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SPORTS                                                                        JULY 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          46

        his  World  No.  15  rankings  to                                                                             source of income for my family
        qualify  for  his  first-ever  Olym-                                                                          was farming, but it was my dad
        pics.  No  men’s  singles  player                                                                             who supported me and encour-
        from India has ever progressed                                                                                aged me to pursue my dreams,”
        further  than  the  quarter-final                                                                             she added.
        at the Olympics but the Arju-                                                                                     Before breaking into the
        na Awardee has set his sights                                                                                 senior team, Lalremsiami rep-
        on ending that drought soon as                                                                                resented the India U-18 side
        he hopes to return home with                                                                                  at the Asian Youth Olympic
        a  medal.  “Nobody  knows  how                                                                                Games Qualifier held in Bang-
        people are playing and how ev-                                                                                kok, where she scored as many
        erybody is practicing or in which                                                                             as seven goals to help the team
        area  they  are  improving.  It  is                                                                           bag the Silver medal.
        something which is [the same
        for] everybody. It’s a new way of                                                                                   Golfer udayan Mane
        playing tournaments, more so                                                                                            makes the cut
        an Olympics and top players will                                                                                  Union Minister for Youth
        definitely be under pressure. So                                                                              Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju
        I hope it will be a good thing for    Sonam Malik becomes the youngest Indian woman wrestler to qualify for   on Tuesday congratulated golfer
        me,” Praneeth said in a video                      the Olympics, in New Delhi on Monday. (ANI)                Udayan Mane for qualifying for
        posted by                                                                                       the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.
            “I  think  for  them  it  is  not                                    rent COVID-19 pandemic situ-             “I  congratulate  Udayan
        easy because they don’t know                                             ation. “We won’t waste the hard      Mane on qualifying for #To-
        how they are playing. When you                                           work and sacrifices we all have      kyo2020 after updated Olympic
        see [a player] in practice every-                                        made at the camp (SAI Benga-         rankings  were  released  today.
        thing seems fine. Only when you                                          luru).  We  will  give  our  best  in   We  now have  3 golfers repre-
        play tournament will you know                                            Tokyo.  We  have  been  getting      senting  India  at  #Tokyo2020.
        how good you are playing or                                              wonderful support from the           I wish them the best. #Cheer-
        how bad you are playing. I think                                         fans, and I hope we make them        4India,” tweeted Rijiju. Earlier,
        definitely, it will have an impact                                       proud by winning a medal at the      Aditi Ashok and Anirban Lahiri
        and I feel this could be an ad-                                          Tokyo Olympics,” said Lalrem-        were the two Indian golfers who
        vantage for me,” he pointed.                                             siami, who is one of the eight       had  attained  qualification  for
            Praneeth feels he is in good                                         debutants named  in the  squad       the Tokyo Olympics.
        shape by playing in 4 tourna-                                            for Tokyo Games 2020.                    Aditi is the first female Indi-
        ments this year. However, can-                                               The 21-year-old striker, who     an golfer to qualify for the To-
        celled tournaments saw former                                            hails from Kolasib, Mizoram,         kyo Olympics.
        World No 1 Srikanth Kidambi                                              created history when she be-             Golfer Aditi had scripted his-
        missing  the  Olympic  Qualifi-                                          came  the  first  female  player     tory after the final Olympic rank-
        cation cut but he is now help-                                           from the state to make it for the    ings were released last week. She
        ing Praneeth to prepare for his       Revathi Veeramanani, an athlete,   Olympics.                            qualified in 45th place and will
        Olympic debut.                          working as Commercial Clerk-         While speaking about her         now play in her second Olympics.
            “So,  there  are  few  players     cum-Ticket Collector in Madurai   hockey journey, the young strik-         Ace  Indian golfer Anirban
        who are practicing with me  Division, selected to represent India        er  said,  “I  was  introduced  to   Lahiri  qualified  for  his  second
        and Srikanth is also there, he         in 4x400m mixed relay at Tokyo    hockey in a playground near my       successive  Olympics  as  he  fin-
        is  sometimes  playing  with  me.       Olympics 2021, in Madhuri on     house, and as soon as my school      ished as the best-placed Indian
        Practice is going good and I am                Tuesday. (ANI)            hockey coach saw me playing,         golfer in the final Tokyo Games
        focusing on my fitness. I think                                          he selected me for the school        Rankings. Sharing the develop-
        game-wise everybody will play  ship medallist understands what  team. When I was 10, I played                 ment on Twitter, Lahiri stated
        well and for me as long as I am  he needs to do to perform well  my  first  inter-school  tourna-             that this is the best surprise he
        fit, I think I can play my game.”    at the upcoming Olympics.           ment, and won the Best Hockey        has got in a while.
            “You know you are capable                                            Player  award,  along  with  a  Rs       The 33-year-old bagged the
        of winning a medal and so yes              lalremsiami hopeful           500  cash  prize.  So,  that’s  how   last available quota in the Games
        you have to train for the medal.                of a medal               my love affair with this beautiful   rankings at the 60th spot, headed
        And not just got to participate.        Having made the cut to the  game started.                             by the World No 1 and recent-
        So definitely winning a medal is  16-member Indian women’s                   “I spent five years of my life   ly-crowned US Open champion
        the main target. If you are real- hockey squad for the Tokyo  training in Thenzawl before I                   Jon Rahm (Spain).
        ly capable of getting something,  Olympics,  young  striker  Lal- moved to Delhi in 2016. When I                  Tokyo Olympics will begin
        and if it is not happening, I think  remsiami is hopeful of winning  was leaving my home, I told my           on July 23 and the Games will
        you have to try a hundred per  a medal in Japan.                         dad that I will represent India      run  up  to  August  8  this  year.
        cent till the end. That is what I       She said the team has worked  one day, and here I am today!           The event was slated to be held
        believe,” Sai added.                 hard and made many sacrifices  I did face a lot of challenges            last year but was postponed due
            The 2019 World Champion- for the Olympics due to the cur- during my early days. The only                  to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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