Yi during BRICS meeting and deployed new formations along
embassy in India said in a statement. in South Africa this week with dual tasking some of them for
This meeting between Doval and facing the two-front threat scenario.
Wang happened as China’s foreign Also, facing difficulties in main-
minister Qin Gang, who had been ling to Washington, according to the Soon after the aggression along taining its large number of military
missing from public eye for over a Washington Post. the LAC in 2020, China started re- bases built along the Line of Actu-
month, was on Tuesday replaced by Considered as Chinese Presi- cruiting these soldiers to help them al Control with India, the Chinese
Wang Yi by the country’s Parliament. dent Xi Jinping’s close aide, Qin had sustain in high-altitude areas as part military has constructed many solar
Wang Yi had previously served as the swiftly gained to prominence as the of their long-term deployment plans and hydel power plants to sustain
country’s foreign minister for nearly spokesperson for the foreign ministry there. “The Tibetan soldiers are now the increased energy requirements
10 months. and chief protocol officer, planning visible as part of the patrols of their of their troops.
The voting for the same was held many of Xi’s abroad trips, according border defense troops but the ma- The military stand-off between
adopted at the fourth session of the to The Washington Post. jority continue to be the mainland India and China has been going on
Standing Committee of the 14th Na- But now, even as India and Chi- Chinese soldiers,” sources in security for more than three years now after
tional People’s Congress (NPC) to- na talk about stabilizing the border, forces said. the Chinese try to unilaterally change
day as per Xinhua, the official state there are some issues which bother The Chinese have faced issues the status quo at the LAC in Eastern
news agency of the People’s Republic New Delhi. with their regular mainland troops Ladakh through large-scale aggres-
of China. The Tibetan troops recruited by to sustain themselves in high altitude sion. “After the large-scale deploy-
President Xi Jinping signed a the Chinese Army for helping them areas and also have seen how the In- ments in 2020-21, the Chinese have
presidential order to effectuate the in high-altitude areas are now visible dian Special Frontier Force troops had issues in maintaining troops
decision, the state media reported. as part of the People’s Liberation including many Tibetan troops per- there. For meeting their energy re-
China’s top legislature also appoint- Army border defense patrols along formed during the capture of high quirements, solar energy plants along
ed Pan Gongsheng as the country’s the Line of Actual Control in East- peaks in the Kailash ranges by the with the Chinese had faced issues in
central bank governor. ern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Army, sources said. meeting their energy requirements,
Qin was last seen in public on according to the sources. As per reports, China had issued especially during winters,” sources in
June 25, when he met his counter- security forces told ANI.
parts from Russia, Vietnam and Sri The Chinese Army has deployed
Lanka. His planned meetings since almost 50,000 troops along the LAC
then have either been cancelled, or after the 2020 aggression by it and
top diplomat Wang has gone in Qin’s its energy requirements have gone
place, The Washington Post report- up considerably in the forward areas
ed. which experience very low tempera-
Wang had represented China at tures even in the summers, they said.
diplomatic summits in Jakarta and The Chinese have also upgraded
Johannesburg in place of Qin. The their military infrastructure in a big
US publication stated that Qin’s re- way as new habitats and villages have
moval preceded weeks of silence been built to support large-scale de-
during which Qin’s own ministry ployments.
refused to provide any information Sources said that the Chinese
regarding his whereabouts, there have continued to maintain large-
has been wild speculation about ev- scale deployments and are taking
erything from significant political or steps to support their long-term de-
personal missteps to a serious sick- ployment.
ness. With such large number of
A week before Qin vanished, troops deployed on both sides, there
Secretary of State Antony Blinken are few chances of a fight breaking
met him in Beijing, and they made an Indian Army formations including the T-90 and T-72 tanks and BMP infantry combat vehicles out between the two Asian giants.
agreement that the Chinese foreign carry out drills in Eastern Ladakh (ANI) But the stability the two countries are
minister would reciprocate by travel- seeking may also remain elusive.