Page 27 - The Indian EYE 071522
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 27
Jayshree Ullal is among richest Vin Gupta Tapped for Senior
self-made women in US Adviser Role at FDA
OUR BUREAU same year. OUR BUREAU the health experts who have been
One of America’s wealthiest fe- advising US President Joe Biden
New York Washington, DC
male executives, Ullal was born in Lon- during his presidential campaign
ayshree Ullal, CEO of Arista don and raised in New Delhi, where ndian American Vin Gupta, and helping him navigate through
Networks, is one of only five she studied at the Convent of Jesus MD, who is currently Amazon’s the government’s response to the
JIndian-Americans on Forbes’ & Mary school. She went on to study IChief Medical Officer for new COVID-19 pandemic.
list of America’s richest self-made electrical engineering at San Francisco products, is in line to become Unit- Gupta is expected to bolster
women. Jayshree Ullal, CEO of State University and engineering man- ed States’ Food and Drug Adminis- trust in the agency’s health rec-
Arista Networks, is one of only five agement at Santa Clara University. tration’s principal medical adviser, ommendations in his new role. He
Indian-Americans on Forbes’ list of Ulla is not the only Indian-Amer- Politico reported on 5 July. As the would also manage an array of re-
America’s richest self-made women. ican on the list. At rank 24 is Neerja national authority on food and drugs sponsibilities ranging from the agen-
With a net worth of $1.9 billion, Ullal Sethi with a net worth of $1 billion. continues its search for a new senior cy’s COVID-19 response to its “ag-
ranks 15th on the list. Sethi cofounded IT consulting and adviser in order to enhance its pub- gressive crackdown” on nicotine and
Forbes released its eighth annu- outsourcing firm Syntel with her hus- lic communications, Gupta, who is vaping.
al list of America’s richest self-made band Bharat Desai in 1980 with an a pulmonologist and has made fre- The search for FDA’s top advis-
women last month. Jayshree Ullal is initial investment of just $2,000. quent appearances on MSNBC and er has become essential to its role
the richest Indian-American on the Neha Narkhede, cofounder of NBC TV, is the top contender for the while carrying out simultaneous ef-
list, thanks in part to the stock she cloud company Confluent, is ranked prestigious role. forts to battle the pandemic, assuage
owns in Arista, the computer net- 57th on the list. She has a net worth Gupta, if chosen for the new role the shortage of baby formula, and
working firm of which she has been of $900 million. At rank 85 is Indra of principal medical adviser at the protect abortion rights in light of the
president and CEO since 2008. Nooyi, the former chairperson and FDA, would be the one responsible recent overturn of Roe v Wade by
The 61-year-old owns 5% of chief executive officer of PepsiCo, for managing the agency’s communi- the Supreme Court.
Arista’s stock, some of which has with a net worth of $320 million. cations strategy. He would also serve Gupta will be serving as a top
been set aside for her two children, Finally, Reshma Shetty is the last as FDA’s public face on high-profile adviser to FDA Commissioner Rob-
niece and nephew. Ullal is also on Indian-American on Forbes’ list of issues. ert Califf. As the retirement of Janet
the board of directors of Snowflake, America’s richest self-made women. Currently, Gupta serves as Am- Woodcock, FDA’s Principal Deputy
a cloud computing company that The 41-year-old cofounder of Ging- azon’s Chief Medical Officer for new Commissioner, draws nearer, the
went public in September 2020 and ko Bioworks has a net worth of $220 products, a role he has fulfilled since role of the Senior Medical Adviser
recorded revenue of $2.3 billion the million. February 2022. He was also one of could also evolve.