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ImmIGRATION                                                                   JULY 30, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          40

                               no longer in use:

           how Changes in sOC systems affect

                 employment-based Immigration

        Cyrus D. Mehta and           of Labor. Most notably,  rect SOC code for em- system is updated? The  code was replaced by
                                     SOC codes are used to  ployment-based               peti- SOC has been revised  a different title and/or
        Isabel rajabzadeh*
                                     categorize nonimmigrant  tions, one must compare  four times: 1980, 2000,  SOC code number. The
               he Standard Oc- and  immigrant work- the proffered position’s  and then again ten years  crosswalk from the 2000
               cupation Classi- ers on the Permanent  job duties and its require- later in 2010. The most  SOC to the 2010 SOC
        Tfication           (SOC)  Employment  Certifica- ments against the system.  recent update is the 2018  can be found here. The
        is  a  federal  statistical  tion (“PERM” or Form  In addition, the require- SOC system, which was  crosswalk from the 2010
        standard used by federal  ETA  9089,  used  to  file  ment to pay prevailing  deemed to be a “multi- SOC to the 2018 SOC
        agencies to classify work- most I-140s),  the Labor  wages as a minimum  year process” by the U.S.  can be found here. As
        ers into occupational  Condition Application  salary is mandatory for  Bureau of Labor Statis- stated above, the OWL
        categories. The Office of  (“LCA”, necessary to file  some employment-based  tics.  In  November  2020,  fails to keep up with
        Management and Bud- H-1Bs and other visas)  visas. In order to deter- the O*NET 25.1 Data- the changes in the SOC
        get (OMB) coordinates  and the ETA 9142B for  mine the prevailing wage  base incorporated the  codes. This causes huge
        the Federal statistical sys- H-2B workers. The SOC  of a geographic area, one  O*NET-SOC 2019 Tax- discrepancies. Although
        tem, including the SOC.  system was created in or- must look up the SOC  onomy, which aligned  not  always detrimental
        The SOC Policy Com- der to facilitate job classi- code in the Foreign La- with the 2018 SOC sys- to a case,  it may  cause
        mittee assists the OMB  fication. It therefore col- bor  Certification  Data  tem. It stated, “updates  unnecessary delays such
        in the SOC revision pro- lects occupational data  Center Online Wage Li- and  added  new  and  a Request For Evidence
        cess, and is comprised of  and enables comparison  brary (“OWL”) which is  emerging                   occupations (“RFE”).
        Federal agencies includ- of occupations across  run by the U.S. Depart-                 ensure that the O*NET-           For instance, “15-
        ing the Bureau of Labor  data sets.                        ment of Labor.               SOC taxonomy not only  1031, Computer Soft-
        Statistics,   Department         In  assigning the cor-       According to the De- represents          the    SOC ware Engineers, Appli-
                                                                   partment of Labor, the       structure,  but  reflects  cations” is no longer in
                                                                   SOC serves as the frame- changes occurring in the  use and it was replaced
                                                                   work for information be- world  of  work  due  to  by “15-1132 Software
                                                                   ing gathered through the  advancing technologies,  Developers,              Applica-
                                                                   Department of Labor’s  innovative business prac- tions” in the 2010 SOC
                                                                   Occupational Informa- tices, and the new organi- system. Then, the 2018
                                                                   tion Network (O*NET).  zation of work.” Howev- SOC system changed the
                                                                   The O*NET database  er, the OWL still has not  SOC code again to, “15-
                                                                   includes detailed infor- caught up with all of the  1252, Software Develop-
                                                                   mation  on  tasks,  skills,  SOC codes listed in the  ers.”  But what  happens
                                                                   tools used, credentials,  2018 SOC system. Al- when a PERM was filed
                                                                   and other information  though the OWL states it  in 2011 which used the
                                                                   associated with the oc- integrated O*NET 25.3  SOC code based on the
                                                                   cupations. Much like the  on July 1, 2021, (which is  2010 SOC system? Then,
                                                                   OWL, the information  later than version 25.1) it  10 years later, the foreign
                                                                   found on O*NET is list- still does not reflect all of  national wants to down-
                                                                   ed by the occupation’s  the changed SOC codes  grade their I-140 to take
                                                                   SOC codes.                   in the 2018 SOC system.      advantage of EB-3 pri-
                      m of                                            Many may not real-                                     ority dates? Which SOC
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          ize the SOC codes exist,          the Problem             code should be used on

                                                                                              however, its use is in-  In an effort to tran- the I-140 form? Use of

                                                                   tegral to some employ- sition between the dif- the 15-1031 SOC code
                            ment-based visas and  ferent SOC systems and  would patch the previ-
                                                    
              ‚                                                     therefore, can result in a  SOC codes, “crosswalks”  ously filed PERM, how-
                                                                   denial if not used proper- were developed to por- ever, it is no longer in use
                                                                   ly. These codes are based  tray the changes of that  so  that  may  raise  flags.
                                                                   on statistics, however,  year’s update. The cross- Use  of  the  new  SOC
          2              6th Floor
                 what happens when the  walks show which SOC  code may be effective,

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