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OPINION JULY 07, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
PM Modi’s Visit to Egypt:
Building a Strategic Partnership
with a Key Global South Partner
The visit to Cairo primarily focused on three core areas of economy, defense and security issues.
Deepening engagement in the economic sphere and, at the same time, strengthening defense and
security cooperation, with a particular emphasis on counter-terrorism
rime Minister Narendra Mo-
di’s visit to Egypt on 24–25
PJune 2023 has significant impli-
cations for the bilateral relationship
between the two countries. During
the visit, both countries signed three
MoUs on Agriculture, Archaeology
& Antiquities and Competition Law.
Besides, India and Egypt also signed
a ‘Strategic Partnership’.
It must be noted here that both
countries had agreed to forge a stra-
tegic partnership between them in
January 2023, when President Abdel
Fattah El Sisi visited India and partic-
ipated in Republic Day celebrations
as the Chief Guest.
In Cairo, Modi and Sisi discussed
a range of bilateral issues including
the economy, energy, defense and
security ties. Additionally, President
Sisi bestowed upon Prime Minister
Modi the prestigious ‘Order of the
Nile’, the highest civilian award in
The India–Egypt relationship Prime Minister Narendra Modi being conferred with the highest state honour of Egypt, the ‘Order of Nile’,
has experienced significant improve- by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in Cairo last week (ANI)
ment since the assumption of power
by Prime Minister Modi and Pres- great importance on its relationship tion in the health sector will further dedicated cluster in the industrial and
ident Sisi in 2014. Both the leaders with Egypt. Geopolitically, Egypt strengthen bilateral trade and com- logistics hub” to India.
intend to further strengthen ties and actively engages in Arab politics and merce. Both intend to double the bi- This collaborative initiative will
revive the warmth between the two holds a unique advantage due to its lateral total trade to US$ 12 billion by facilitate increased investment from
countries that characterized their re- strategic location connecting the Red 2028. India into Egypt while simultaneous-
lationship in the past. President Sisi Sea, the Suez Canal and the Mediter- The Suez Canal is known as the ly benefitting India by offering en-
has made three visits to India during ranean Sea. economic lifeline of Egypt. India hanced access to key markets.
his tenure, demonstrating his com- There is a lot of scope for fur- intends to improve trade and in- India–Egypt cooperation in the
mitment to strengthening bilateral ther expansion of the bilateral trade vestment with Egypt using the Suez field of defense and security has re-
relations. He participated in the In- between the two countries. At pres- Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE). ceived a special focus under the lead-
dia–Africa Forum Summit in Delhi in ent, the bilateral trade between India This issue was discussed in January ership of Modi and Sisi. India is keen
2015, undertook a State visit to India and Egypt stands at US$ 6.95 billion 2023 during Sisi’s visit to India. The to strengthen its defense and securi-
in 2016 and most recently in January which is below the potential keeping SCZONE has the potential to serve ty corporation with Egypt. In recent
2023. in view that both the countries are as a strategic hub for India to access years, there has been an accelerated
Recognizing Egypt as a crucial fast-growing economies. New areas markets in Africa and Europe. Re- military-to-military engagement be-
political and military power in its ex- of engagement such as renewable cently, the SCZONE authorities have tween the two countries. Indian naval
tended neighborhood, India places energy, food security and coopera- announced their readiness to offer “a Continued on next page... >>