Page 26 - The Indian EYE 071522
P. 26
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
350 public basketball courts of LA
renovated by Clippers
Steve Ballmer, Mayor Garcetti and other local leaders participated in a ribbon cutting
ceremony at the Obama Sports Center
Leading Indian American Rajendra Vora congratulating Clippers owner Steve Ballmer (left) LA Mayor, LA Clippers owner Steve Baller presenting LAC Jersey #25 to Moussa Diabate,
LAC President Gillian Zucker & Herb Wesson (Right)
Los Angeles, CA
he Los Angeles Clippers orga-
nization and its partners have
Tcompleted a multiyear proj-
ect to restore and revamp hundreds
of local basketball courts. Clippers
Chairman Steve Ballmer was joined
by L.A. city leaders at the newly-ren-
ovated Michelle and Barack Obama
Sports Center Tuesday afternoon to
announce the completion of the proj-
ect and cut the ribbon at the recre-
ation center.
In total, 350 public basketball
courts were renovated throughout Rajendra Vora welcoming Clippers new recruit Rajendra Vora & Clippers President of Business Operations Gillian
the L.A City Parks system thanks to Moussa Diabate Zucker (Right) pose for a picture
a gift from the Clippers and the Ball-
mer family back in 2018. Ballmer said that updated and safe places to play one of our strongest partners in our nology center and resources for chil-
98% of the Los Angeles population, and gather would have an impact on work to empower young Angelenos,” dren, adults and seniors.
more than 3.9 million people, are “all economic levels and in all geo- Garcetti said. Leading Indian American Rajen-
now within two miles of one of the graphic areas of L.A.,” the Clippers In the four years since the proj- dra Vora congratulated Clippers own-
newly renovated courts. Many live said in a news release. ect began, the Clippers Community er Steve Ballmer & LA Mayor Eric
even closer. Mayor Eric Garcetti was among Courts have hosted hundreds of pick- Garcetti for their lovely initiatives.
“This is a proud achievement,” those on hand during the ceremony at up games, tournaments and family The Clippers Community Courts
Ballmer said Tuesday. “Our dedicat- the Obama Sports Center at Rancho battles of HORSE. But the basketball project was managed by the nonprofit
ed team of city workers, contractors Cienega Park. Garcetti said he hopes courts have also been used as shel- Los Angeles Parks Foundation, with
and staff, despite many obstacles, in- the renovated and revamped parks ters, child care centers and alternative oversight by the Los Angeles Depart-
cluding a pandemic, completed this will enhance the quality of life, cre- learning sites during the coronavirus ment of Recreation and Parks.
early. This project was a complete ate new opportunities and promote pandemic. Clippers owner Steve Ballmer in-
team effort.” healthier communities for the people Ballmer, Garcetti and other local troduced new Player Moussa Diabate
The Clippers Community Courts that live in the area. leaders participated in a ribbon cut- & presented him the Clippers jersey.
project began as a grant several years “Here in Los Angeles, the Clip- ting ceremony at the Obama Sports The 6’11” tall Moussa Diabate is Paris,
ago. The NBA franchise and city pers are so much more than a basket- Center. The newly renovated com- France native who played University
leadership came together to restore ball organization – they’re an agent munity space includes its own set of of Michigan forward/center with the
the courts through the understanding for social and economic change, and Clippers courts, as well as a new tech- 43rd overall pick in 2022 NBA Draft.