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NATION                                                                   JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                                         DALAI LAMA

          Tibetan leader undergoes successful surgery

         after India backs meeting with US delegation

         The delegation’s visit came ahead of the US Congress passing a bill urging Beijing to re-engage with the Dalai
           Lama and other Tibetan leaders to peacefully resolve their dispute over the status and governance of Tibet

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              ibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama was dis-
              charged from a hospital on Saturday after his
        Tsuccessful knee surgery in the United States.
        Dalai Lama’s personal physician, Dr Tsetan D
        Sadutshang and Secretary to His Holiness the Da-
        lai Lama, Tenzin Taklha, in a short briefing detailed
        Dalai Lama’s condition after his total knee replace-
        ment surgery on Friday morning. “Dalai Lama’s
        knee surgery this morning was very successful and
        his holiness is now resting in his hospital room. His
        holiness condition is stable,” they said in the online
        briefing on X.
            His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s physician fur-
        ther said that there was no problem with the treat-
        ment. His physician emphasised that this is the best
        hospital for knee surgery in the US. “This is the
        best hospital for knee surgery in the US and the
        orthopaedic surgeons are the best in the country.
        Therefore, please feel at ease, everyone,” he added.
            Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama arrived in
        New York on Monday after a halt in Switzerland’s   The Bipartisan US Congressional delegation led by Representative Michael McCaul and former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
        Zurich. He was welcomed by the members of the
        Tibetan community and his well-wishers. Dalai               meet Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama at his residence in Mcleodganj, Kangra (ANI)
        Lama left for Delhi from Dharamshala on Friday,
        to head to the US for his knee surgery.       part of the delegation, “strongly reaffirmed” Con-  McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs
            During his stop in Switzerland, he received a   gressional support for the people of Tibet.  Committee, the seven-member US delegation vis-
        traditional Tibetan welcome on his arrival at a ho-  She also launched a broadside against Xi Jin-  ited Dharamshala on June 18 and 19.
        tel in Zurich. His well-wishers and guests watched   ping, stating that while the legacy of the Tibetan   “They also had a call on the Prime Minister (Na-
        as the Dalai Lama walked through the hotel lobby.   spiritual leader will live forever, the Chinese Presi-  rendra Modi). They also met the External Affairs
        He greeted an old friend as he walked through the   dent will be gone in a few years.      Minister (S Jaishankar) and the Commerce and
        hotel lobby in Zurich.                           Meanwhile, India reiterated its stance on the   Industry Minister (Piyush Goyal),” Jaiswal added,
            Tibetan  artists performed  traditional  songs   Dalai Lama’s position, emphasising his “revered”   underlining the discussions held during the visit.
        and dances as they waited for him to arrive at the   status and the respect accorded to him by the Indi-  The visit underscored ongoing bilateral ex-
        hotel. While he was leaving from Dharamshala,   an people. “I would like to reiterate India’s position   changes and strategic dialogues between India and
        the leadership of the Central Tibetan Administra-  on His Holiness Dalai Lama. He is a revered reli-  the United States, encompassing various facets
        tion, including Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel,   gious leader and is deeply respected by the people   of mutual interest including regional security and
        Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Deputy Speaker Dolma   of India. His Holiness is accorded due courtesies   economic cooperation.
        Tsering Teykhang, Tibetan Justice Commissioner   and freedom to conduct his religious and spiritual   The delegation’s visit came ahead of the US
        Tenzin Lungtok, DIIR Kalon Norzin Dolma, Elec-  activities,”  stated  Randhir  Jaiswal,  spokesperson   Congress passing a bill urging Beijing to re-engage
        tion and Public Service Commissioner Wangdu   for the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).  with the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan leaders to
        Tsering Pesur,  Standing  Committee  Members  of   Jaiswal’s comments came, during a weekly   peacefully resolve their dispute over the status and
        the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, and Secretaries of   briefing, in response to queries regarding India’s   governance of Tibet.
        CTA Departments and Offices, gathered at Dalai   stance on the succession of the Dalai Lama, high-  ‘The Resolve Tibet Act’ urges Beijing to re-en-
        Lama’s official residence to see him off.     lighting the spiritual leader’s significant role in In-  gage with Tibetan leaders for a peaceful resolution
            Dalai  Lama’s  trip  to  the  US  came  after  a   dia’s cultural fabric.              of their governance dispute with China. US Rep-
        bipartisan US Congressional delegation led by    Delving  into  recent  diplomatic  engage-  resentatives - Gregory Meeks, Mariannette Mill-
        Congressman Michael  McCaul met  with him  in   ments,  Jaiswal  provided  insights into  the  visit  of   er-Meeks, Nicole Malliotakis, Ami Bera and Jim
        Dharamshala last week. Former US House of     a high-level United States Congressional delega-  McGovern are the other members of the visiting
        Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was   tion to India from June 16 to 20. Led by Michael   delegation.

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