Page 42 - The Indian EYE 062824
P. 42

IMMIGRATION                                                              JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 42

          Granting Deferred Action to Aging Out

          Children in Lawful Status Is Preferable

             to Having Them Start All Over Again

        CYRUS D. MEHTA             to the I-140 petition filed on  obsessive focus on the border,   below:           granting  EADs  to  beneficia-
                                   behalf of the parent. Indian  those in Congress who desire   “The  administrative  ries of approved I-140s  is a
              hildren of beneficiaries  born beneficiaries in the em-  to fix the problem are unable   proposals are both interest-  good thing, advocates should
              of approved I-140 peti-  ployment  based  first,  second  to get support to pass mean-  ing and intriguing as they  realize it will not lead to per-
        Ctions that are caught in  and third preferences are  ingful legislation.  On June 13,   may only give a temporary  manent residence if an indi-
        the employment-based back-  particularly impacted as the  2024, a bipartisan group of 43   benefit  to  the  child  who  has  vidual changes jobs unless the
        logs are in danger of aging out  wait time before their prior-  members of Congress sent a   aged out with no pathway to  new employer files the labor
        if they turn 21 and are unable  ity dates become current can  letter  to Homeland Security   permanent residence,”  said  certification  and  I-140  again
        to obtain permanent resident  be an absurd  195 years. Over  Secretary Alejandro Mayor-  immigration attorney Cyrus  and  the  beneficiary  is  able
        status with their parents. Al-  one million Indian born bene-  kas and U.S. Citizenship and   Mehta. “Still, until Congress  to recapture the old priority
        though the Child Status Pro-  ficiaries and their dependents  Immigration  Services  Direc-  provides a legislative solution,  date,” said Mehta. The child
        tection  Act  (CSPA)  is  able  will be waiting for the rest of  tor Ur Jaddou requesting an   these proposals, especially the  may not be protected from
        to protect the age of some  their lives in the backlogs.  administrative fix for children   first and second, would be an  aging out depending on the
        children from aging out, not   Although Congress can  who will age out.           interim solution.”         circumstances.
        all children can benefit from  easily fix this problem by in-  The letter requests three   A child granted deferred   The third proposal—be-
        the CSPA especially when  fusing more visa numbers in  policy changes as follows:  action can remain in the Unit-  ing paroled into the United
        neither the Date for Filing or  the employment-based cat-  First, “Clarify the appli-  ed States and obtain employ-  States—also does not offer a
        the Final Action Date in the  egories along with reducing  cability of potential grants of   ment authorization. “The big  clear pathway to permanent
        State Department Visa Bul-  the per country limits, due to  deferred action on a case-by-  disadvantage under this pro-  residence. A future admin-
        letin is nowhere close to be-  the intense polarization be-  case basis, where discretion   posal is that once the parent  istration can choose not to
        coming current with respect  tween the two parties and the  is warranted, for children of   had been granted permanent  extend parole. Depending on
                                                                 long-term visa holders   residence, what happens to  when a parent obtains perma-
                                                                  who age out of status.”  the child?” said Mehta. “The  nent residence, sponsoring a
                                                                      Second, “Expand el-  child will have to remain a  son or daughter may be pos-
                                                                  igibility for Employment   recipient of deferred action  sible, although likely via con-
                                                                  Authorization to child   for a very long time until they  sular processing.
                                                                  dependents of visa hold-  can obtain their own basis to   While these proposals
                                                                  ers, and to individuals   immigrate to the U.S.” A new  are less than ideal as they do
                                                                  with approved I-140 pe-  presidential  administration  not put aged out children on
                                                                  titions.” The letter also   could rescind the deferred  the path to permanent res-
                                                                  urges USCIS to expand   action, leaving an aged-out  idence, an executive action
                                                                  eligibility for employ-  child in a situation similar to  that  authorizes children to
                                                                  ment authorization (an   DACA recipients.          lawfully remain in the US
                                                                  EAD) under “compel-        On the letter’s second  long after they have aged out,
                                                                  ling circumstances” to in-  proposal, Mehta explains  and obtain work authoriza-
                                                                  clude “children who are   while it would be good for  tion and travel permission,  is
                                                                  aging out.”             dependent children to obtain  preferable to the status quo.
                                                                      Third,  “We  urge   EADs under compelling cir-    Presently, a child who is
                                                                  USCIS to create a pro-  cumstances, “Children who  turning 21 would most like-
                                                                  cess to allow children of   age out and cannot protect  ly be in H-4 status while the
                                                                  long-term  visa  holders   their age under the Child Sta-  parent who is caught in the
                                                                  who  have aged out to   tus Protection Act will not be  backlog is in H-1B status. The
                                                                  seek parole on a case-by-  able to obtain immigrant vi-  child must seek to change
                     m of                                         case basis, if warranted   sas along with their parents.”  status  before  turning  21  to
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          for  urgent  humanitarian   A rule on the regulatory  another nonimmigrant status.
                                                                  reasons or to advance a
                                                                                                                     Most children of skilled work-
                                                                                          agenda that has not been is-
                                                                                             significant  public  bene-  sued would clarify and likely  ers are studying in college,
             fit.”  expand compelling circum-  and so they can change to F-1
                                                                      My views on this bi-  stances for children at risk of  status. Requesting a change
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             ­       partisan letter have been   aging out.  to F-1 status is fraught with
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                                                                  extensively  reflected  in   The letter also recom-  peril. Changing to F-1 status
                                                                  an article in Forbes writ-  mends granting employment  is fraught with risk as  F-1
                                                                  ten by Stuart Anderson   authorization  documents  nonimmigrant  classification
                                                                  of the National Founda-  to the principal green card  requires one to have a tem-
          2              6th Floor                                tion  for  American  Poli-  applicants waiting for per-  porary intent to remain in the
                                                                  cy,  which  are  extracted   manent residence. “While  US and ultimately return to a
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