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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                        JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

            Personality Test: Let us understand Who you

               are and Why you do things the way you do

                    Your strategic thinking and preparedness demonstrate foresight and resilience.

                      Continue leveraging this strength while also allowing space for spontaneity.

                                                                                                              high-pressure situations.
                                                                                                              • C. Pressure negatively impacts my
                                                                                                              Description: You may find pressure chal-
                                                                                                              lenging. Developing coping mechanisms
                                                                                                              and  breaking  tasks  into  manageable
                                                                                                              steps can enhance your ability to perform

                                                                                                              Do you approach setting and
                                                                                                              achieving personal goals?
                                                                                                              • A. I set specific, measurable goals
                                                                                                                and work diligently to achieve them:
                                                                                                              Description: Your disciplined approach
                                                   (Representative/File photo)                                to goal-setting demonstrates focus and
                                                                                                              determination. Continue leveraging this
                    Hirav Shah              Your disciplined approach to goal-setting demonstrates focus and determination. Continue   strength while remaining open to adapt-
                                                 leveraging this strength while remaining open to adapting goals as needed   ing goals as needed.
              nderstanding our personali-                                                                     • B. I prefer a flexible approach and
              ties is akin to deciphering a   Description:  You  might  prioritize  soli-  preferring to adapt on the fly: De-  adapt goals as needed:
        Ucomplex code that influences     tude or have a more selective approach   scription: Your adaptability shines   Description: Your flexibility is an asset, al-
        how we perceive and interact with the   to friendships. While this can provide fo-  as you navigate situations without   lowing you to navigate changing circum-
        world. In this exploration, we’ll delve   cus, consider the benefits of cultivating a   rigid plans. While flexibility is an as-  stances. Ensure a balance by setting clear
        into specific scenarios, each offering   diverse social network for personal and   set, having strategic back-up plans   objectives while maintaining adaptability.
        a glimpse into distinctive aspects of   professional growth.          can enhance preparedness for un-  • C. I don’t actively set or pursue per-
        your character. Let’s embark on this                                  expected challenges.              sonal goals:
        fascinating journey of self-discovery.   Idea Generation:           • B. I always have a well-thought-out   Description: Goals may not be a primary
            In each scenario, you may reso-  Question: How do you typically generate   back-up plan for various scenarios:   focus. Consider exploring the benefits of
        nate more with one approach than   new ideas?                       Description:  Your strategic thinking   setting achievable objectives to enhance
        others, offering valuable insights into   • A. I prefer established methods and   and preparedness demonstrate foresight   motivation and personal development.
        your unique personality. Remember,   structures:                    and resilience. Continue leveraging this
        these tendencies are not rigid catego-  Description:  Your preference for estab-  strength while also allowing space for   Conclusion: Embracing Your
        ries but rather facets of a multifaceted   lished methods suggests a structured   spontaneity.        Diversity
        individual.                       and organized approach. While stabil-  • C. Back-up plans are unnecessary   • Understanding how you approach
                                          ity is valuable, consider exploring more   in most situations:        making friends, generating ideas,
        Making Friends:                   creative avenues to enhance adaptability   Description: You may have a high toler-  handling pressure, and other sce-
        Question: How do you approach making   and innovation.              ance for uncertainty. While flexibility is   narios sheds light on your strengths
        new friends in a social setting?  • B. I enjoy brainstorming and explor-  advantageous, having contingency plans   and areas for growth. Use this
        • A. I wait for others to initiate con-  ing unconventional approaches:   can provide added security and confi-  awareness as a compass for person-
          versations:                     Description: You likely embrace creativi-  dence in decision-making.  al development, appreciating the
        Description:  You may lean towards  in-  ty and innovation, enjoying the process of                     richness that your unique personal-
        troversion, preferring a more reserved   thinking outside the box. This approach  Handling Pressure:    ity brings to every situation.
        and observant approach to social inter-  fosters adaptability and can lead to   Question: How do you typically handle   • Life is a dynamic journey, and your
        actions. This tendency can be valuable   groundbreaking solutions.  pressure and tight deadlines?       personality is the compass guiding
        in cultivating deeper connections with   • C. I don’t actively engage in idea   • A. I thrive under pressure, becom-  you through its twists and turns.
        others.                             generation:                       ing more focused and efficient:   Embrace your diversity, celebrate
        • B. I actively seek out and engage   Description:  You may find  comfort in   Description: Your ability to thrive under   your strengths, and continue evolv-
          with new people:                routine or established procedures. While   pressure suggests resilience and focus.   ing into the best version of yourself.
        Description: You likely possess extrovert-  consistency is valuable, consider incorpo-  Embrace this strength while also ensur-  After all, it’s the tapestry of our per-
        ed qualities, feeling energized by social   rating occasional brainstorming sessions   ing a healthy balance to prevent burnout.  sonalities that makes the journey
        interactions and taking the initiative to   to stimulate creativity.  • B. I try to stay calm but may feel   truly extraordinary.
        connect with new individuals. Your out-                               stressed:                       •
        going nature can contribute to a wide   Back-Up Plan:               Description:  You recognize the impor-  The writer is a well known Business
        network of friends and contacts.  • Question: What’s your approach to   tance of maintaining composure. Con-  Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
        • C. Making friends is not a priority   having a back-up plan?      sider incorporating stress-relief tech-  and BestSelling Author.
          for me:                         • A. I rarely create back-up plans,   niques  to enhance  your  resilience  in   [email protected]

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