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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 24

               Another row as Canada accuses India

            of interference as Trudeau sparks anger

                             with a post on Diljit Dosanjh

             BJP attacks Canadian Prime Minister for a post in which praised the Indian singer

                  Diljit Dosanjh but mentioned his association only with Punjab and not India

        OUR BUREAU
        Ottawa/New Delhi

           ndia has expressed its dissatisfac-
           tion with Ottawa regarding recent
        Iaccusations of interference in
        Canada’s domestic matters. India has
        been accused by multiple agencies of
        engaging in foreign interference in
        their reports. The NSCIOP declared
        in June that India has become the
        second biggest foreign interference
        threat to Canada’s democratic institu-
        tions and processes, displacing Russia
        and after China.
            The Canadian Security Intelli-
        gence  Service (CSIS)  highlighted in
        its Public Report 2023  in May that
        significant actors of foreign interfer-
        ence and espionage in Canada and
        the West consist of China, Russia,
        Iran, and India. In 2023, these states
        and their intelligence services per-
        sisted in participating in a range of
        unfriendly  foreign  interference  and
        espionage activities to promote their
        goals and interests.                    Committee Members of IASCAOHC with Chairman Jatinder Bakshi and Commissioner Bill O’DEA and President Dipak Valsadia
            The Public Inquiry’s Initial Re-
        port on Foreign Interference in Can-  the House of Commons on Septem-  in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Can-  Diljit made us all feel very proud...
        ada’s Electoral Processes and Dem-  ber 18 last year about “credible al-  ada on Sunday.              Later when he (Canadian PM Justin
        ocratic Institutions, led by Justice  legations” of a possible connection   In his social media post, Trudeau  Trudeau) expressed his feelings for
        Marie-Josee Hogue, accused India  between Indian agents and the mur-  heaped praise on Diljit and said that  Diljit Dosanjh, he did not even think
        of meddling to sway Canada’s stance  der  of  pro-Khalistan  figure  Hard-  Canada  is  a  great  country  where  a  that it was right to take the name of
        towards Indian interests, especially  eep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, British  “guy from Punjab” can make history  India. A  Prime Minister  should  not
        concerning supporters of Khalistan.  Columbia three months prior, these  and sell out stadiums.       have done this as the post of Prime
            In a statement issued last week  accusations have gained more at-   “Stopped by the Rogers Centre  Minister has a very big dignity. He
        by India’s High Commissioner to Ot-  tention. Even though four Indian  to wish @diljitdosanjh good luck be-  should have maintained that dignity
        tawa, Sanjay Kumar Verma said, “We  Nationals have been arrested in con-  fore his show. Canada is a great coun-  and tweeted accordingly,” Sirsa said
        completely reject politically motivat-  nection with the murder, the Indian  try -- one where a guy from Punjab  in a video message.
        ed claims that India has interfered  aspect  has  not  been  confirmed  yet,  can make history and sell out stadi-  Prior to this, he also replied on
        in Canadian elections. No concrete  but the investigation in that direction  ums. Diversity isn’t just our strength.  Trudeau’s post and called his not
        evidence has been shared for these  is still ongoing.               It’s a super power,” the Canadian PM  naming of India as a “deliberate mis-
        claims to be evaluated. These allega-  Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata  said on social media.             chief through wordplay.”
        tions could, most probably, be based  Party has attacked Canadian Prime   BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sir-  “Let me correct this, Mr. Prime
        on hearsay, possibly peddled by Can-  Minister Justin Trudeau over his post  sa attacked Trudeau saying he didn’t  Minister- where one guy from IN-
        ada based anti-India extremists and  with Indian singer Diljit Dosanjh, in  mention the name of India and by  DIA can make history and sell out
        terrorists, whose sole aim is to disrupt  which he praised the actor but men-  doing this, he hurt the dignity of his  stadiums. Your gesture of lauding
        Canada-India relations and  meddle  tioned his association only with Pun-  position.                  a fantastic artist like @diljitdosan-
        in India’s internal affairs.”     jab and not India. PM Trudeau made    “The concert of Diljit Dosan-  jh has been totally overshadowed
            Following Canadian Prime Min-  a surprise entry ahead of his perfor-  jh was good...The picture posted by  by your deliberate mischief through
        ister Justin Trudeau’s statement in  mance at Rogers Centre, a stadium  Canadian PM Justin Trudeau with  wordplay,” Sirsa said on X.

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