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Op-Ed                                                                         JULY 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          14

        Terror from pakistan, vaccines and dissent

                            Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

                 ith the Taliban vio-                                                                                 to the pandemic are found. Re-
                 lence  surging,  the  Af-                                                                            ports of the pandemic, whether
       Wghan government and                                                                                           in scientific literature or in pop-
        ethno-religious groups are al-                                                                                ular media, may undoubtedly
        ready mobilizing regional mi-                                                                                 be distressing, but even more
        litias. While the Afghan pres-                                                                                so would be turning our faces
        ident, Ashraf Ghani, kept his                                                                                 away from our fellow humans
        chin up and struck all the right                                                                              in their suffering. This is as true
        notes in his just-concluded visit                                                                             of developed countries as it is of
        to Washington, D.C., the overall                                                                              developing countries. Unhappi-
        atmosphere appeared somber.                                                                                   ness does not occur in a vacuum.
        The Afghan entourage, which                                                                                   There is usually a very real, very
        included Abdullah Abdullah,                                                                                   evocative context. Our current
        head  of  the  country’s  High                                                                                context is the long Covid. Pos-
        Council for National Reconcili-                                                                               itivity and productivity may be
        ation, did not ask for delaying or                                                                            possible in this context, but are
        postponing the US troops with-                                                                                often accompanied by privilege
        drawal. The Afghan focus was               The drone attack from across the border is a matter of concern     and must be recognized as such.”
        rightly on securing the material                             for Indian security (ANI)                          Debanjan Banerjee and Migita
        support needed for the technol-                                                                                             D’Cruz,
        ogy-reliant national forces to  Enforced vaccination                     bare their arms because they want              The Telegraph

        fend off the Taliban.                   “There’s also human nature  to. For my part, I got my jabs as
            Unlike Iraq, which had  to consider. New research based  soon as they became available.”                         Cinema rules
        loads  of  oil  money  to  finance  on surveys in Germany suggests                 Andreas Kluth,                 Let’s  go  back  in  time  and
        the counter-insurgency after  that  a  vaccine  mandate  might                        The Print               review a farcical amendment
        the US withdrawal, Afghani- send psychological signals that                                                   made by the health ministry of
        stan’s meagre resources are al- actually hinder overall compli- Dissent in democracy  the previous government which
        ready stretched thin. After the  ance. People resent being ma-              “There has been discussion  enforced a rule that a ticker of a
        summit, President Joe Biden  nipulated, with either carrots  about whether such dissent is to  statutory warning should run on
        pledged to continue the US eco- or sticks, an effect known as  be tolerated or not, or if express- the screen whenever a charac-
        nomic, military and diplomatic  “control aversion.” Coercion  ing criticism of how healthcare  ter uses tobacco products. This
        support to Afghanistan, but his  also tends to cause “moral dis- systems or governing bodies are  rule made us the only country
        own intelligence community  engagement,” making people  handling the crisis is disloyal or  in the world that imposes such
        appeared to be hitting the pan- who might have gotten jabbed  even anti-national. Based upon  an extreme measure that disre-
        ic button. In his signature aca- for altruistic reasons tune out.        recent verdicts by the Supreme  spects the art of cinema. In in-
        demic style, Ghani, publicly and        Enforced vaccination also  Court of India and addresses  ternational film festivals, people
        privately, rubbished the reports  undermines trust between cit- by Justice D. Gupta and Justice  laugh while watching our films.
        warning of his government’s im- izens and their institutions, as  D.Y. Chandrachud, dissent con- I wished that authorities treat-
        minent fall but his remark that  they wonder why coercion is  tinues to fall well within the pur- ed the root of the disease rather
        Afghanistan was having its own  even necessary and what could  view of the constitutional rights  than clipping branches.
        1861 moment – a reference to  be  wrong  with  the  jabs.  In  an  of the citizens of India. That                 Instead of forcing an un-
        the start of American Civil War,  age of conspiracy theories, feed- said the citizens may express  aesthetic and impractical tick-
        even though in the context of  ing the quackery on the fringes  this right to dissent and thus  er on the beautiful frame of a
        Afghans pledging defense of  is the last thing we need in fight- express disapproval of, dissatis- film, make tobacco products so
        their republic – was telling. The  ing the virus.                        faction with, and disagreement  expensive that they go beyond
        last civil war in Afghanistan not       The complexities of the de- with governance while grap- the  reach  of  the  majority.  But,
        only devastated that country but  bate mean that the choices fac- pling with disease and death is  it seems that the tobacco lobby
        sent  jihadist  ripples  through- ing policymakers won’t get easi- perhaps, to be expected. In fact,  is much stronger than the film
        out the region and ultimately  er any time soon. Even lovers of  the rule of psychosocial and po- guilds of our industry.
        around the world. While Paki- freedom, like me, can agree that  litical well-being is mutually re-                     Vishal Bhardwaj,
        stan may still want to have its  sometimes coercion is necessary  spected dissent or agreeing to                     The Times of India
        jihadist cake and eat it too, the  to prevent harm. But what’s per- disagree for better solutions.
        world can ill-afford to ignore  missible needn’t always be wise.             That most people with                Every week, we look at what
        and abandon Afghanistan at  Our best shot for now is still to  Covid-19 may be asymptom-                      the top commentators in the
        this critical juncture.”             keep rooting for science, to stay  atic or recover uneventfully is       Indian media are talking about
                 Mohammad Taqi,              ruthlessly transparent with the  true. It is, however, of very little    and bring to you a slice of their
                                                                                                                      opinions and comments.
                    The Wire                 data, and to hope that people  comfort until lasting solutions

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