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NATION                                                                   JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                          DELHI CHIEF MINISTER

                         From ED to CBI net: Arvind

                 Kejriwal’s problems compound as

                       courts refuse to give him relief

              Arvind Kejriwal on Monday approached the Delhi High Court against his arrest by the Central Bureau of
          Investigation (CBI) in Excise Policy case and alleged that CBI acted with malice, creating a false basis for arrest

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
           n a major setback, the Rouse Av-
           enue court on Monday denied
        IChief  Minister Arvind  Kejriwal
        two additional meetings with his law-
        yers through video conferencing (VC)
        from Tihar Jail. Kejriwal is in judicial
        custody in the Delhi Excise Policy case.
            Special judge Kaveri Baweja dis-
        missed the application moved on be-
        half of Kejriwal.
            He had moved an application
        seeking directions to the jail author-
        ities for granting two additional meet-
        ings with his lawyers through VC.
            The special judge said, “Learned
        counsel for applicant has failed to
        convince the court as to how the ap-
        plicant is entitled to two additional   Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders and supporters stage a protest against the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister and party Convenor Arvind Kejriwal by
        legal meetings through VC on the
        same grounds which have been dis-                                 CBI, in New Delhi on Saturday (ANI Photo/Ritik Jain)
        cussed and dealt with in the earlier
        order. There appears to be no reason   ation. The application is accordingly   pecially considering the investigation   Delhi High Court.
        whatsoever to take a different view on   dismissed,” the Court ordered on July 1.  has been ongoing for two years, stated   The Bench of Justice Neena Ban-
        the basis of the contents of the appli-  It was submitted that Kejriwal is   Arvind Kejriwal in his plea before the   sal Krishna is scheduled to hear the
        cation under consideration.”      facing about 30 litigations through-  Delhi High Court.             matter on Tuesday.
            It also said that it is not in dispute   out  the  country  and  requires  two   Kejriwal’s plea further stated   The Rouse Avenue Court of
        that a similar application filed by the   additional meetings with his lawyers   that his arrest was allegedly based on   Delhi on June 29, sent Delhi Chief
        applicant seeking the same  relief  of   through VC to discuss the cases and   material in CBI’s possession before   Minister Arvind Kejriwal to Judicial
        additional legal meetings with his law-  claim his right to fair trial.  June  4,  adding  that  arrest  on  previ-  custody in connection with the Excise
        yers was dismissed by this court vide a   The counsel for Kejriwal also   ously available material is illegal as   policy case on Saturday.
        detailed order of April 10, 2024.  submitted that, after filing this appli-  it involves re-evaluation, which is not   The CBI alleged that during the
            The Court observed, “The appli-  cation, the applicant has been arrest-  permitted by law.        police custody remand, the accused
        cation under consideration discloses   ed in one more case by the CBI.  CBI has not presented any new   Arvind Kejriwal has been examined/
        no new/fresh ground to take a view    Further, co-accused Sanjay Singh   material  obtained  after June  4, to   interrogated. However, he did not
        different from the earlier order dated   was allowed additional legal meetings   justify the investigation or arrest. The   cooperate with the investigation and
        April 10, 2024. The order dated Feb-  by an order of February 22, 2024.   arrest was allegedly based on my re-  deliberately gave evasive replies con-
        ruary 22, 2024, and relief granted to   Meanwhile, Arvind Kejriwal on   sponses, which is not a valid ground,   trary to the evidence on record.
        co-accused Sanjay Singh have already   Monday approached the Delhi High   Kejriwal stated in his plea.    On being confronted with the ev-
        been discussed and differentiated in   Court against his arrest by the Central   CBI received permission to in-  idence, he did not give a proper and
        the order dated April 10, 2024.”  Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Ex-  vestigate under Section 17A of the   truthful  explanation  regarding the
            Thus, having considered the sub-  cise Policy case and alleged that CBI   Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988,   enhancement of the profit margin for
        missions made and the observations   acted with malice, creating a false ba-  only on April 23. CBI has not shown   wholesalers from 5 per cent to 12 per
        already made in the order of April 10,   sis for arrest.            any evidence obtained after April 23,   cent under new Excise Policy of Delhi
        2024, I see no reason whatsoever to   No  proper  justification  or  rea-  justifying the arrest under Section 41   2021-22, without any study or justifi-
        allow the application under consider-  soning was provided for the arrest, es-  (1)(b)(ii), he stated in his plea before   cation, said CBI.

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