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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                          JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 16

                          Spiritual Discourses:

               A Means to Liberation

               indu scriptures proclaim the necessity of
               acquiring spiritual knowledge to facilitate
        Hone’s spiritual journey. In Vedic times, the
        guru imparted such divinely revealed knowledge
        orally to his disciples. Disciples would also ask
        questions to seek clarification on what the guru had
        said and on other matters.
                      KING PARISHIT
           n the previous article, we learned about the sto-
           ry of Dhundhukari, who was relieved of all his
        Isins and led to liberation. Another such incident
        is that of King Parikshit, the grandson of Arjun. He
        was a devout and just king. Once, Parikshit was
        traveling through the jungle when he became sepa-
        rated from his entourage. Tired and thirsty, he en-
        tered the ashram of Shamik Rishi. Parikshit bowed
        respectfully to the sage several times and requested
        water, but the rishi was so engrossed in meditation
        that he was oblivious to his surroundings. Piqued                                                      KATHA CLEANSES
        by the rishi’s indifference, Parikshit thought that he                                           ften, people claim they do not attend katha
        should be taught a lesson. So, Parikshit picked up                                               because they understand little and remem-
        a dead snake and placed it around the rishi’s neck.                                       Ober even less. However, the following story
        Still, the rishi was unmoved, and Parikshit departed.
                                                                                                   illustrates the indispensable value of listening to
                                                                                                   katha. Once, a devotee told his guru that he could
                                                               THE EFFECT OF KATHA                 not remember any discourses and saw no benefit
                                                                                                   in listening. The guru gave him a straw basket, in-
                                                          piritual discourses provide sublime wisdom   structing him to fill it with water from the nearby
                                                          which helps individuals to understand that   well and bring it back. The devotee eagerly fetched
                                                     Smundane  life  is  perishable  and  the  body  is   the water, but by the time he returned, it had all
                                                     a medium for the soul to attain God. When such   drained away. After several futile attempts, the
                                                     knowledge is fully understood and applied in daily   devotee complained about the impracticality of us-
                                                     life, it is a source of inner peace and joy.  ing such a leaky vessel. The guru then pointed out,
                                                         King Janak ruled the kingdom of Mithila with   “Although you couldn’t bring any water, do you no-
                                                     great  skill and sincerity.  Yet, he personally per-  tice any change in the basket?” The devotee noted
                                                     formed daily worship rituals and was always pres-  that it was initially coated with cow dung but was
                                                     ent for the daily katha by his guru, Ashtavakra.   now clean. The guru explained, “This is precisely
                                                     Once, the king had to attend to some urgent duties   what katha does. Even if you cannot retain the dis-
                                                     and was delayed in reaching the katha. Everyone   courses, the mere act of listening cleanses you, just
                                                     else was present on time, yet the guru waited for   as the water cleansed the basket.”
            Later, the rishi’s son, Shringi, returned to   the king and did not start the katha. This ruffled   Bhagwan Swaminarayan states in Vachanam-
        the ashram and saw the snake around his father’s   the other sages and mahatmas, and they protested   rut Gadhada III 24, “One develops an aversion for
        neck. He learned that King Parikshit had insulted   to the rishi to begin. But he refused to start un-  the world in proportion to the attachment one has
        his father in this way. So, Shringi cursed that the   til Janak arrived. When, finally, Janak did arrive,   for listening to discourses related to God; more-
        king would die of a snake bite in seven days.  Ashtavakra Rishi began by questioning all to re-  over, vicious natures such as lust, anger, and avarice
            King Parikshit heard of the curse and accepted   count the previous kathas. Nobody except King   are also destroyed to that extent. Conversely, if one
        it as his fate. He instated his son, Janmajeya, as the   Janak could do so. It was then that the complain-  is lazy in listening to these talks, it suggests a lack
        king and spent the next seven days listening to the   ing mahatmas realized that out of them all, King   of noble virtues. Indeed, among the nine types of
        glory of God in the form of the Shrimad Bhaga-  Janak was the true listener of the katha, and wait-  bhakti mentioned in the shastras, the bhakti of lis-
        vat from Shukdev. Through these discourses, King   ing for him to arrive was justified.    tening to spiritual discourses is considered the best.”
        Parikshit overcame the fear of death and became   Not only did King Janak listen attentively, but   Therefore, the key to true spiritual enlighten-
        enlightened with spiritual wisdom. On the seventh   he imbibed the teachings in his life. He ruled with   ment lies in listening to katha, contemplating the
        day, Takshaka, the snake, bit the king and caused   efficiency, integrity, and commitment for the good   talks, and adjusting one’s efforts accordingly.
        his demise. The king had attained spiritual wisdom   of his people, but he remained detached from all his
        and was liberated. So, listening to katha removes   possessions. This is the supreme effect that katha   Amrutvijaydas Swami
        all fears and grants enlightenment.          can  have  if  one  listens  with  the  right  intention.   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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