Page 42 - The Inidian EYE 073021
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SPORTS                                                                        JULY 30, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          42

          how training in us helped Mirabai Chanu

                                  clinch silver at tokyo games

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    world record in Asian Cham-

        New Delhi                                                                                                     pionships and as a result, she
                                                                                                                      qualified  for  Tokyo  Olympics.
                 fter winning a silver                                                                                In May also, our tour was sanc-
                 medal at the Tokyo                                                                                   tioned and we went to the US for
        AOlympics, weightlifter                                                                                       training. In the US, we trained
        Mirabai Chanu on Monday said                                                                                  without taking any tension.
        that her decision to go to the US                                                                                 “The second benefit was the
        to get trained before the Tokyo                                                                               doctor support that we got in the
        Olympics played a big role in her                                                                             US during the training phase.
        being able to win a medal.                                                                                    If TOPS wouldn’t have sent us
            Chanu on Monday returned                                                                                  to the US in a day, maybe we
        to India after a sensational show                                                                             wouldn’t have performed that
        in the ongoing Tokyo Olympics.                                                                                well,” Coach Sharma added.
        The weightlifter had opened                                                                                       Indian Weightlifting Federa-
        India’s medals tally on Satur-                                                                                tion’s (IWLF) secretary-gener-
        day as she bagged a silver in the             Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu after winning a silver medal         al Sahdev Yadav also said that
        Women’s 49kg category at To-                           at the Tokyo Olympics, in Tokyo (ANI)                  training in the US ahead of the
        kyo International Forum. “The                                                                                 Games helped Chanu to be in
        decision to go to the US had a                                                                                the groove.
        big role in me winning a medal                                                                                    “If we had missed the chance
        at the Olympics. There was a                                                                                  to travel to the US our chanc-
        time when all flights were shut-                                                                              es of winning the medal would
        ting  down  to  the  US  because                                                                              have  been  bleak.  Chanu  was
        of the pandemic. But SAI and                                                                                  suffering from injury and had
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi                                                                                  pain in shoulders and the doctor
        helped us get the ticket and I was                                                                            helped  and  it  finally  paid  off,”
        able to reach there. I was able                                                                               said Sahdev
        to train in the US. I got all the                                                                                 “When she was being treated
        desired support. I want to thank                                                                              in Patiala, I discussed in TOPS,
        everyone for their support. The                                                                               and then everyone gave a nod to
        Target Olympic Podium Scheme                                                                                  send Chanu to the US,” Sahdev
        (TOPS) helped me to train to                                                                                  said. The IWLF secretary-gen-
        the best of my ability and I had                                                                              eral said that Chanu had bagged
        all the best facilities,” Chanu                                                                               the bronze at the Asian Champi-
        said after returning to India.         Mirabai Chanu arrives at the Delhi airport from Tokyo on Monday. (ANI)  onship in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
            “It was quite challenging. It                                                                             in April this year.
        was our dream to win an Olym- the competition. China’s Zhihui  second Indian weightlifter to win                  Meanwhile, Mirabai Chanu
        pic medal. We started our prepa- Hou bagged gold with a total of  an Olympic medal after Karnam               on Wednesday said that the feel-
        ration in 2016, I missed out on  210kg and created a new Olym- Malleswari bagged bronze in the                ing of meeting family after a span
        a medal in Rio Olympics and I  pic Record while Indonesia’s  69kg category at the 2000 Syd-                   of two years is beyond words.
        changed the training pattern af- Windy Cantika Aisah grabbed  ney Games when the weightlift-                  Chanu returned to her home-
        ter Rio Olympics. We (Chanu  bronze with a total of 194 kg.              ing arena was opened to women        town of Imphal on Tuesday and
        and  her  coach  Vijay  Sharma)         “We did a lot of work in the  for the first time.                     she is now spending some time
        have dedicated the last 5 years to  snatch,  I  was  confident  in  that     Chanu’s decision to head         with her family. The weightlift-
        Tokyo  Olympics  and  sacrificed  part of the event. We did a lot  to the US to train helped the              er had won a silver medal at the
        everything for my goal. We did a  of training. China is strong in  weightlifter perform well at the           Tokyo Olympics. “This feeling of
        lot of hard work, and we made  that department, but I was able  ongoing Tokyo Games, accord-                  meeting my family after a long
        a lot of sacrifices and this is why  to challenge my opponents. The  ing to her coach Vijay Sharma.           span of 2 years is beyond words.
        we have been able to achieve  experience  was  very  nice,  the  Target Olympic Podium Scheme,                I’m grateful to each one of you
        this feat,” she added.               dream has been fulfilled, the hard  is a flagship program of the Min-    for showing faith in me and sup-
            Chanu had lifted a total of  work that I did for the last five  istry of Youth Affairs and Sports         porting me. Thank you, Ema
        202 kg (87kg in snatch and 115kg  years has paid off,” she added. which provides assistance to In-            and  baba  for  all  the  sacrifices
        in clean and jerk) during her           With this monumental silver  dia’s top athletes. “That training       you made for me to reach this
        four successful  attempts across  medal, Chanu has become the  in  the  US resulted  in Chanu’s               level,” Mirabai Chanu tweeted.

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