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IMMIGRATION                                                              JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 35


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        many immigrants had relied” in the 10th   addressing an aspect of the law that the peti-  Stump responded to Loper Bright as follows:  system reflective of our modern-day realities.”
        Circuit. That precedent was Padilla–Calde-  tioner in the Third Circuit’s previous decision   “The Loper Bright and Relentless cas-  Notwithstanding Stump’s upbeat view,
        ra v. Gonzales, 426 F. 3d 1294 (CA10 2005),   in Cheruku v. Att’y Gen., 662 F.3d 198 (3d Cir.   es had nothing to do with immigration law   not  everybody  will  benefit  from  the  fall  of
        which held that a noncitizen subject to the   2011), had not challenged, see Matter of Ar-  and policy, but SCOTUS overturning the   Chevron. The most vulnerable being DACA
        permanent bar could nonetheless adjust   rabally, 25 I&N Dec. at 775 n.6. With the fall   longstanding Chevron doctrine will have a   recipients whose cases is being heard at the
        pursuant to INA § 245(i). According to Jus-  of Chevron, Arrabally might also be vulnera-  significant impact on many immigration ad-  Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Stump
        tice Gorsuch,  who  clearly  dislikes  Brand X:  ble although it remains to be seen whether a   judications. This now means that an agency’s   too acknowledges that “valuable immigration
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            “The agency then sought to apply its new   state or organization, which tries to challenge   interpretation of the INA doesn’t automat-  benefits created by regulations may be threat-
        interpretation retroactively to punish those   Arrabally  and other immigration policies may   ically prevail, which could level the playing   ened if not clearly based in statutory language.
        immigrants—including Alfonzo De Niz Ro-  get standing to sue. In United States v.  Texas,   field  for  immigrants  and  their  families  and   “ If the Fifth Circuit and then the Supreme
        bles, who had relied on that judicial precedent   the Supreme Court held that Texas and Loui-  employers. In removal cases, those seeking   Court  find  DACA  unlawful,  Congress  will
        as authority to remain in this country with his   siana had no standing to challenge the Biden   review of immigration judges’ or Board of   need to step in to save DACA recipients. This
        U. S. wife and four children…Our court ruled   administration’s enforcement priorities. Writ-  Immigration Appeals decisions should now   remains wishful thinking as Congress has nev-
        that this retrospective application of the BIA’s   ing for the majority, Justice Kavanaugh said:   have more opportunity to do so. Employers   er been able to pass meaningful immigration
        new interpretation of the law violated Mr. De   “The States have brought an extraordinarily   seeking to obtain a favorable interpretation of   reform in recent times. Chevron provided the
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        Niz Robles’s due process rights…But as a low-  unusual lawsuit. They want a federal court to   a statute granting H-1B or L visa classification   bulwark for an immigrant friendly administra-
        er court, we could treat only the symptom, not   order the Executive Branch to alter its arrest   to a noncitizen worker may also benefit. We   tion to pass meaningful immigration reform
        the disease. So Chevron permitted the agency   policies so as to make more arrests. Federal   note possible negative consequences as well,   through executive action  thus providing ame-
        going forward to overrule a judicial decision   courts have not traditionally entertained that   as the decision has severely handicapped the   liorative relief to hundreds of thousands of
        about the best reading of the law with its own   kind of lawsuit; indeed, the States cite no   executive branch’s power to modernize our   nonimmigrants. Some programs involving pa-
        different ‘reasonable’ one and in that way   precedent for a lawsuit like this.” In the face   immigration system  through policy updates   role have a statutory basis under INA 212(d)
        deny relief to countless future immigrants.”  of United States v. Texas, it could be hard-  or  regulations.  Valuable  immigration  bene-  (5) and will continue but other programs with-
            Its problematic aspects aside, Brand X   er for states to argue that they have stand-  fits created by regulations may be threatened   out explicit statutory language may be sus-
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        was a tool for reversing unfavorable circuit   ing to challenge Arrabally or other policies.  if  not clearly based on statutory language.   ceptible to challenge.  Without Chevron and
        court decisions, but has now fallen along with   While  many are fearing  that  the  un-  With this ruling, SCOTUS is punting the   Congress stepping up, the rug has been pulled
        Chevron. In Matter of F-P-R-, 24 I&N Dec.   doing of Chevron will unleash an environ-  rule making process back to Congress. We   under the feet of  vulnerable  noncitizens.
        681 (BIA 2008), for example, the BIA de-  mental, consumer, food and drug safety   hope Congress takes the initiative to come   *Kaitlyn Box is a Senior Associate at Cyrus
        clined to follow the Second Circuit’s decision   free for all, AILA is viewing the decision in   together in a bipartisan fashion to legislate   D. Mehta & Partners PLLC.
        in Joaquin-Porras v. Gonzales, 435 F.3d 172   a more positive light. AILA’s president Kelly   sensible solutions that make our immigration
        (2d Cir 2006), and held that the one-year pe-
        riod in which a timely application for asylum   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        may be made runs from the applicant’s literal   Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners PLLC
        “last arrival” even when that last arrival fol-  in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s EB-5 Committee; former chair of AILA’s
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        lowed a relatively brief trip outside the United   Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, Appellate Division, First Department,
        States pursuant to advance parole granted by   New York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member of Volunteers for Legal Services and board member of New York
        immigration authorities (which the Second   Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta is the former chair of the Board of Trustees of the American Immigration Council and former chair of the
        Circuit had held would not restart the one-  Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law of the New York City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immi-
        year clock). Also  in Matter of Arrabally and   gration-related issues, including on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where he teaches a course entitled
        Yerrabelly, 25 I&N Dec. 771 (BIA 2012) (re-  Immigration and Work.  Mr. Mehta received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for advancing the practice of immigration law
        garding travel on advance parole by one who   and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his outstanding efforts in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field.
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        has accrued unlawful presence) that could be   He has also received two AILA Presidential Commendations in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers
        read as pointing in this direction, the BIA in   in North America by Who’s Who Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and Chambers Global 2019
        Arrabally made much of the fact that it was   in immigration law, among other rankings.

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