Page 28 - The Indian EYE 071522
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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 28
Ranbir is all praise for co-star Vaani Kapoor’s
acting prowess in ‘Shamshera’
Vaani’s career graph is on a huge spike as she delivered a powerful performance in
Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui in which she played the role of a transgender girl
OUR BUREAU (no Bollywood heroine has played a transgender
on screen before this) was lauded and she received
unanimous appreciation for her brilliant acting.
ash Raj Films’ action spectacle Shamshera About the hot, new on-screen pairing that au-
starring superstar Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay diences will witness in Shamshera, Ranbir says, “It
YDutt and the gorgeous Vaani Kapoor is an is definitely a fresh pairing and I hope people love
adrenaline pumping entertainer which is set to re- our characters when they see the film. We have
lease in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu on July 22, 2022. Di- done couple of songs together too and I’m hoping
rected by Karan Malhotra of Agneepath fame, the that everyone likes these songs too. Vaani has put
film is highly anticipated because it marks Ranbir’s in a lot of hard work in the film and she deserve all
return to the cinemas after 4 years since Sanju’s the love and appreciation.”
release. Vaani and Ranbir are one of the freshest In Shamshera, Ranbir is pitted against Sanjay
on-screen pairings in the recent years and Ranbir Dutt who is playing an evil, merciless, cold-hearted
showers heaps of praise on his co-star for delivering brute force of nature, Shuddh Singh. Sanjay Dutt
a powerful performance in Shamshera in which she vs Ranbir Kapoor is the clash of the year on the
plays India’s most sought-after travelling performer big screen! The story of Shamshera is set in the
from the 1800’s. fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is im-
Ranbir says, “Vaani is a very fine actor. She is prisoned, enslaved and tortured by a ruthless au-
someone who works very hard. She is so focused thoritarian general Shuddh Singh. This is the story
that she is always wearing headphones, listening to of a man who became a slave, a slave who became
music and trying be in character. Many times I’ve a leader and then a legend for his tribe. He relent-
tried to distract her and just have stupid conver- lessly fights for his tribe’s freedom and dignity.
sation. We really befriended each other. We really His name is Shamshera. The high-octane, adrena-
enjoyed each other’s company. I think what she’s line-pumping entertainer is set in the 1800s in the
done in Shamshera is quite outstanding and I am heartland of India. It has the big promise of a never
looking forward to how people find her character seen before Ranbir Kapoor, who plays Shamshera
and her performance. She has a very important delivered a powerful performance in Chandigarh in the film! Sanjay Dutt plays Ranbir’s arch-enemy
role in the film and people will have to wait to see Kare Aashiqui in which she played the role of a in this huge casting coup and his showdown with
the film to understand how important her role is.” transgender girl. Her sensitive portrayal of an im- Ranbir will be something to watch out for as they
Vaani’s career graph is on a huge spike as she portant character in the history of Indian cinema will ferociously go after each other with no mercy.
Axe-wielding larger than life heroes come together!
anbir Kapoor and Chris Hindi film of the season in cinemas
Hemsworth are both play- with a befitting film that has truly
Ring axe-wielding, larger captured the imagination of fans
than life quintessential big screen and audiences.
heroes in the hugely anticipated So, for us, it was a no brainer to
event films Shamshera and Thor: devise a strategy where the trailer of
Love & Thunder respectively. Shamshera plays out when cine-go-
Ranbir and Chris both have huge ers go to watch the most anticipat-
appeal in India and here’s a devel- ed English film of the season Thor
opment that will get fans of both Love & Thunder!”
these actors excited! Rohan further states, “Yash
Rohan Malhotra, Vice Pres- Raj Films is collaborating with lead-
ident – Distribution, reveals, ing exhibitors across India in this re-
“Shamshera and Thor: Love & gard. We are hoping that the release
Thunder are two of the biggest weekend of Thor: Love & Thunder
event movies releasing this month. will see disruptive conversation
Both movies boast of larger than amongst people as they will also
life, axe-wielding heroes who have dience reactions to Shamshera and the biggest possible screen.” get to see the new cinematic world
got everyone talking. Exhibitors there is a craze amongst movie buffs He adds, “YRF wanted to pres- of Shamshera created for the big
across India are charged by the au- to catch this big screen spectacle on ent the trailer of the most anticipated screen by auteur Karan Malhotra.”