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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 23, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     5

        way of better collaboration among our                                                                 law,”  the  Congressman  said  in  his
        scientists and researchers.”                                                                          short video address.
            Top  lawmakers  in  the  United                                                                       He  added,  “This  partnership  is
        States have invited Indian Prime Min-                                                                 crucial for fostering peace, prosperi-
        ister  Narendra  Modi  to  address  the                                                               ty and stability around the globe, es-
        US Congress when he visits Washing-                                                                   pecially in the Indo-Pacific region. In
        ton, a rare opportunity granted only to                                                               2022, India celebrated 75 years of in-
        the country’s closest allies. “PM Modi                                                                dependence and marked the anniver-
        will be the first leader in independent                                                               sary of the United States-India diplo-
        India  to  address  the  US  Congress                                                                 matic relations.”
        twice...In my conversations with many                                                                     Ferguson stated further that the
        of  the  congressmen  and  senators,  I                                                               India-US partnership has made signif-
        can certainly tell you that there is a lot                                                            icant progress in the last few years and
        of excitement among them,” Taranjit                                                                   New Delhi continues to be a strategic
        Singh Sandhu said. He added, “...They                                                                 trading partner for the latter.
        want to hear about the India story and                                                                    “As a member of the House Ways
        they  want  to  hear  about  the  Prime                                                               and Means Committee, which has ju-
        Minister’s  vision  and  his  thinking.”                                                              risdiction over trade policy, I look for-
            Democratic and Republican lead-                                                                   ward to continuing to work on grow-
        ers in the Senate and House of Rep-                                                                   ing this important global partnership.
        resentatives announced the invitation                                                                 Thank you to Prime Minister Modi for
        in a letter to Modi on Friday, saying   Ambassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu meets with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (ANI)  your continued leadership, and I hope
        that the speech on June 22 would cel-                                                                 you have a productive visit,” the Con-
        ebrate the “enduring friendship” be-  from America for which the final de-  cially in the Indo-Pacific region.  gressman stated in his video address.
        tween the two countries.          cision would be taken by the Cabinet   “The India-US partnership is cru-  Many political leaders in the US
            Meanwhile,  US  Representative   Committee on Security (CCS).   cial for fostering peace, prosperity and   had  earlier  voiced  their  excitement
        Richard  McCormick,  a  Republican    The Indian Navy is the lead agen-  stability around the globe, especially in   around  PM  Modi’s  state  visit  while
        lawmaker, on Wednesday (local time)   cy for the deal in which 15 drones will   the Indo-Pacific region -- Rep. Drew   lauding  the  burgeoning  bilateral  ties
        stressed  on  having  ties  between  the   be  going  to  the  maritime  force  for   Ferguson,” read a post on the official   between the two countries.
        United  States  (US)  and  India  eco-  surveillance operations in its area of   Twitter handle of the Indian embassy   Dr Bharat Barai, a popular com-
        nomically,  militarily  and  strategical-  responsibility. The three services also   in the US.       munity leader and organizer of Prime
        ly.  He  emphasized  that  lawmakers   have plans of going in for same type of   “I  wanted  to  take  a  moment  to   Minister Modi’s event at the Ronald
        whether  they  are  Democrats  or  Re-  medium altitude and long endurance   recognize  Prime  Minister  Modi’s   Reagan  Center,  was  effusive  in  his
        publicans need to pay more attention   drones from indigenous sources.  upcoming  visit  to  Washington,  DC.   praise  for  the  latter,  calling  him  the
        to  India  as  a  “future  partner  going   Ahead of Prime Minister Naren-  The relationship between the United   “most popular public figure and lead-
        forward”.                         dra Modi’s visit to the US, Congress-  States and India is strategic and glob-  er in the world, not just in India”.
            On reports of the US pushing a   man  from  Georgia,  Drew  Ferguson,   al. It’s a partnership guided by strong   “PM  Modi  is  the  most  popular
        sign a big-arms drone deal during the   has emphasized that the India-US ties   political  will  on  both  sides.  It’s  built   public figure, and leader in the world,
        upcoming visit of Prime Minister Nar-  are  important  for  “peace,  prosperity   on  the  shared  values  of  democracy,   not just in India. The Prime Minister
        endra Modi, he said, “I think the more   and stability around the globe, espe-  freedom, and respect for the real with   is extremely popular. He’s perceived
        we link our countries together, both                                                                  as a visionary leader for India who is
        strategically,  economically,  militarily,                                                            working tirelessly for the growth of In-
        the better. If you look at the threats in                                                             dia,” Barai said earlier.
        the region, if you look at India’s stra-                                                                  US Secretary of Commerce Gina
        tegic location next to China, Pakistan,                                                               Raimondo  said  Prime  Minister  Mo-
        and Bangladesh, with all the problems                                                                 di’s upcoming visit to the US will serve
        that we have in that part of the world                                                                as an opportunity to enhance the com-
        right now, we need a strong partner,                                                                  mercial and strategic technology part-
        somebody that we can link ourselves                                                                   nerships between the two nations. She
        to”  can  be  passed  down  to  further                                                               specifically mentioned sectors such as
        generations.                                                                                          defense,  semiconductors,  and  clean
            US Congresswoman Sheila Jack-                                                                     energy as areas of focus.
        son Lee said the US looks forward to                                                                      Globally,  as  a  head  of  govern-
        PM Modi’s upcoming address to the                                                                     ment, PM Modi is second only after
        US Congress.                                                                                          Israel  Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Ne-
            “The  Congress  will  look  for-                                                                  tanyahu, to address a joint House of
        ward to the state address that he will                                                                the US Congress more than once. The
        make in the United States Congress.                                                                   Israeli PM has done it thrice.
        That will be both houses of Congress.                                                                     House  Speaker  Kevin  McCar-
        That’s  a  very  important  position  to                                                              thy,  Senate  Majority  Leader  Chuck
        be in. We will be attentive,” Lee said                                                                Schumer, Senate Republican Leader
        while speaking to ANI on PM Modi’s                                                                    Mitch McConnell, and House Dem-
        upcoming US visit.                                                                                    ocratic  Leader  Hakeem  Jeffries  had
            Amid  preparations  for  Prime                                                                    earlier said in a message to PM Modi,
        Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the                                                                 “During  your  address,  you  will  have
        US, the Defense Ministry on Thurs-      External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar meets with Jake Sullivan at South Block    the opportunity to share your vision for
        day  approved  the  deal  for  acquiring               in New Delhi on Wednesday (ANI)                India’s future and speak to the global
        the Predator (MQ-9 Reaper) drones                                                                     challenges  both  our  countries  face.”

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