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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        top  leadership  to  reach  a  consen-                                                                community in India could witness a
        sus on the Speaker of the 18th Lok                                                                    historic seen if K Suresh were ap-
        Sabha came to nought when the                                                                         pointed as Pro-tem,
        INDIA bloc decided to nominate                                                                        BJP has not just neglected Congress,
        8-time MP K Suresh for the post.                                                                      INDIA alliance and K Suresh but the
        His nomination followed the filing of                                                                 whole Dalit community...”
        nomination by BJP’s Kota MP Om                                                                            Akhilesh Yadav, Dimple Ya-
        Birla for the same position. Birla pre-                                                               dav, and all other MPs of Samajwadi
        viously served as the Speaker in the                                                                  Party arrived at the Parliament this
        17th Lok Sabha. Earlier, Congress                                                                     morning, carrying a copy of the Con-
        leader Rahul Gandhi said that they                                                                    stitution of India.
        had informed Rajnath Singh that the                                                                       Trinamool Congress leaders
        Opposition is prepared to support                                                                     Sudip Bandhopadhyay, Kalyan Ba-
        NDA’s Speaker candidate, on the                                                                       nerjee, and Sougata Roy stated that
        condition that the Deputy Speaker                                                                     the Modi government has violated
        position is given to the opposition.                                                                  the Constitution. “We demand to
            Congress leader Rahul Gand-                                                                       protect the constitution of the coun-
        hi on Monday targeted the central                                                                     try...Agreements happen between
        government and listed ten issues that                                                                 India and Bangladesh but they do
        took  place  during  the  first  fifteen                                                              not call the West Bengal government,
        days of Prime Minister Narendra     Congress MP Rahul Gandhi shows a copy of the Constitution of India while taking oath as a   and  do  everything  one-sidedly...We
        Modi’s government. The issues listed                                                                  have to protect it from the first day
        by  Rahul  Gandhi  included  alleged        Member of the 18th Lok Sabha on Monday (ANI Photo/SansadTV)  of this 18th Lok Sabha...” said TMC
        NEET irregularities, UGC NET pa-                                                                      MP Sudip Bandhopadhyay.
        per leak, a train accident, water cri-  “The attack that the PM and   ment of Bhartruhari Mahtab as pro-  “We are protesting because the
        sis, and more.                    Amit Shah are launching on the Con-  tem speaker, INDIA bloc leaders on   provisions of the Constitution have
            Rahul Gandhi in a post on X, al-  stitution is not acceptable to us, we   Monday carried out a protest holding   been violated. The Constitution has
        leged that PM Modi is busy in saving   will not let this happen. So, we held   copies of the Constitution inside the   been violated by the Narendra Modi
        his government and said, “First 15   the Constitution while taking the   Parliament premises in the national   government. The way the pro-tem
        days of NDA! 1. Horrific train acci-  oath...Our  message  is  going  across,   capital.              speaker has been appointed is a clear
        dent; 2. Terrorist attacks in Kashmir   no power can touch the Constitution   Congress  MP  Gaurav  Gogoi   violation of the Constitutional provi-
        3. The plight of passengers in trains   of India,” the Rae Bareli MP told re-  said, “ The ruling party hasn’t for-  sion and clear violation of the earlier
        4. NEET scam; 5. NEET PG can-     porters ahead of the beginning of the   gotten their haughtiness...we can see   precedences...” said TMC MP Kaly-
        celled 6. UGC NET paper leak 7.   18th Lok Sabha session.           that they are ignoring the key sub-  an Banerjee.
        Milk, pulses, gas, tolls and expensive   Amid the row over the appoint-  jects of the country...the whole Dalit   But Union Home Minister Amit
        8. Forests blazing with fire; 9. Water                                                                Shah on Tuesday criticized the Con-
        crisis; 10. Deaths due to lack of ar-                                                                 gress party on the 50th anniversary
        rangements during the heat wave.”                                                                     of the Emergency for its autocratic
            “Psychologically on the backfoot,                                                                 actions and said that former Prime
        Narendra Modi is busy saving his gov-                                                                 Minister Indira Gandhi unleashed
        ernment,” the Raebareli MP added.                                                                     ruthless atrocities on the people of
            He further said that “INDIA’s                                                                     India during the Emergency.
        strong opposition” will continue to                                                                       Shah also quoted an old speech
        raise the voice of the people, and not                                                                of former Prime Minister Rajiv
        allow the Prime Minister to escape                                                                    Gandhi and Congress leader Rahul
        without accountability.                                                                               Gandhi, accusing the party of crush-
            “The attack on the Constitution                                                                   ing the spirit of our Constitution for
        by Narendra Modi and his govern-                                                                      power retention.
        ment is not acceptable to us - and we                                                                     Amit Shah in a post on X said,
        will not allow this to happen under                                                                   “The Congress crushed the spirit of
        any circumstances. INDIA’s strong                                                                     our Constitution several times for the
        opposition will continue its pressure,                                                                sake of maintaining a certain family
        raise the voice of the people, and not                                                                in power. Indira Gandhi unleashed
        allow the Prime Minister to escape                                                                    ruthless atrocities on the people of
        without accountability,” the Con-                                                                     India during the Emergency”.
        gress leader posted.                                                                                      Amit Shah said, “The yuvraj of
            Earlier in the day, Rahul Gand-                                                                   the Congress party has forgotten
        hi alleged that PM Modi and Home                                                                      that his grandmother imposed the
        Minister Amit Shah were “attacking”                                                                   Emergency and his father, Mr. Rajiv
        the Constitution  and  said  that  such                                                               Gandhi, on July 23, 1985, said in the
        attacks are not acceptable by the Op-                                                                 Lok Sabha, taking much pride in this
        position INDIA bloc.                                                                                  horrific  episode,  “There  is  nothing
            Opposition leaders, including                                                                     wrong with an Emergency.”
        Congress Parliamentary Party Chair-                                                                       The first session of the 18th Lok
        person Sonia Gandhi, staged a pro-                                                                    Sabha has begun on a testy note for
        test in Parliament premises holding   Defense Minister Rajnath Singh arrives to attend the second day of the 18th Lok Sabha session   the  government  and  opposition  as
        copies of the Constitution in their                   on Tuesday (ANI Photo/Rahul Singh)              both sides try to show their commit-
        hands.                                                                                                ment to the Constitution.

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