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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                 New York City’s Asylum Application Help Center Wins

         American Bar Association’s Hodson Award for Public Service

             In First Year, Center Submitted More Than 58,000 Work Authorization, Temporary

                                           Protected Status, and Asylum Applications

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams has an-
               nounced that following the city’s Asylum
        NApplication Help Center’s first anniversary,
        the center has won the American Bar Association’s
        Hodson Award for distinguished public service for
        its work helping asylum seekers submit applications
        for work authorization, temporary protected status
        (TPS), and asylum. The award — named in honor
        of the distinguished public service career of the late
        Major General Kenneth J. Hodson, a former judge
        advocate general of the U.S. Army — recognizes
        sustained,  outstanding  performance  or  a  specific
        and extraordinary service by a government or pub-
        lic sector law office.
            “New York City has done more than any other
        locality across the country to manage the asylum
        seeker crisis, and a key part of that work is help-
        ing our newcomers take their next steps towards
        independence by helping them submit vital and
        complicated work authorization, TPS, and asylum
        applications,” said Mayor Adams. “This well-de-  58,000 applications, work authorizations, and tem-  oration with our state and federal partners, the
        served award is a credit to our creative and ded-  porary protected status applications,” said Depu-  center has helped migrants and asylum seekers
        icated  team,  who  created  this  first-in-the-nation   ty Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne   submit over 58,000 applications for asylum, work
        center and have supported more than 58,000 ap-  Williams-Isom. “We know that this work is part   authorization, and TPS. New Yorkers do what we
        plications — that’s tens of thousands of individu-  of a complex federal process, but our teams have   do best in times of crisis: we develop creative solu-
        als and families who are this much closer to the   worked incredibly hard to help every individual   tions, and we’re proud that we’ve created a nation-
        American Dream. And if we get the federal chang-  and family that came through the doors of the cen-  al model that helps people take the next steps in
        es we need to make it easier for even more people   ter. Our teams also enlisted the help of law firms,   their American journey.”
        to work, we’ll be able to do that much more. My   academic institutions, and philanthropies to build   “As an immigrant, helping thousands of fami-
        thanks to the American Bar Association for recog-  out this effort including support from the state gov-  lies take the next step in their journey to security
        nizing this incredible, impactful work.”     ernment to create satellite sites to reach even more   and stability is an honor of a lifetime,” said Asylum
            “Since the first asylum seekers arrived in New   people. Thank you to our teams leading this work,   Application Help Center Executive Director Ma-
        York, we’ve worked hand-in-hand with Mayor   setting a standard for the nation, and thank you to   sha Gindler. “I am grateful to the American Bar
        Adams and his administration to provide resourc-  all those that have contributed over the last year.”  Association for recognizing the hard work and ir-
        es and support,” said New York Governor Kathy    “The backbone of the Asylum Application   replaceable talent of the center’s application assis-
        Hochul. “Thanks to our partnership with Mayor   Help Center is our dedicated corps of supervising   tants, supervising attorneys, and site management
        Adams and his administration, we’re making real   attorneys, application assistants, and operational   staff on our one-year anniversary.”
        progress on work authorization and case manage-  staff who show up every day with creativity and   In the Asylum Application Help Center’s first
        ment. Migrants came to this country to work —   positivity to assist our newest neighbors,” said City   year, the city has helped migrants and migrant
        so we’re coordinating our efforts to put them to   Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg. “We are deeply   families in the city’s care submit more than 58,000
        work.”                                       grateful to all who have answered the call to serve   applications for work authorization, TPS, and asy-
            “In just one year, our help center has become   at the center, and for the support of Governor Ho-  lum. The Asylum Application Help Center has
        a beacon of hope and support, reflecting our city’s   chul, the federal government, and our dedicated   expanded to five locations in two boroughs, and
        dedication to upholding the American Dream and   partners from the educational, nonprofit and cor-  co-hosted successful satellite clinics in partnership
        providing essential services to those in need,” said   porate community. Together, we have not only   with the state of New York, which has supported
        Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. “This rec-  helped file over 58,000 applications, but have been   the center with $40 million in funding; the feder-
        ognition underscores our unwavering commitment   recognized by the American Bar Association as a   al government; Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
        to serving asylum seekers with compassion and ex-  model for the nation.”                  Garrison LLP; New York Law School; and Edu-
        cellence. We are honored to receive this award and   “Today, we celebrate a major milestone in our   cational Alliance. It has welcomed almost 2,000
        remain steadfast in our mission to serve our com-  response to this national humanitarian crisis with   volunteers from universities, law firms, and corpo-
        munity with compassion and care.”            the one-year anniversary of the Asylum Applica-  rations. Thousands of asylum seekers assisted by
            “In just one year, the Asylum Application   tion Help Center,” said Office of Asylum Seeker   the Asylum Application Help Center have already
        Help  Center  has  helped  complete  more  than   Operations Director Molly Schaeffer. “In collab-  been granted work authorization, TPS, and asylum.

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