Page 36 - The Indian EYE 063023
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FUTURE this WEEK                                                         JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 36

          NUMEROLOGY PREDICTION                                                                             JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2023

                                                                                       NUMBER 5 (MERCURY)
                                BY BUSINESS ASTROLOGER &
                                ASTRO STRATEGIST                                       (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                                                                       Embrace change and adaptability. Seek variety and explore new op-
                                HIRAV SHAH                                             portunities.Be flexible in your business approach.Emphasize commu-
                                                                                       nication and networking. Embrace a sense of adventure and take cal-

                                Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO    culated risks.Embrace change and seek variety in your health routines
                                                                                       to avoid boredom.Engage in physical activities that promote flexibility
                                STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in   and adaptability.Explore new experiences and indulge in moderation,
                                business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the   balancing pleasure and health.
                                fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism,   • Avoid wearing Dark Brown
                                Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business   • Lucky Days : Tuesday
                                Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the   • Lucky Color : Green
                                table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has
                                an astounding Global presence with his clients based across   NUMBER 6 (VENUS)
                                various business sectors.
                                [email protected]  |          (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
                                                                                       Cultivate a sense of responsibility and service. Develop strong rela-
                 NUMBER 1 (SUN)                                                        tionships with clients and customers. Focus on creating a nurturing
                                                                                       and supportive work environment. Emphasize integrity and ethical
                 (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)             practices. Seek balance between personal life and work.Prioritize
                                                                                       your mental health by engaging in activities that promote relaxation,
                 Time to develop strong partnerships and collaborations. Time to seek   self-care, and self-reflection. Seek professional help if you’re expe-
                 harmony and balance in your business relationships. Time to cultivate   riencing persistent feelings of anxiety, depression, or other mental
                 diplomacy and negotiation skills. Time to pay attention to details and be   health concerns. Focus on consuming a variety of whole foods, includ-
                 patient in your business dealings. Embrace compassion and humanitar-  ing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
                 ian values. Practice forgiveness and let go of negative emotions. Engage   Avoid excessive processed foods, sugary snacks, and sodas.
                 in acts of service and contribute to causes that resonate with you. Main-  • Avoid wearing Light Blue
                 tain a positive outlook and strive for personal growth.               • Lucky Days : Monday
                 • Avoid wearing Red                                                   • Lucky Color : White
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday
                 • Lucky Color : Green                                                 NUMBER 7 (NEPTUNE)
                                                                                       (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                 NUMBER 2 (MOON)                                                       Embrace intellectual pursuits and analysis.Focus on research and un-

                 (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)             derstanding your market. Develop expertise in your field of interest.
                                                                                       Seek solitude and reflection to gain insights. Trust your intuition and
                 Time to use your creativity and communication skills to your advantage.   inner wisdom. If you look through your scenario, you will see that wor-
                 Time to engage in networking and social interactions to expand your   ries, as serious as they seem, only steal away the joy of living your now
                 business contacts. Time to embrace innovation and think outside the   to the max. If you become you at all times, there is no need to weave
                 box. Maintain a positive attitude and stay optimistic even in challenging   scripts and keep a backlog.
                 times. Focus on abundance and prosperity in all aspects of life, includ-  • Avoid wearing Brown
                 ing health. Establish a balanced approach to work and rest. Set realistic   • Lucky Days: Wednesday
                 goals and work towards financial stability, as it can positively impact   • Lucky Color : Light Blue
                 your overall well-being.
                 • Avoid wearing Black                                                 NUMBER 8 (SATURN)
                 • Lucky Days : Friday
                 • Lucky Color : Light Green                                           (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                                                                                       Emphasize financial and material success.Develop strong leadership
                 NUMBER 3 (JUPITER)                                                    skills. Focus on practicality and efficient business practices. Embrace
                                                                                       ambition and take calculated risks. Maintain a strong sense of respon-
                 (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)             sibility and ethics. Better health would need your focus on controlling
                 Focus on leadership and independence in your business endeavors.      sugar, controlling BP, controlling stress and anxiety. Unless you do this,
                 Take initiative and be assertive in pursuing your goals.              nothing is going to work out, as far as health matters are concerned.
                 Embrace new beginnings and innovative ideas.Cultivate self-confidence   • Avoid wearing Black
                 and determination. Cultivate your inner wisdom and spirituality. Take   • Lucky Days : Wednesday
                 time for self-reflection and introspection. Engage in activities such as   • Lucky Color : Yellow
                 meditation or mindfulness to connect with your inner self. Seek knowl-
                 edge and engage in intellectual pursuits.                             NUMBER 9 (MARS)
                 • Avoid wearing Gray                                                  (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                 • Lucky Days : Thursday
                 • Lucky Color : Green                                                 Embrace humanitarian values in your business.Seek to make a posi-
                                                                                       tive impact on society. Develop strong intuition and empathy. Prac-
                                                                                       tice generosity and giving back. Emphasize completion and closure
                 NUMBER 4 (URANUS)                                                     of projects. Things are being moved around for you, Number 9, and
                                                                                       the way to make sure an outside shift occurs, is to make that inside
                 (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)             shift count. How worthy do you think of your own energy? This is the
                 Emphasize financial abundance and success in your business goals.     equivalent of what cosmos is blessing you with.
                 Develop strong leadership and organizational skills. Make practical and   • Avoid wearing Red
                 strategic decisions. Cultivate a mindset of abundance and avoid exces-  • Lucky Days : Friday
                 sive materialism. Focus on achieving balance between your physical,   • Lucky Color : Blue
                 mental, and spiritual aspects. Set clear goals for your health and work   CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK
                 towards them with discipline and determination. Practice gratitude and
                 positive affirmations to enhance your overall well-being.     June 23– Raj Babbar             June 26– Arjun Kapoor
                 • Avoid wearing Red
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday                                         June 24– Atul Agnihotri         June 27– P. T. Usha
                 • Lucky Color : White                                         June 25– Karisma Kapoor         June 28– Vishal Dadlani

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