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NATION                                                                        JULY 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          11

        sure that the conditions are met. date in India and elsewhere.  neutralize the B.1.1.7 (Alpha)                    The  adjuvant  used  in  CO-
            Expressing satisfaction over  “Results from two studies of  and B.1.617 (Delta) variants of  VAXIN, Alhydroxiquim-II, was
        the decline in positivity to less  blood serum from people who  SARS-CoV-2, first identified in  discovered and tested in the lab-
        than 1 per cent, with an over- had  received  COVAXIN  sug- the United Kingdom and In- oratory by the biotech compa-
        all fall inactive cases, the Chief  gest  that  the  vaccine  gener- dia, respectively,” NIH said in a  ny ViroVax LLC of Lawrence,
        Minister noted that the positiv- ates antibodies that effectively  statement.                                 Kansas with support exclusively
        ity rate in some districts still re-                                                                          from the NIAID Adjuvant De-
        mained over 1 per cent. Further,                                                                              velopment Program, NIH said.
        the finding of Delta plus variant                                                                                 The  adjuvant  comprises
        was a matter of concern, mak-                                                                                 a small molecule attached in
        ing it essential to continue with                                                                             a unique way to Alhydrogel,
        the curbs, he stressed.                                                                                       a substance frequently called
            Meanwhile, the National In-                                                                               alum that is the most common-
        stitute  of Health (NIH) in the                                                                               ly used adjuvant in vaccines for
        United States has found that                                                                                  people.
        Bharat  Biotech’s  COVAXIN                                                                                        “Ending a global pandem-
        vaccine generates antibodies                                                                                  ic requires a global response,”
        that effectively neutralize both                                                                              said Anthony S. Fauci, direc-
        Alpha and Delta variants of                                                                                   tor of the National Institute of
        COVID-19. The top health re-                                                                                  Allergy and Infectious Diseas-
        search institute said that an ad-                                                                             es (NIAID), a part of NIH. “I
        juvant  developed  with  funding                                                                              am  pleased  that  a  novel  vac-
        from the NIH has contributed to                                                                               cine adjuvant developed in the
        the success of the “highly effica-                                                                            United States with NIAID sup-
        cious”  COVAXIN  COVID-19             A healthcare worker holds a bottle containing doses of COVID-19 vaccine   port  is  part  of  an  efficacious
        vaccine, which roughly 25 mil-                  at a private hospital in Bengaluru on Tuesday. (ANI)          COVID-19 vaccine available to
        lion people have received to                                                                                  people in India.”

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