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ImmIGRATION                                                                   JULY 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          42

                     requesting premium

                                processing on a


                         i-140 peTiTiON

        CyruS d. MehTa and  had been trapped in the  ed I-140 and retain the  is  filing  the  downgrade  to use up all EB visas for

                                     green card backlogs for  priority date of the EB-2  I-140 via regular pro- this fiscal year. It should
        KaiTlyN BOX                  years  to  file  I-485  ad- petition,  unless  the  job  cessing, waiting USCIS  also be noted that the

            n October 2020, US-      justment of status appli- has drastically changed.         to  issue a receipt no- swifter approval of the
            CIS’ decision to ap-     cations.  Since  the  EB-3       In previous blogs,  tice, and then request  I-140 petition does not
        Iply the Filing Dates,       Filing Date for India sig- we have discussed the  Premium Processing of  speed up the processing
                                     nificantly  overtook  the  nuances  of  filing  a  the  pending  I-140.  US- of the applications for
        rather  than  the  Final     EB-2 Filing Date, some  downgrade              petition, CIS may still reject the  employment authoriza-
        Action Dates, to em-         beneficiaries  approved       and addressed some  Premium Processing re- tion or advance parole
        ployment-based       I-485
        adjustment of status         EB-2 petition opted to  common questions that  quest if it cannot match  when the I-485 applica-
        applications,     together   “downgrade”  by  filing  a  arise  in  this  situation.  the pending I-140 to the  tion remains pending.
        with advancement in          new  I-140  under  EB-3.  One frequent source  previous file or retrieve                    Recently, however,
                                     Generally,  beneficiaries  of questions is whether  the original Labor Cer- we have seen some re-
        the Filing Dates in the      may still rely on the orig- Premium Processing is  tification.  Even  in  the  quests to upgrade I-140s
        State Department Visa        inal  Labor  Certification  available for downgrade  case of a rejection, how- to Premium Processing
        Bulletin allowed many        when filing a downgrad- petitions          given    that ever, the pending I-140  being repeatedly reject-
        noncitizen workers who
                                                                   these  I-140  petitions  will be safe and subse- ed on the ground that
                                                                   filed since October 2020  quent Premium Process- an original Labor Cer-
                                                                   are still pending and  ing requests can be filed,  tification was no provid-
                                                                   have yet to be approved.  if desired. There are an  ed,  despite  other,  simi-

                                                                   Generally, USCIS will  increased number of  lar Premium Processing
                                                                   not accept a case for  Premium              Processing requests being accept-
                                                                   Premium        Processing    requests  from  benefi- ed.  In  an  email  inquiry
                                                                   unless  it  is  filed  with  ciaries  of  downgraded  placed to the USCIS
                                                                   an original Labor Cer- I-140 petitions given  Premium                    Processing
                                                                   tification.  Thus,  bene- that the EB-3 India Fi-         address in response to
                                                                   ficiaries  whose  Labor  nal Action Date has  one such case, our firm
                                                                   Certifications were filed  rapidly  advanced.  Un- received a helpful re-
                                                                   with the original EB-2  der the July 2021 State  sponse.  An  Immigra-
                                                                   petition likely cannot  Department Visa Bulle- tion  Services  Officer
                                                                   file  a  downgrade  I-140  tin, the EB-3 India Final  advised that Petitioners
                                                                   together with a Premi- Action Date  is  January  resubmit rejected Pre-
                                                                   um  Processing  request.  1, 2013. If the I-140 pe- mium Processing re-
                                                                   Although USCIS might,  tition is approved when  quests and indicate on
                      m of                                         in rare instances, accept  the Final Action Date  a brightly colored sheet
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          a Premium Processing  is current for the I-140  of paper that USCIS has

                                                                                              request made with an  petition, the beneficiary  the original labor certifi-

                                                                   I-140 downgrade peti- and family members can  cation.  A more guaran-
                            tion, it is more likely that  hope to have their I-485  teed method, according
                                                    
              ‚                                                     the Premium request, or  applications approved  to the USCIS response,
                                                                   even the entire petition,  although the USCIS has  is to submit a copy of
                                                                   will be rejected.            been approving them at  the original Labor Cer-
                                                                      A strategy more like- a snail’s pace and may  tification.  Submissions
          2              6th Floor
                 ly to meet with success  alarmingly not be able  lacking at least one  of

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