Page 20 - The Indian EYE 071224
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 20

                                                                 STAY FUN,


                                                                                   AND SEXY

            Have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Care is available for people of all
            gender identities, sexual orientations, and immigration statuses:

                STI prevention, testing, and care     HIV prevention (PEP and PrEP), testing, and care

                Mpox and other vaccinations         Reproductive health       LGBTQIA+ health                VISIT

                Information and resources                                                                    NYC.GOV/SEXUALHEALTH

            Low to no cost care is available at many facilities,
            including all City-run sites.

         Congressman Tom Suozzi Joins India Caucus, pledges to

                                       Strengthen US-India Relations

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Pradhan, Varinder Bhalla, chairman
                                                                                                              of the Indian American Voters Fo-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              rum, formed a committee of influen-
              n  official  update  from  Wash-                                                                tial Indian Americans, with a mission
              ington  DC  confirms  that                                                                      to increase the membership of the
        ACongressman Tom Suozzi has                                                                           India Caucus.
        joined the Congressional Caucus on                                                                        The Caucus Membership Drive
        India & Indian Americans, a biparti-                                                                  Committee, with Varinder Bhalla as
        san coalition of American lawmakers,                                                                  Chairman and Congressman Suozzi
        dedicated to promoting the interests                                                                  as Patron, includes  Padmashri Dr.
        of the Indian American community                                                                      Dattatreyudu Nori, Padmashri Dr.
        and enhancing relations between In-                                                                   Sudhir Parikh, Dr. Thomas Abraham,
        dia and the United States.                                                                            Dr. Sunil Mehra, Hussain Baqueri,
            Suozzi  thus  fulfilled  the  pledge                                                              Rajeev Bhambri, Ratna Bhalla, Go-
        he  recently  made  to  the  Indian  dia”, and welcomed him to the India  lieve that the US-India relationship   bind Munjal, Gunjan Rastogi, Sud-
        American Voters Forum and Con-    Caucus.                           will be our most defining partnership   hir  Vaishnav,  and  Dev  Vishwanath.
        sul General Binaya Pradhan that       After joining the Caucus, Suozzi  of the 21st century, which will shape   In a communication with Chair-
        he “would join the India Caucus  issued a statement: “I believe that  the lives, dreams, and destinies of the   man Bhalla, Suozzi assured his full
        and  work  to further  strengthen the  the challenges and opportunities fac-  people of our two nations. Therefore,   support for the mission of the com-
        growing relationship between India  ing the world in this century require  I am proud to have joined the India   mittee and agreed to reach out to his
        and the United States.” The Consul   that the United States and India join  Caucus.”                  congressional colleagues to persuade
        General called Suozzi “Friend of In-  hands and lead together. I also be-  At the urging of Consul General   them to join the India Caucus.

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