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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                        JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 46

                     The wait is over as Mirzapur’s

         season 3 with old and new characters

                               and actors set for release

                  The new season of the hit series will be out on Prime Video on July 5

        OUR BUREAU

        Mumbai/New Delhi
             ans who have been waiting to
             get updates about ‘Mirzapur 3’
        Fwith bated breath can now final-
        ly heave a sigh of relief as the trailer of
        the upcoming season is finally out. In
        the action-packed trailer, Guddu Pan-
        dit (played by Ali Fazal) could be seen
        trying his best to establish his hold over
        Purvanchal. It seems like he can go to
        any extent to get the throne. Actors
        like Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Rasika
        Dugal and Vijay Varma also left a
        mark with their presence in the trailer.
            At the end of the trailer, actor
        Pankaj Tripathi emerges from the
        shadows and promises to reclaim
        the empire. Rajesh Tailang, Sheeba
        Chadha, Meghna  Malik, and  Manu
        Rishi Chadha are also part of the
        show. Created by Excel Media and
        Entertainment,  the  fan-favourite
        crime thriller is directed by Gurm-
        meet Singh and Anand Iyer.
            On what fans can expect from the
        show, Director and Executive produc-  Bollywood actors Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Vijay Varma with actresses Rasika Dugal, Shweta Tripathi and other cast of the web series
        er Gurmmeet Singh shared, “The first
        two seasons of Mirzapur proved to be                        Mirzapur 3 pose for a picture during its trailer launch in Mumbai (ANI)
        game changers for the crime thriller
        genre in the streaming space in India.   a young boy almost at his impres-  this happened  because  of  a woman.   er in his career, he had auditioned for
        With Mirzapur 3, we strive to build on   sionable age getting turned into all   Now, I don’t want the thrown; I want   a significant role in the cricket-based
        the momentum and take the narrative   kinds of demons and things along the   to break it.”            series ‘Inside Edge,’ produced by Ex-
        to a whole new level, exploring new   way because of the circumstances in   When asked about the absence of   cel Entertainment and streamed on
        facets and dimensions of each charac-  the society, and he becomes what he   Munna’s character this season, Vijay   Amazon Prime Video.
        ter’s life replete with new plot twists.   becomes. So yes it has taken a lot out of   said, “Munna is a very popular char-  Reflecting on those days, Shhar-
        We are incredibly excited for fans to   me, I will always cherish it,” he shared.  acter in the show. I think that’s just the   ma expressed a mix of disappoint-
        witness the showdown for Mirzapur’s   As the much-awaited third sea-  format of the show. In the first season,   ment and gratitude, stating, “I  was
        throne unfold in the new season.”  son  of  ‘Mirzapur’  approaches  its  re-  they killed off a popular character.   sad when Inside Edge didn’t work out
            The first season of the crime dra-  lease date, excitement among fans is   In the next season, they killed off an   because it was a script I wanted to be
        ma premiered in 2018 and season sec-  reaching a fever pitch.       even more popular character. That’s   a part of.”
        ond came in 2020.                     The series, starring Ali Fazal and   the unique feature and strength of the   However, fate took an unex-
            Ahead of the release of the third   Vijay Varma, has garnered a dedicat-  series.”                pected turn when Shharma was later
        season in July, actor Ali Fazal took a   ed following for its intense storyline   Now, with the excitement build-  approached for ‘Mirzapur,’ anoth-
        stroll down memory lane and recalled   and complex characters. In an exclu-  ing for the upcoming release of   er highly acclaimed series under the
        the challenges he faced while repris-  sive interview, Vijay shared insights   ‘Mirzapur’ Season 3, actor Anjumm   same collaborative team.
        ing his role of Guddu Pandit. “I don’t   into what fans can expect in the up-  Shharma, known for his role as Sha-  Initially cast in a smaller role in
        know what season 3 holds but I know   coming season. Speaking about his   rad Shukla in the series, recently   the  first  season,  he  was  assured  by
        I have justified a graph for this par-  character Vijay revealed, “I had noth-  shared  insights  into  his  journey  and   the makers of ‘Mirzapur’ that his
        ticular boy who has the essence of it   ing to do with the thrown, or with Mir-  career choices, including a pivotal au-  character had the potential to grow
        all who holds his innocence despite   zapur. I was running a good business   dition for another prominent show.   significantly  if  the  show  resonated
        so much corruption around him. And   in Siwan, stealing and selling cars. All   Anjumm Shharma revealed that earli-  with the audience.

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