Page 26 - The Indian EYE 071224
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

          Indo-American Senior Citizen Association of Hudson

            County Marks 248th I-Day with Grand Celebration

        OUR BUREAU

        Hudson County, NJ
              he Indo-American Senior Cit-
              izen  Association  of  Hudson
        TCounty made the 248th Amer-
        ican Independence Day a memorable
        event with a grand celebration. Over
        160 members gathered to partake in
        the festivities, which highlighted the
        values of unity, happiness, and patri-
            The event commenced with a
        ceremonial  flag-raising,  followed
        by a day filled with joyous activities.
        Chairman Jatinder Bakshi remarked,
        “We take pride in honoring the cou-
        rageous individuals who fought for
        our freedom and celebrating the val-
        ues that define American greatness.
        It was a day to remember, complete
        with delightful music, delectable
        food, and the cherished presence of
        family and friends.”                     Committee Members of IASCAOHC with Chairman Jatinder Bakshi and Commissioner Bill O’DEA and President Dipak Valsadia
            The success of the event was at-
        tributed to the dedication and hard  CTR, FISANA, World Vegan Vision,
        work of numerous individuals and  and all esteemed attendees.
        groups including President Dipak      The celebration was further
        Valsadia, General Secretary Nitin  graced by Commissioner Bill O’Dea
        Vyas, Vice President Rashesh Shah,  and Tom Zuppa from Jersey City
        Dinesh Pandya, Kamlesh Patel, Nis-  along  with  other  respected  figures,
        hant Shrivastav, Mukund & Rama  underscoring the importance of com-
        Thakar from Arista Care CTR,  munal harmony and collective tribute
        Bharat Rana & Mahendra Shah from  to America’s legacy.
        FISANA, H.K. Shah from World
        Vegan Vision, Ravi Parikh, Herven-  Nitin Vyas, General Secretary, with Chairman
        dar Pal Singh, and Arjumand Juwe-    Jatinder Bakshi, Commissioner Bill O’Dea,
        ria. The committed members of the
        Indo-American Senior Citizen Asso-    Tom Zuppa, and Vice President RASESH
        ciation also played a significant role   Shah/ Kamlesh Patel, Director Dinesh Pandya
        in making the event seamless. Special          and Nishant Srivastava >>
        thanks were extended to Arista Care

             Committee members with Chairman Jatinder Bakshi and Commissioner Bill O’Dea

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