Page 12 - The Indian EYE 070221
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OPINION                                                                       JULY 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          12

                     Testing Times for

           democracy in Nepal

        Nihar r Nayak

              he President of Nepal,
              Bidya Devi Bhandari, on
       TMay 22, exercising her
        power under Article 76(7) on
        the advice of Prime Minister
        K.P. Sharma Oli, dissolved the
        House of Representatives or
        the Lower House of the Ne-
        pal Parliament and announced
        fresh elections. This is the sec-
        ond time the House has been
        dissolved  in  last  five  months.
        Previously, it was dissolved in
        December 2020. The Supreme
        Court, however, had reinstated
        the House on February 23, 2021,
        after hearing over a dozen writ
        petitions questioning the deci-
        sion to dissolve the House.
            Like last year, this time too,
        the decision to dissolve the
        House was met with overwhelm-                Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli held a Cabinet meeting after losing the vote of confidence
        ing resistance from across the                                             as Prime Minister of Nepal. (ANI)
        Nepali society and the opposi-
        tion parties. The latter criticised  try’s  constitution  and  political  failed to manage the second  the Nepal Constitution.7 These
        the decision as being authoritari- system has eroded drastically  wave of COVID-19 as the coun- accusations were made despite
        an and anti-constitutional. Prime  in last one year, since the ordi- try witnessed a massive surge in  India treating the political de-
        Minister Oli did not follow the  nance related to Political Party  COVID-related infections and  velopments  as  ‘internal  issues’
        laid out constitutional proce- Act was issued by the Oli Gov- deaths, and also a downfall in  of the country, and even as the
        dures  like  testifying  confidence  ernment in April 2020. The new  economic growth. There was  Chinese ambassador conducted
        in  the  House within  30  days.  political system introduced by  an increase in unemployment  open consultation on internal
            Despite the promulgation of  the constitution has been re- which forced people to engage  matters of Nepal with political
        a new constitution in Septem- peatedly misused by the ruling  in illegal activities like gold  leaders and constitutional au-
        ber 2015, which was supposed  party. This has set a wrong prec- smuggling,  human  trafficking,  thorities of the country.
        to provide political stability, the  edent in the Nepal polity. Pub- drug trafficking, etc.                      The spokesperson of the Min-
        country has witnessed a recur- lic disenchantment towards the                Three former prime minis- istry of External Affairs (MEA)
        ring political crisis. The top lead- new system manifested in a se- ters of Nepal – Prachanda, Sher  in a statement issued on May 26
        ers, often, were more interested  ries of rallies and protests. The  Bahadur Deuba and Baburam  clearly stated that India views the
        in grabbing power by punishing  pro-royalist organisations even  Bhattarai – have accused Prime  recent political developments in
        rival factions within the party,  began discussing the revival of  Minister  Oli  of  dissolving the  Nepal as “internal matters” of
        splitting parties, and stoking an- the monarchical system. During  Parliament  at  India’s  direction.  the country to be dealt under its
        ti-India sentiments to shore up  October-November 2020, a se- Bhattarai  in  his  joint  opinion  “own domestic framework and
        nationalism and hide incompe- ries of pro-monarchy rallies were  piece published in The Hindu  democratic processes.”  Such

        tence. In this context, one needs  organised across the country.  on May 29 stated that “…Oli  accusations appear all the more
        to  analyse  three  major  factors      These intra-party and in- is  in  collusion  with  Hindu mo- baseless and unfounded because
        that have precipitated the con- ter-party bickerings have im- narchical forces in Nepal and  of the following reasons:
        stitutional crisis in Nepal.         pacted governance in the coun- the Rashtriya Swayamsevak                     First, it may be noted that
            The public faith in the coun- try. The government miserably  Sangh in India” to dismantle                    Continued on next page... >>

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