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NATION                                                                    JULY 07, 2023  |   The Indian Eye                     6

               Missiles and big coverage area:

         How Predator drone will add to the

                          firepower of Indian forces

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

            ndia secured the deal to procure
            Predator drones made by Gen-
        Ieral Atomics, which was one of
        the major takeaways of Prime Min-
        ister Narendra Modi’s maiden state
        visit to the US last week. This mega
        pact that will allow American Navy
        ships to undertake major repairs at
        Indian shipyards.
            President Biden and Prime Min-
        ister Modi welcomed India’s plans
        to procure General Atomics MQ-9B
        HALE UAVs. The MQ-9Bs, assem-
        bled in India, will enhance the ISR
        capabilities of India’s armed forces
        across domains. As part of this plan,
        General Atomics will also establish
        a Comprehensive Global MRO fa-
        cility in India, read US-India joint
            India will be acquiring as many
        as 31 Predator drones from the US             The Indian drones would be equipped with both land and sea surveillance equipment, which they would be able
        soon, and that would be operated by
        the tri-services jointly. The Predators,                       to use in different terrains as per requirements  (File photo)
        also called the MQ-9 Reaper, can fly
        up to 36 hours at a stretch and can be   be sent by the US government and   Chief also rebutted any speculation   if you just look at the map here (says
        used for focused monitoring of any   there would be negotiations”.  of the wrongdoings and said that   while pointing towards map), it’s a
        specific point or area of interest.   “The price has not been decided.   what is being purchased is the mini-  very large area, you have to keep al-
            But a controversy has sparked   I think there are speculations about   mum operational requirement of the   most to go as far as 2500 to 3000 miles
        about the price of the drone.     the price which should be kept aside.   defense forces.             to keep that area under surveillance
            Refuting all the speculations of   Whatever will be done, will be done   Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Ku-  for various requirements.
        alleged overpricing in the predator   in the national interest, and the gov-  mar, on Wednesday, said the Predator   He said the drone helps to know
        drones deal with General Atomics,   ernment is working to create a capa-  drones provide a lot of capability to   who all are operating in the area of
        Vice Admiral SN Ghormade (Retd)   bility for the defense,” he added.  the armed forces and they are keen to   interest of the Indian Navy.
        said that the process of acquisition is   Ghormade said that the preda-  acquire them. “Indian Navy has been   Indian defense forces are plan-
        yet to start and the price has still not   tor drone deal is very important for   operating these drones. They fall in   ning to integrate made-in-India mis-
        been decided.                     the armed forces as it enhances its   the category of the HALE, (high alti-  siles on Predator drones, which are
            He also called the deal very im-  much-needed capabilities.     tude long endurance drones). So, we   being acquired from the US under a
        portant for the armed forces adding   “It is a very important deal for   realized that these drones are needed   foreign military sales deal. Defense
        that all the decisions will be taken   the armed forces because it provides   for better surveillance and increased   officials are in the process of identi-
        in the national interest. Vice Admi-  capability on intelligence, surveil-  maritime domain awareness,” the   fying indigenously developed weap-
        ral SN Ghormade (Retd), said, “At   lance and reconnaissance. This is an   Navy Chief said.           on systems which can be equipped
        present, an Acceptance of Necessity   extremely important capability for   “So, we had taken two of these   on these drones when they arrive.
        (AoN) has been accorded by the De-  the armed forces to provide security   on lease from November 2020 on-  “When indigenous weapons are
        fense Acquisition Council, which was   to the nation.               wards. And since then, we have been   made, how do we integrate them into
        a joint case of Army, Navy and Air    Because it gives the surveillance   operating it,” he said in an interview.   this (Predator),” Navy Chief Admiral
        Force. And now the process of acqui-  capability, and we are able to cover   He said that the forces have under-  R Hari Kumar said in an interview
        sition will start. Because, it’s a foreign   a wide expanse of the Indian Ocean   stood the benefits and advantages it   with ANI on Wednesday.
        military sales case, where a letter of   Region and also the borders with our   provides to them as it can keep large   The Predator is armed with air-
        request will be sent and then a Let-  northern and western neighbors,” he   areas under coverage.     to-ground missiles and other weap-
        ter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA)   said.                               Explaining the capabilities of the   ons along with big  surveillance and
        would be sent ... and agreement will   The former Indian Navy Vice   drones in detail, the Navy chief said   intelligence payloads.

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