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SPORTS                                                                   JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 50

                                                       T20 WORLD CUP

        And then there were four: Afghanistan,

                    India, England and South Africa

          Afghanistan’s win over Bangladesh not only cemented their place in the tournament but also

          knocked a powerhouse team, Australia, out of contention. It’s a moment of immense pride for

                             Afghanistan cricket and a testament to their hard work and talent

                                                                                                              strong Pakistan batting lineup. This
                                                                                                              win against their arch-rivals showed
                                                                                                              India’s fighting spirit and their ability
                                                                                                              to win even when the odds are stacked
                                                                                                              against them.
                                                                                                                  Now,  heading  into  the  semi-fi-
                                                                                                              nal clash against England, India is
                                                                                                              brimming  with  confidence.  Captain
                                                                                                              Rohit Sharma’s focus on staying
                                                                                                              sharp, playing freely, and adapting
                                                                                                              to the conditions will be key to their
                  ARCHAN MEHTA                                                                                success. With their strategic thinking
                                                                                                              and well-rounded team, India is a
                   San Jose, CA
                                                                                                              force to be reckoned with in the T20
              fghanistan’s journey to the T20                                                                 World Cup!
              World Cup semi-finals has been                                                                      South Africa’s path to the semis
        Anothing short of incredible.                                                                         has been much steady and was the only
        Their win against Bangladesh was a                                                                    other team besides India to remain
        nail-biter, with emotions running high                                                                unbeaten in the T20 world cup. They
        throughout the rain-affected match.                                                                   won some close matches in the group
        Coach Jonathan Trott’s passionate                                                                     stages and had easier victories against
        display reflected the team’s determi-                                                                 others. Their bowling attack, especial-
        nation,  and  Naveen-ul-Haq’s  crucial                                                                ly the spinners, had been crucial. They
        wicket  secured  a  historic  first-ever                                                              edged past the West Indies and then
        semi-final  berth  for  Afghanistan.                                                                  pulled off a thrilling win against En-
            This achievement comes on the                                                                     gland in the final over. Another close
        heels of their upset victory over Aus-                                                                win over the USA kept their unbeaten
        tralia in the Super Eights stage. Build-                                                              streak alive.
        ing a strong total thanks to their open-                                                                  England’s journey to the T20
        ers, the Afghan bowlers, particularly                                                                 World Cup semi-finals was full of ups
        Naveen and Rashid Khan, then shut   Afghanistan’s captain Rashid Khan celebrates the dismissal of India’s Rishabh Pant during   and downs. After a shaky start with a
        down the favorites. This win not only                                                                 rained-out match and a big loss to Aus-
        cemented their place in the tourna-    their Super 8 Group 1 match at Kensington Oval in Barbados last Thursday (ANI)  tralia, they bounced back with big wins
        ment but also knocked a powerhouse                                                                    against Oman and Namibia. A close
        team, Australia, out of contention. It’s  tone, and the bowlers like Jasprit Bum-  show in their opening Super Eights   defeat for Scotland helped them reach
        a moment of immense pride for Af-  rah did a great job of shutting down  match against Afghanistan. Suryaku-  the Super 8s, where they had a mixed
        ghanistan cricket and a testament to  the Australian chase.This win showed  mar Yadav anchored the batting with   bag of results. They dominated the
        their hard work and talent.       that India can adapt to any situation  a brilliant knock on a difficult pitch.   West Indies but fell short against South
            Team India on the other side has  and execute their plans perfectly.  Then, Jasprit Bumrah’s exception-  Africa. Finally, a convincing win over
        been on a roll in the T20 World Cup!   They continued their dominance  al bowling dismantled Afghanistan’s   the USA sealed their semi-final spot.
        Their journey through the group  with a convincing win over Bangla-  batting lineup. This win highlight-  The  first  Semi-Final  of  the  T20
        stages and the Super Eights has been  desh. Here, the batting depth came to  ed India’s ability to handle different   World Cup between Afghanistan and
        impressive, showcasing their batting  the fore with several players contribut-  bowling attacks and their strength in   South Africa will take place in Tarou-
        depth, a strong bowling attack, and  ing runs. The bowlers, led by Kuldeep  all areas of the game.    ba on Wednesday, June 26. The sec-
        smart tactics under Captain Rohit  Yadav and Jasprit Bumrah, once again   Earlier, in the group stage, India   ond Semi-Final between England and
        Sharma.                           restricted the opposition effectively.  had a thrilling encounter against Pa-  India will be held in Guyana on Thurs-
            In the Super Eights, India secured  This win solidified India’s position as  kistan. Even though they only scored   day, June 27, 2024. The winners of the
        a big win against Australia thanks to  a serious contender for the champion-  a modest total, their bowlers, led by   semis, advance to the finals which will
        a captain’s knock from Rohit Sharma  ship.                          Jasprit  Bumrah  and  Hardik  Pan-  be played in Bridgetown on Saturday,
        himself. His explosive batting set the   India’s all-around display was on  dya, defended it brilliantly against a   Jun 29, 2024.

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