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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 03, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 24

         Mandala South Asian Performing Arts Launches New

             Headquarters at National India Hub Devon Avenue

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
                andala South Asian Per-
                forming Arts Lanches New
        MHeadquarters  at  National
        India Hub on Thursday - May 19,
        2022 at 2642 W. Devon Avenue, Chi-
        cago IL.
            Devon. Devon Avenue has long
        been a site for cultural exchange and
        South Asian diasporic community.
        Since those like Jagdish Khatwani
        opened  the  first  South  Asian  busi-
        ness on Devon, India Sari Palace, in
        1972, and the Patel Brothers open-
        ing their trademark grocery store in
        1974, this region has become a home
        for the largest community of South
        Asian residents in Chicago, Illinois
        and the broader Midwest. With the
        waves  of  the South  Asian  diaspora
        also came the businesses, cuisines,
        and arts of ancestral traditions. But,
        as many of us have learned, partic-
        ularly with the trials of the pandem-
        ic, making space for tradition has
        become challenging. Mandala Arts
        has moved its headquarters where
        we believe South Asian arts are al-
        ready deeply rooted; the arts need
        and deserve an advocate, supporter,
        and leader. With current and future
        artistic partnerships and collabora-
        tions, Mandala believes that Devon
        can grow and thrive.
            Invited  guests  Alderwoman
        Debra Silverstein, Alderman Andre
        Vasquez Jr of Chicago’s 40th ward,
        Mr. Ranjit Singh Consul Chicago,
        Mandala Board President Dr. Uma-  that event, visit  practices that the organization rep-  ization of not just the development
        ng Patel and Paragi Patel, Pranita                  resents. Finally, with the opening of   of the ward, but revitalization of arts
        Nayar an Indian classical dancer, cho-  Nayar says, “Since its inception   this space, Mandala is able to call   and culture of South Asian heritage.
        reographer, company director, cura-  in 2014, Mandala has successful-  Devon home, both in our hearts and   Alderwood Debra Silverstein said the
        tor and producer, officials from the   ly engaged Chicagoland audiences   in our organizational roots.”  50th ward is home to a large popula-
        West Ridge Chamber of Commerce    in the rich diversity of South Asian   Prominent Physician and well   tion of South Asians and through the
        and Rogers Park Business Alliance,   Performing arts traditions through   known community leader Dr. Umang   Mandala Arts center, we will be able
        and senior officers from the Gaylord   professional performances, artistic   Patel, President of Mandala Arts  wel-  to connect with each other in cele-
        and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation,   education, and community engage-  comed the guests and said I am delight-  brating the colorful diverse cultures.
        the Richard H. Driehaus Founda-   ment. Still, Mandala cherished its   ed to be a part of the team in bringing   Alderman Andre Vasquez Jr of
        tion, and the John. D. And Cath-  deep  connection  to  the  community   the South Asian Cultural Hub on Dev-  Chicago’s 40th ward in his address
        erine T. MacArthur Foundation.    of artists, students, and audiences of   on Ave and added it will regenerate   said that it warms his heart to see the
            Mandala  will  use  this  space,   Devon, where Mandala has steadily   the  vibrancy of Indian culture through   showcasing of India’s rich cultural
        beginning June 1, for community   increased programming over the last   arts, dance and music while resur-  heritage on Devon Ave brought by
        classes, open rehearsals, and special   several years. Having established its   recting the ideals of Gandhianism.  Mandala  Arts  and  added  this  cul-
        programs. Among the first activities   place as a force in the Chicago arts   Alderwoman Debra Silverstein   tural center transcends language, it
        will be the Mandala Makers Festival,   scene, Mandala Arts is committed   of the 50th ward in her address wel-  transcends culture, and it allows us to
        which runs June 16–26 indoors and   to supporting and empowering the   comed the establishment of India’s   tell the beautiful stories that depict
        outdoors in the Devon Avenue com-  South Asian diasporic communi-   cultural center on Devon Ave and   the enduring culture of South Asia.
        munity. For more information about   ty whose traditions, identities and   said she is honored to see the revital-  --Asian Media USA

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