Page 12 - The Indiane EYE 070723
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OPINION JULY 07, 2023 | The Indian Eye 12
ships have made regular visits and
port calls to Egypt. Navies of both
countries have engaged in joint exer-
cises, training and port calls.
India and Egypt conducted their
first-ever air exercise ‘Desert War-
rior’ in Egypt. In July 2022, Indian
Air Force participated in the Tactical
Leadership Programme of the Egyp-
tian Air Force Weapons School. Sim-
ilarly, in January 2023, Indian Army
and the Egyptian Army conducted
their first-ever joint exercise in Rajas-
than, ‘Exercise Cyclone-I’, intended
to exchange expertise on several is-
sues including counter-terrorism.
As the militaries of both coun-
tries have substantial experience in
combating terrorism in their respec-
tive countries, joining hands together
and engaging with each other in shar-
ing their strategy and skills in fighting
terror will be beneficial for both.
The deepening political engage-
ment has provided the trust to both
countries to plan joint defense man-
ufacturing and co-production. But
there remain significant challenges
in this regard in future as it would
require huge investment, sharing
technology and the political will and
trust in each other. Besides, Egypt
has also expressed interest in buying
Tejas fighter jets and Akash missiles
from India.
Like India, Egypt also faces
huge challenges posed by terrorism.
A number of terrorist groups have
been operating from the Sinai Pen-
insula spreading their activities and
networks. Terrorist groups such the
ISIS, Al Qaeda and other local mili-
tant and jihadi organizations also op-
erate in this region. This has emerged
as a major security challenge for the
Egyptian government.
Some of these groups have es-
tablished networks throughout dif-
ferent countries in the West Asia
and North African region. ISIS, in
particular, has been highly active and Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Egypt prominent yoga practitioners and instructors, Reem Jabal and Nada Adel, in Cairo (ANI)
has launched several deadly terrorist
attacks in the country often target- guest country during India’s G20 ily focused on three core areas of enduring strategic partnership.
ing the security forces and minority presidency this year. economy, defense and security is-
communities. The Sisi government There is also a convergence of sues. Deepening engagement in the Dr Prasanta Kumar Pradhan is Re-
has been particularly serious about interest between the two countries economic sphere and, at the same search Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar
forging counter-terror cooperation on the key issues of G20 engagement time, strengthening defense and se- Institute for Defense Studies and Analy-
with India. Both Sisi and Modi have such as sustainable development, cli- curity cooperation, with a particular ses, New Delhi
identified terrorism as the ‘gravest mate change, energy security, food emphasis on counter-terrorism, are Views expressed are of the author and
threat’ and agreed to cooperate in all security and so on. Egypt has ex- the central pillars of the India–Egypt do not necessarily reflect the views of
possible ways. pressed its support to India to work engagement today. The decision to the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
India and Egypt are important together on G20 issues and both elevate the bilateral ties to a stra-
countries in the Global South and believe that the issues of the Global tegic level, as evidenced by the visit Government of India.
there is a convergence of interest South should be accorded due priori- of President Sisi to India in January This article first appeared in the
between both the countries on the ty in G20. Ministers from Egypt have and the subsequent signing of a stra- Comments section of the website (www.
issues and challenges facing the participated in several meetings held tegic partnership agreement during of Manohar Parrikar Institute
global south. Among other coun- in India under its G20 presidency. Modi’s visit, underscores the mutual for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
tries, India has invited Egypt as a Modi’s visit to Cairo primar- commitment to foster a robust and Delhi on June 28, 2023