Page 22 - The Indian EYE 071224
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22

          USISC president hosts fund-raiser for

                      Governor Newsom at his home

                Governor Newsom shared his inspiring journey from entrepreneur to Governor,

         recounting his early days in the 80s when he sold wine from his living room as a teenager

        OUR BUREAU
        Winchester, MA
               n a bright summer evening,
               the US India Security Coun-
        Ocil  President,  Mr.  Ramesh
        Viswanath Kapur and his wife Susan,
        opened their beautiful home and
        hosted a fund raiser for Governor
        Gavin Newsom, the 40th Governor
        of California. This event underscored
        the urgent need for democratic val-
        ues, the entrepreneurial spirit, and
        the critical role of minority communi-
        ties, especially Indian Americans, in
        shaping the future of our nation.
            Mr. Kapur opened the evening
        by expressing gratitude to Governor
        Newsom for his decisive veto of the
        proposed SB 403 bill, which aimed to
        ban caste discrimination, and for his
        interest in visiting a Hindu temple in
        Florida in the coming months. The
        room, filled with many Indian origin
        attendees, entrepreneurs, and young
        people, erupted in applause, recog-
        nizing Governor Newsom’s steadfast
        support for entrepreneurial initiatives   cisco. He expressed his eagerness to   competition not just on price but on   such as Vikram Rajadhyaksha, Dr.
        and his principled stance on critical   visit India again as Governor.  talent. He noted that what sets Cal-  Venu Kondle, Yash and Jigna Shah,
        issues. Mr. Kapur also stated that he   Governor Newsom emphasized   ifornia and Massachusetts apart is   Manoj and Vaishali Shinde, Mathi-
        feels the Governor has a good chance   the importance of AI, technology,   their human capital—the best and   as  and  Natalia  Troger,  Shirish  and
        of being the 47th President of USA.  entrepreneurship, and the contri-  the brightest. This spirit of inclusive-  Allison Nimgaonkar, tech entrepre-
            Governor Newsom shared  his   butions of immigrants. He stated,   ness and growth ensures that every-  neurs  Thomas  Arul,  Manny  Arora,
        inspiring journey from entrepreneur   “42% of all startups in California   one  benefits.  In  a  state  where  27%   Priya Samant, Yogi Gupta, Rishi Ya-
        to Governor, recounting his early   are founded by immigrants, and they   of the population is foreign-born,   dav, and community leaders includ-
        days in the 80s when he sold wine   are the lifeblood of our state. Amid   this mindset is crucial. California, a   ing Raj Dichpally, Ranjani, Sandip
        from his living room as a teenager.   the vitriol, xenophobia, and nativism   majority-minority state with a pop-  Asija, Rahul, Bernice Singh and Dr.
        His story deeply resonated with the   that permeate much of our politics,   ulation equivalent to 21 other states   Anil Saigal, and Restaurateur Vinod
        audience. He highlighted his im-  particularly  from  figures  like  Don-  combined, must see itself in the con-  Kapur, who offered the catering ser-
        pactful tenure on the San Francisco   ald  Trump,  we  in  California  have   text of the world.      vices  for  the evening,  attended  the
        Board of Supervisors, where his work   endured and emerged stronger. We   Governor Newsom also men-   event. Rishi Kumar, former candi-
        on homelessness and urban develop-  overcame the divisive rhetoric of   tioned his recent travels to Michigan,   date for the U.S. House representing
        ment  drew  significant  attention.  As   Prop 187 in the 1990s, and today, we   a stop in Pittsburgh, and his packed   California’s 16th Congressional Dis-
        Mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he   celebrate our diversity rather than   schedule, including attending this   trict, was also present.
        made national headlines by autho-  merely tolerate it. As a result, we lead   event and visiting New Hampshire.   This memorable evening not
        rizing same-sex marriage licenses   in manufacturing, boast the highest   The evening concluded with attend-  only  celebrated  the  entrepreneur-
        and implementing universal health-  number of scientists, researchers,   ees eagerly speculating whether he   ial spirit and democratic values but
        care for city residents. Newsom also   and Nobel laureates, and continue to   would run for President or if Vice   also  reinforced  the  significant  con-
        spoke about the sister city initiative   drive innovation globally.”  President Harris might run, given   tributions  of the Indian-American
        with the state of Karnataka in India   Addressing the unique strengths   President Biden’s debate perfor-  community to the fabric of our na-
        during his mayoral tenure, which al-  of Massachusetts, Governor New-  mance and the pressure reported   tion. Governor Newsom’s visionary
        lowed  him  to visit the country  with   som highlighted how renowned in-  within the Democratic Party, as seen   leadership and commitment to inclu-
        a large delegation of business and   stitutions of higher learning serve as   in the news and through print media.  siveness and innovation continue to
        community leaders from San Fran-  conveyor belts for talent, fostering   Prominent  business  leaders  inspire and drive progress.

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