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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

         Meta introduces advanced AI Assistant Llama-3 to Indian users

             Meta’s AI assistant integrates seamlessly with various Meta apps, enabling real-time

                                     search functionalities powered by Bing and Google

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 tions, reported Mashable.
                                                                                                      One of the standout features of Meta AI is its
        San Framcisco, CA
                                                                                                   ability to generate and animate images based on
                eta  has  launched  its  advanced  artificial                                      prompts during chats, fostering interactive and en-
                intelligence assistant, Meta AI, across its                                        gaging conversations among users.
        Mmajor platforms including WhatsApp,                                                          However, concerns remain about potential bi-
        Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram, catering spe-                                          ases in the generated content over time.
        cifically to users in India. This rollout marks a sig-                                        Moreover,  Meta’s  AI  assistant  integrates
        nificant expansion of Meta’s AI capabilities, lever-                                       seamlessly with various Meta apps, enabling re-
        aging the power of Llama-3 technology to enhance                                           al-time search functionalities powered by Bing and
        user experience across various digital interactions,                                       Google.
        according to Mashable.                                                                        According to Mashable, users can leverage the
            Initially unveiled at the Connect conference in   Meta AI is fully operational across WhatsApp, Facebook,   assistant to gather information directly from their
        September 2023, Meta AI was first introduced in   Messenger, and Instagram in India (Agency photo)  Facebook feeds or participate in interactive que-
        select countries like Australia, New Zealand, and                                          ries.
        Canada.                                                                                       While Meta AI is fully operational across
            Following successful testing phases, the AI as-  such as Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT,   WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram
        sistant was piloted with select users in India start-  Meta AI offers a wide range of functionalities de-  in India, the standalone Meta AI website (Meta.
        ing in April, albeit its full-scale deployment was   signed to assist users in everyday tasks.  AI) is currently not accessible to users in the sub-
        delayed, possibly due to local factors such as the   These include drafting emails, creating CVs,   continent, limiting its broader web-based function-
        Lok Sabha elections.                         managing schedules, and enhancing content cre-  alities.
            Similar to other AI chatbots in the market   ation capabilities across Meta’s suite of applica-  (With agency reports)

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