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Entertainment EYE                                                             JULY 30, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          36

               raj Kundra case gets bigger with Bitcoin,

         money-laundering and insider-trading angle

          Kundra, 45, was arrested by the Mumbai Police late on July 19 along with 11 other people
                                  on charges related to alleged creation of pornographic films

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    alias Yash Thakur, who was the
                                                                                                                      owner  of  the  app  ‘Neuflix’  has
        Mumbai                                                                                                        written  to  the  Mumbai  Police

                   hile investigating the                                                                             requesting to defreeze his bank
                   porn film case, Mum-                                                                               accounts which have been seized
        Wbai              Police    Crime                                                                             with around Rs 6 crore.
        Branch has found a hidden cup-                                                                                    The  Crime  Branch  officials
        board in actor Shilpa Shetty’s                                                                                said that Shrivastava has been
        husband and businessman Raj                                                                                   asked to appear before the
        Kundra’s Viaan and JL Stream                                                                                  Mumbai Police and join the in-
        office  in  Mumbai’s  Andheri                                                                                 vestigation. “Rowa Khan, Geh-
        during searches.                                                                                              na Vashisth and Tanveer Hash-
            “Crime Branch has found a                                                                                 mi were the production team
        hidden cupboard in business-                                                                                  for Raj Kundra (Hotshots) and
        man Raj Kundra’s Viaan and                                                                                    Yash Thakur (Neuflix) both the
        JL  Stream  office  in  Mumbai’s                                                                              apps,” he said.
        Andheri  during  searches  in  Raj Kundra being taken to Killa Court from the Property Cell Unit office in        In relation to the pornogra-
        connection with a pornography  a case related to the production of pornographic films, in Mumbai (left);      phy racket case, Mumbai Crime
        case,” Mumbai Police informed.  actress Shilpa Shetty who is still not cleared by the police in the case (ANI)  Branch on Sunday had directed
        As per sources, Raj Kundra will                                                                               to seize two State Bank accounts
        soon face money laundering and  a penalty of Rs 3 lakh on Hun- (a) and 7(2)(b) of SEBI (Prohi- of businessman and actor Shilpa
        Foreign Exchange Management  gama 2 actor Shilpa Shetty Kun- bition of Insider Trading) Regu- Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra at
        Act (FEMA) cases against him  dra, her businessman husband  lations, 2015,” SEBI order said. Kanpur, said State Bank Of In-
        as Enforcement Directorate  Raj Kundra alias Ripu Sudan                      In another development,  dia officials.
        (ED) is likely to register cases  Kundra and their company  Mumbai Crime Branch on                                As many crores of Rupees
        under these Acts against him.        Viaan Industries for violation of  Tuesday said that actor Shilpa  had  been deposited in these
            Kundra, 45, was arrested by  its Insider Trading rules.              Shetty has not yet been given a  two bank accounts, added the
        the Mumbai Police late on July          As per the SEBI order, the  clean chit in the pornography  SBI  officials.  After  the  bank
        19  along  with  11  other  people  fine has been imposed on Kun- racket case where her husband  accounts were seized on Sun-
        on charges related to alleged  dra, Shetty and their company  and businessman Raj Kundra is  day, there was another matter
        creation  of  pornographic  films  for a delay of three-year in the  the prime accused. According to  related to Kundra that came
        and was placed in police custody  mandatory disclosure to stock  officials,  forensic  auditors  have  to light. Arvind Srivastava ran
        till July 23. Currently, the case  exchanges. The market regula- been appointed to investigate  the production company of Raj
        involves alleged creation of por- tor said the penalty has to be paid  the transactions in all the ac- Kundra and the money was be-
        nographic  films  and  publishing  jointly and severally by Kundra  counts of the people involved in  ing transferred to Arvind Srivas-
        them through some apps.              and Shetty, who are promoters  the case. “Shilpa Shetty has not  tava’s wife Harshita, informed
            Kundra has been named as  of Viaan Industries. “Securities  been given a clean chit yet. All  the sources.
        the key conspirator by the Mum- and Exchange Board of India  the possibilities and angles are                     Meanwhile, four employees
        bai Police which has slapped  had conducted an investigation  being probed. Forensic auditors  of businessman and actor Shil-
        charges against him under Sec- into the trading/dealings in the  have been appointed and they  pa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra
        tions 420 (cheating), 34 (common  scrip of Viaan Industries Limited  are looking into the transactions  have turned witnesses against
        intention), 292 and 293 (related  (formerly  known  as  Hindustan  of all the accounts in this case.  him in the pornography racket
        to obscene and indecent adver- Safety Glass Industries Limit- This audit may take some time  case, informed Mumbai Police
        tisements and displays) of the  ed), during the period Septem- as it is a lengthy process but until  sources on Sunday.
        Indian Penal Code (IPC) besides  ber 01, 2013, to December 23,  the audit is complete, no clean                   They further added that
        relevant sections of the IT Act  2015. Pursuant to the investiga- chit to anyone,” the officials said. these employees have furnished
        and the Indecent Representation  tions, it was observed that Ripu            The officials also mentioned  the entire information about
        of Women (Prohibition) Act. Sudan Kundra, Shilpa Shetty  that actor Sherlyn Chopra has  the working of the racket to the
            Meanwhile, the Securities  Kundra and Viaan Industries  been called to provide a state- property cell of the Mumbai
        and Exchange Board of India  Ltd had allegedly violated the  ment as a witness in the case.  Crime Branch, increasing trou-
        (SEBI) on Wednesday imposed  provisions of Regulations 7(2) Meanwhile, Arvind Shrivastava  ble for Kundra.

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