Page 40 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 40

SPORTS                                                                   JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 40

                After the resolution of ACC issue,

                              all eyes now on Pakistan’s

                  participation in World Cup 2023

          India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Nepal will compete in 13 exciting
                                      ODI matches from August 31 to September 17, 2023

        OUR BUREAU
           n an important development,
           Pakistan Cricket Board chair-
        Iman Najam Sethi’s statement
        on Friday started a new debate over
        Pakistan’s participation in the ICC
        ODI World Cup 2023 as he said that
        the decision lies in the government’s
        hands to approve.
            “As far as India and Pakistan go,
        neither the PCB or the BCCI can
        take decisions. The respective gov-
        ernments  only  can  take  decisions,”
        Sethi said during a press confer-
        ence on Friday. When asked about
        the venue of India-Pakistan, Sethi
        said,  “It’s  our  government  who has
        to decide, just like when it comes to
        India, it’s their government that de-
        cides when they go to play. There is
        no point asking us if we will play in
        Ahmedabad. When the time comes,
        first it will be decided whether we are
        going or not, then the government   The ACC tournament will be hosted in a hybrid model with four matches being held in Pakistan, and the remaining nine matches being played in
        decides where we will go. Our deci-
        sion will rest on these two important                      Sri Lanka. The Indian team will play all their matches in Sri Lanka (ANI)
                                          Chairman said  on  Friday,  “This   been accepted. This means the PCB   Afghanistan, and Nepal, compete in
        Asian Cricket Council (ACC)       hybrid model is a solution to a de-  will remain as the event host and   a total of 13 exciting ODI matches.
                                          cade-long problem between India   stage matches in Pakistan with Sri   The tournament will be hosted in a
        on Thursday had announced a  and Pakistan, and to resolve it I have   Lanka as the neutral venue, which   hybrid model with four matches be-
        hybrid model for the upcoming     come up with this solution.”      was required due to the Indian crick-  ing held in Pakistan, and the remain-
                                              “These four matches could have   et team’s inability to travel to Paki-  ing nine matches being played in Sri
        Asia Cup 2023, with Pakistan  been more but it was not possible for   stan,” said Sethi in a video released   Lanka,” ACC announced in a state-
        set to host four matches out of   teams to play here and then go there   by Pakistan Cricket Twitter handle.  ment.
                                          (Sri Lanka), so therefore it was sepa-  “Our passionate fans would have   “The 2023 Edition will feature
        13, while the remaining nine  rated like such that four matches will   loved to see the India cricket team in   two groups,  with  two  teams  from
        games will be played in Sri Lan-  be played here and rest in Sri Lan-  action in Pakistan for the first time   each group qualifying for the Super
                                          ka,” he further said.
                                                                                                              Four stage. The top two teams from
                                                                            in  15  years,  but  we  understand  the
        ka. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,       “What is it that we have accept-  BCCI’s position. Like the PCB, the   the Super Four stage will then face
        Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and      ed, it has been 15 years since they are   BCCI also requires government ap-  off in the final.”
                                                                                                                  “We look forward to welcoming
                                          not coming, it is nothing new. What
                                                                            proval and clearance before crossing
        Nepal will compete in 13 excit-   we got; they were not giving us one   borders,” he further added.   fans from around the world to wit-
                                                                                “We are delighted to announce
        ing ODI matches from August       match, we had only one option to   that the Asia Cup 2023 will be held   ness this celebration of cricket at its
                                                                                                              finest,” it further read.
                                          boycott. But you know the implica-
        31 to September 17, 2023.         tion for that,” Sethi added.      from 31st to 17th September 2023      As  of  now  the  venues  and  fix-
                                              “I am elated that our hybrid ver-  and will see the elite teams from In-  tures are yet to be revealed by the
            On the hybrid model, PCB      sion for the ACC Asia Cup 2023 has   dia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,   ACC.
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