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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        hain unse jhuk ke namaskar karo and                                                                       But Bharatiya Janata Party Presi-
        barabar walo se seedhe khade hoke                                                                     dent JP Nadda demanded an apology
        (My culture teaches me to bow down                                                                    from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
        in front of elders and shake hands                                                                    for his remarks in Lok Sabha alleg-
        with  equals  by  standing  straight),”                                                               ing that he spoke “lies” and reflected
        Birla said, referring to a cultural                                                                   “Hindu hatred” and that he has not
        norm of showing respect to elders.                                                                    learnt from the mandate of 2024 Lok
            The Congress leader reiterated                                                                    Sabha polls. Lok Sabha witnessed an
        his respect for the Speaker’s words                                                                   uproar over Rahul Gandhi’s remarks
        but maintained his stance on the im-                                                                  pertaining to the Hindu community
        portance of the Speaker’s role.                                                                       with Home Minister Amit Shah say-
            Later, Rahul Gandhi’s maiden                                                                      ing that the Congress leader should
        speech as Leader of Opposition in                                                                     “apologize” over his remarks.
        Lok Sabha generated a lot of polit-                                                                       “First day, worst show! Lies +
        ical heat on Monday with BJP lead-                                                                    Hindu hatred = Rahul Gandhi Ji in
        ers accusing him “of speaking lies,                                                                   Parliament. Third Time Fail LoP has
        misleading the House and terming                                                                      a  knack  for  agitated,  flawed  logic.
        the entire Hindu community violent”                                                                   His speech today has shown that nei-
        and the Congress hitting back with                                                                    ther has he understood the mandate
        counter allegations against the Modi                                                                  of 2024 (his  third  successive  loss)
        government.                                                                                           nor does he have any humility,” JP
            The two Houses took up the de-                                                                    Nadda posted on X.
        bate on the motion of thanks on the                                                                       “The Leader of the Opposition
        President’s address with PM Modi    Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, Congress MPs Sonia Gandhi, KC Venugo-  is now a 5-time MP but he has not
        slamming  Rahul  Gandhi  during  his   pal, Deepender Hooda and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi at Parliament House   learnt Parliamentary norms and
        speech. “Calling the entire Hindu                                                                     neither does he understand civility.
        community  violent  is  a  very  serious   during the ongoing session, in New Delhi on Monday (ANI Photo/Jitender Gupta)  Time and again, he reduces the lev-
        matter,” PM Modi said. Home Min-                                                                      els of discourse. His utterances to-
        ister Amit Shah demanded an apolo-    Home Minister Amit Shah tar-  stitution have taught me that I need   wards the Chair today were in very
        gy from Rahul Gandhi.             geted Rahul Gandhi and said con-  to take the Leader of Opposition se-  poor taste. He owes and apology to
            While the BJP held a press con-  necting violence with any religion is   riously,” PM Modi said.  the Chair for casting unsubstantiated
        ference later to denounce Rahul   wrong. “The Leader of Opposition      The Congress leader said the   aspersions on his integrity and per-
        Gandhi’s remarks, Congress also   has categorically said that those who   opposition was not an enemy of the   sonality,” he added.
        held an evening presser to slam the   call themselves Hindu talk of vio-  government and offered full cooper-  But  coming  in  support  of  the
        ruling party at the Centre.       lence and do violence. He doesn’t   ation and support to take the country   Leader of the Opposition, Rahul
            Rahul Gandhi launched a multi-  know that crores of people proudly   forward.                     Gandhi over his speech in the Lok
        pronged attack on the BJP targeting   call themselves Hindu. Connecting   The  Leader  of  Opposition  in   Sabha today, Congress MP Gaurav
        it over its leaders’ remarks during   violence with any religion is wrong.   Lok Sabha said that the people of   Gogoi said that the BJP is rattled af-
        Lok Sabha campaign, NEET-UG       He should apologize,” Amit Shah   Ayodhya had conveyed the message   ter Rahul’s speech and is resorting to
        controversy, Agniveer scheme. As   said.                            to BJP by defeating its candidate. He   lies and falsehood.
        Rahul Gandhi made remarks per-        Rahul Gandhi also alleged that   said there was anger and resentment   “The BJP is rattled after Rahul
        taining to BJP and Hindu communi-  ministers were scared of greeting   among people in Ayodhya as their   Gandhi’s speech. Today they are re-
        ty, there was a huge uproar from the   him in the presence of PM Modi.   houses had been demolished and   sorting to lies, they are resorting to
        treasury benches. “There has been a   The Prime Minister took a dig at Ra-  they had not been provided any com-  falsehood. Today I heard the voice
        systematic and a full-scale assault on   hul Gandhi and said democracy has   pensation. The government coun-  of truth. The truth, which is the real
        the idea of India, the Constitution   taught him to take the democracy   tered his allegations and said he was   truth of India inside the House. I
        and on the people who resisted the   seriously. “Democracy and the Con-  not speaking facts.          heard the truth of those children who
        attack  on  Constitution.  Many  of  us                                                               are helpless today, be it Agniveer, un-
        were  personally  attacked. Some  of                                                                  employment or NEET exam. I heard
        the leaders are still in jail. Anyone                                                                 the truth of those people who want-
        who resisted the idea of concentra-                                                                   ed some concrete steps from Prime
        tion of power and wealth, aggression                                                                  Minister  Modi in Manipur,  Jammu
        on poor and Dalits and minorities                                                                     but they only got to see violence. I
        was crushed. . I was attacked by the                                                                  heard the truth of our Indian tra-
        order of Govt of India, by the order                                                                  dition, our Sanatan Dharma. So, I
        of the Prime Minister of India...The                                                                  would like to thank Rahul Gandhi
        most enjoyable part of it was the 55                                                                  ji that today through his speech he
        hours of interrogation by ED...” PM                                                                   raised the voice of the country and
        Modi is present in Lok Sabha.                                                                         broke the ego of one person,” Gogoi
            Rahul Gandhi carried an image                                                                     told ANI.
        depicting Lord Shiva to emphasize                                                                         Congress leader Pawan Khera
        his point about ending fear. Speaker                                                                  launched a scathing attack on the
        Om Birla said that displaying imag-                                                                   BJP and claimed that the party ran
        es is not allowed in the House and                                                                    its business for the last 10 years by
        said the manner in which the Con-                                                                     spreading lies on WhatsApp, ed-
        gress leader was displaying and then    Union Home Minister Amit Shah speaks during the ongoing Lok Sabha session    iting the videos of Rahul Gandhi
        keeping down the image depicting a                     on Monday (ANI Photo/Sansad TV)                and making baseless comments
        revered deity is not right.                                                                           about him.

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