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SPORTS                                                                        JULY 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          44

                                               TOKYO OLYMPICs 2021

        hopes of medals amid fear of pandemic

           The Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23-August 8 this year. The event was

         supposed to go ahead last year but it was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic

        Our Bureau                                                                                                       Sindhu gets and easy draw

        New Delhi                                                                                                         Rio Olympics silver med-
                                                                                                                      allist PV Sindhu on Thursday
               he Indian Olympic Asso-                                                                                was given a comparatively eas-
               ciation (IOA) on Thurs-
        Tday  confirmed  that  the                                                                                    ier path in the upcoming To-
        Olympic-bound          contingent                                                                             kyo Olympics, beginning July
        would leave for Tokyo on July 17.                                                                             23. Sindhu has been selected in
            The IOA had sent in a re-                                                                                 Group J of women’s singles and
                                                                                                                      she has been seeded sixth. The
        quest to the Tokyo Organis-                                                                                   2019 World Champion Sindhu
        ing Committee of the Olym-                                                                                    will lock horns against Hong
        pic Games (TOCOG) to seek                                                                                     Kong’s Cheung Ngan Yi and
        further  clarifications  regarding
        their arrival in Tokyo. The Japa-                                                                             Israel’s Ksenia Polikarpova on
        nese government has put in new                                                                                the league stage.
                                                                                                                          When it comes to the men’s
        regulations which will not allow                                                                              category, Sai Praneeth has also
        the Indian athletes to physically                                                                             been given a respite as he has
        interact with anyone  from an-                                                                                been seeded 13th in Group D.
        other team, delegation or coun-           A man poses a victory sign during the solidarity run organized by
        try  for  three  days  on  arrival.   Arunachal Pradesh to support the Team India representing in Tokyo Olym-  Praneeth will clash against Mark
        “Since we have not received the                     pics 2021, in Itanagar on Wednesday. (ANI)                Caljouw of the Netherlands and
        necessary approvals from TO-                                                                                  Israel’s Misha Zilberman in the
                                                                                                                      league stage.
        COG hence we are now coordi-                                                                                      Men’s doubles pair of Chi-
        nating for the departure of the                                                                               rag Shetty and Satwiksairaj
        Indian contingent to now de-                                                                                  Rankireddy have been placed in
        part from India on 17 July 2021
        and arrive in Tokyo on 18 July                                                                                Group A.
        2021.  We  are  extremely  disap-                                                                                 The duo will have to square
        pointed that our request has not                                                                              off against the top seed Indone-
                                                                                                                      sian pair of Kevin Sanjaya Su-
        been approved, however, given                                                                                 kamuljo and Marcus Fernaldi
        the medical protocols imposed                                                                                 Gideon, Chinese Taipei’s Lee
        on India for the 7 days prior to                                                                              Yang and Wang Chi-Lin and
        departure we have no other op-
        tion now, but then to depart on                                                                               England’s duo of Ben Lane and
        17 July 2021 and arrive in Tokyo                                                                              Sean Vendy. In the singles com-
                                                                                                                      petition, the top player from
        on 18 July 2021,” the IOA wrote                                                                               each group will qualify for the
        to TOCOG on Thursday.                                                                                         knock-out stages.
            In the letter, the IOA also         Indian woman swimmer Maana Patel practices after she qualifies for
        put down various questions like                 Tokyo Olympics, in Ahmedabad on Saturday. (ANI)                  Sai praneeth is confident
        can a coach attending with a dif-
        ferent delegation get access to  lage within 48 hours of the con-            Earlier, ANI had reported            Bhamidipati Sai Praneeth,
        support the Indian athlete?          clusion  of  the  competition.  In  that the Indian Olympic-bound        India’s sole men’s singles repre-
                                                                                                                      sentative in Badminton at Tokyo
            “However, with reference to  these specific cases will we also  contingent would leave for To-            2020, is confident ahead of his
        our earlier discussions regard- be required to submit a “Peri- kyo on July 17.                                Olympic debut as the 28-year-
        ing the departure of athletes  od of Stay Exemption Request                  The Tokyo Olympics will be       old shuttler believes he holds an
        after  their  competition  finish- Form” with the request to allow  held from July 23-August 8 this
        es and that flights to India are  the athletes/support staff to re- year.  The  event  was  supposed          advantage going into the show-
        limited and, in some case, the  main in the village until flights  to go ahead last year but it was           piece event.
        athletes/support staff may  not  are available,” asks the IOA in  postponed due to the Covid-19                   Praneeth has maintained
        be able to departure the vil- its letter.                                pandemic.                               Continued on next page... >>

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