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OPINION JUNE 23, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
Iran-Arab Gulf Joint Naval
Force and China’s ‘Collective
Security Architecture’
he imploding geopolitical core
of West Asia frequently spews
Tout explosive new threats and
unstable strategic alliances that often
fizzle out in time. Many grandiose ini-
tiatives, such as the innumerable Is-
raeli-Palestinian peace plans, the now
comatose 41-nation Islamic military
alliance, the US-Iran nuclear deal
(JCPOA), Trump’s vaunted ‘Deal of
the Century’ etc., are typical exam-
ples of proverbial sandcastles built in
the air.
Nevertheless, it seems to be Chi-
na’s turn now to propose solutions for
West Asian issues like the so-called
‘security architecture’, which it put
forth as part of its Global Security Ini-
tiative (GSI) enunciated in a concept
paper in February 2023. Although not
taken seriously by the international
community at that time, the formu-
lations of this strategic design have
started physically manifesting in re-
cent months.
On 10 March 2023, China man-
aged to bring regional arch-rivals Russia, China and Iran conducted a naval exercise in the Gulf of Oman in mid-March, under the name ‘Maritime Security Belt 2023’ (File photo)
Saudi Arabia and Iran closer, as they
re-stablished their diplomatic rela- portedly claimed that Iran and Saudi a prospective Iran-Arab Gulf “naval China’s ‘Malacca Dilemma’
tions after a period of seven years. Arabia, along with six other countries force” confirmed or cared to issue any However, there is no denying
Following this development came — namely the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, statement on the matter. For its part, that relations between the US vis-à-
the news of Syria’s return to the Arab Iraq, Pakistan and India — planned US’ 5th Fleet and Combined Mari- vis Saudi Arabia and the UAE have
League in early May, with its Presi- to form a joint naval force. time Forces spokesperson Cmdr. Tim suffered in recent times, particularly
dent Bashar Al Assad personally at- “The countries of the region have Hawkins doubted the viability of the after American decision to drawdown
tending the League’s Riyadh summit today realized that only cooperation proposition and stated “It defies rea- its forces from the region in order to
on 19 May 2023. Almost simultane- with each other brings security to the son that Iran, the number one cause pivot to the Indo-Pacific.
ously, Saudi Arabia and Syria decid- area,” Irani stated. In an implicit criti- of regional instability, claims it wants In fact, Iran’s announcement
ed to reinstate relations, facilitated by cism of the US, he added that the “un- to form a naval security alliance to regarding the prospective naval coa-
the more assertive Russia-China axis justified” presence of foreign forces protect the very waters it threatens.” lition came just days after the UAE
in the region. in the region will “soon” come to an On the face of it, it does seem un- Foreign Ministry declared on 31 May
Iran- Arab Gulf States Joint end, and regional countries them- tenable that GCC navies, who strong- 2023 that it had already withdrawn
Naval Force selves will soon protect the area. In an ly disagree with Iran on the very name from the 34-nation US-led Combined
For a long time, the US had com- almost supercilious tone, the Iranian of the Persian Gulf (and call it Arabi- Maritime Forces, which currently op-
plained about China’s “free riding” official claimed: “Almost all countries an Gulf) and who allege Iran to have erates in Gulf waters and the Red Sea.
on the public goods provided by the in the northern part of the Indian illegally occupied three UAE islands, The phraseology of the UAE Foreign
former’s security umbrella over West Ocean have drawn the conclusion to could ever navigate contentious wa- Ministry statement on its website was
Asia,2 until suddenly China seems to stand by the Islamic Republic of Iran ters alongside Iranian vessels. It also itself curiously cryptic: “As a result of
have stepped on the accelerator and and cooperate to establish security”. seems incredible for Iran to suggest our ongoing evaluation of effective
arguably at the expense of US inter- It is noteworthy that in spite of that India would in any way become security cooperation with all partners,
ests. Thus on 3 June 2023, Iranian Iran’s bold claim, none of the coun- part of a naval alliance, alongside Pa- the UAE withdrew its participation in
navy commander Shahram Irani re- tries reportedly named by it as part of kistan. Continued on next page... >>