Page 19 - The Indian EYE 071924
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 19

        as Indian positions to be amongst the
        top three economies in the world. It is
        time to have a local connect with pre-
        mium programming of international
        quality in each genre, news and spir-
        ituality, yet with South Asian ethos”.
            The group announced the in-
        duction  of a well-known  medical
        professional, community leader and
        philanthropist Dr Raj Bhayani as
        the Chairman. While accepting the
        role, Dr Bhayani said, “It is with great
        appreciation and humbleness that I
        accept the Chairmanship. As you see,
        the multidevice platform with news-
        paper, radio, TV under one umbrella,   Consul General Binaya Srikanta Pradhan  Sunil Hali, The Indian EYE  Dr Raj Bhayani, The Indian EYE
        is the vision that we have. News and
        media are undergoing substantial
        revolution in the last decade. Social
        media, AI and content-creators will
        completely disrupt the media as we
        have seen it in past 25 years. The next
        generation wants very short, in-depth,
        focused coverage of the news. The
        augmented and virtual reality will re-
        place the interactive storytelling. Any
        content created must be personalized
        and most importantly mobile friendly.”
           “We are committed to adapt the
        new reality and expand accordingly
        in connecting the world with a focus
        on India and diaspora,” Dr Bhayani
            Speaking at the event, Sejal Da-   Sejal Dasondi, The Indian EYE     Nilesh Dasondi, The Indian EYE    Rhonda Binda, Gracie Mansion
        sondi, promoter, said, “I am so proud
        to stand before you today as an Indian   Guests at the event included
        woman in a leadership position. I rec-  leadership of all organizations in New
        ognize that there are so many women   York, professional, social, spiritual,
        and especially Indian women who do   art, academics among others as well
        not have the opportunities I have to-  as Business leaders.
        day, but I speak for all women in lead-  The event was hosted by Sanjiv
        ership when I say you can do every-  Pandya and Krupa Panchal Lauricel-
        thing you set your mind to. And I am   la and supported by Ashish Nigam,
        proud to be leading by example. I am   Sunil Tristar, Nutan Kalamdani and
        proud to represent our media in all
        formats at this level and hope to con-  Maulik Gajjar.
                                              The corporate patrons, include
        tinue doing bigger things for our com-  Ananda, ICICI Bank, DS Group and
        munity as it continues to rise next level   PEARL.
        as a primary connect with diaspora”.  The road show now travels to
            Rhonda Binda from New York
        City  Mayor  Eric  Adams’  office  ap-  New Jersey, Houston, Dallas, Chi-
                                          cago, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta,
        plauded the group for connecting
        the community with the city admin-  Florida and Washington, DC as India   Nutan Kalamdani, Dr. Saket Bhatia,    Mr. Parikh, Flora
                                          celebrates the 78th anniversary of its
        istration. She spoke about the free   Independence.                            Dr. Hetal Gaur                   Parikh, Sunil Hali
        press and how it helps the voice of
        the people usually left behind. “Ele-
        vating the voice is the key. Here is the
        time for India and US relationship to
        transcend to the next level and dias-
        pora can play a big role,” said Rhon-
        da, complimenting the group for the
        “task undertaken”.
            Nilesh Dasondi, President of the
        group, said, “Thank you so much for
        your support. We really need local
        community support to develop media
        which is going to be our strongest as-                                           Caption
        set going forward.”

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