Page 4 - The Indian EYE 062824
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BIG STORY JUNE 28, 2024 | The Indian Eye 4
The Modi government targets the Congress party for Emergency as the
combined Opposition pressures BJP leaders on the issue of Constitution.
It is a sign of battles that lie ahead in the 18th Lok Sabha
New Delhi
n a sign of days to come, on the
occasion of the 50th anniversary
Iof the imposition of the emergen-
cy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
directed sharp criticism at the Con-
gress and said that the dark days of
the emergency remind how the Con-
gress Party trampled over the Consti-
tution of India. Taking to X PM Modi
posted, “Today is a day to pay hom-
age to all those great men and wom-
en who resisted the emergency. The
Dark Days of Emergency remind us
of how the Congress Party subverted
basic freedoms and trampled over the
Constitution of India, which every In-
dian respects greatly.”
He further said that just to cling
on to power, the then Congress gov-
ernment disregarded every demo-
cratic principle. He further shared,
“Just to cling on to power, the then
Congress government disregarded Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes oath for the third time as a member of the 18th Lok Sabha during its First Session on Monday (ANI Photo/ Sansad TV)
every democratic principle and made
the nation into a jail. Any person who hide their disdain for the Constitu- the declaration of emergency, recall who took their oaths after a total
disagreed with Congress was tor- tion through their tokenism, but the the dark period for Indian democra- of 262 newly elected MPs, includ-
tured and harassed. Socially regres- people of India have seen through cy and the courage shown by those ing Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
sive policies were unleashed to target their antics, and that is why they have who resisted that challenge. The did so on Monday, the inaugu-
the weakest sections.” rejected them time and again.” collective response of the nation de- ral session of the 18th Lok Sabha.
He wrote that those who im- Earlier, BJP president and fined our generation. It will remain Congress General Secretary Pri-
posed the emergency have no right Union Minister JP Nadda, along a constant reminder of the need to yanka Gandhi, who had come to Par-
to profess their love for our Consti- with fellow party colleagues and keep working to protect, preserve, liament for his brother, Rahul Gand-
tution. “These are the same people Union Ministers Rajnath Singh and and fight for our democracy.” hi’s oath-taking, said that she was
who have imposed Article 356 on S Jaishankar, took to social media to After the elections, the debate pleased to see several party leaders
innumerable occasions, got a bill to share their thoughts on the 49th an- between the government and oppo- taking oaths in the 18th Lok Sabha.
destroy press freedom, destroyed niversary of the proclamation of the sition is now focused entirely on the Priyanka Gandhi was accompanied
federalism, and violated every aspect emergency in the country. Constitution. by his mother and Congress Parlia-
of the Constitution,” he added. The BJP said it will launch a After Rahul Gandhi took the mentary Party chairperson Sonia
PM Modi further hit out at Con- nationwide programme to mark oath in Lok Sabha as a Member of Gandhi to the Parliament on Tuesday.
gress and said that the people of the 21-month state of emergency Parliament (MP) from Rae Bareli On Monday too, while Prime Min-
India have rejected them time and imposed on June 25, 1975, by then on Tuesday with a copy of the Con- ister Modi approached the stage to
again. He further added, “The mind- Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. stitution in his hand, he said ‘Jai take his oath, Rahul Gandhi was seen
set that led to the imposition of the External affairs minister S Jais- Samvidhan’ to reporters while leav- displaying a copy of the Constitution.
emergency is very much alive among hankar took to social media platform ing the Parliament. Rahul Gand- Meanwhile, efforts by the BJP’s
the same party that imposed it. They X and said, “On the anniversary of hi was part of the remaining MPs Continued on next page... >>