Page 19 - The Indian EYE 060322
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 03, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 19

        IAPC honored today.
            The other honoree whom IAPC
        recognized today was Sudhir M.
        Parikh, M.D., a physician by pro-
        fession and  currently the Chairman
        and Publisher of Parikh Worldwide
        Media Inc., the largest Indian-Amer-
        ican publishing group in the United
        States, and Chairman of ITV Gold, a
        24x7 TV news channel, and is one of
        the most honored Indian Americans
        with Padma Shri and Pravasi Bhara-
        tiya Samman, and the Ellis Island
        Medal of Honor.
            Special Recognition at the event
        was given to: Randhir Jaiswal, Con-
        sul General of India in New York for
        his vision, dedication and commu-
        nity service; Mayor Bill De Blasio,
        Former Mayor Of New York City,
        for Excellence in Public Service and
        Leadership; Dr. Prabhakar Kore,
        Member of Parliament, India, for
        his distinguished services in Educa-
        tion and Public Services; and Kevin
        Thomas, New York State Senator For                                                                    gramming & Marketing, JUS Broad-
        excellence in Community Service and                                                                   casting Corporation said, “I t is said
        leadership.                                                                                           that  the  media is  the  fourth  pillar
              In his address, while highlight-                                                                of democracy. Never was that state-
        ing the many recent initiatives of the                                                                ment truer than in the times we live
        Government of India to lead India to                                                                  in now. While media as an entity has
        prosperity and strength, Ambassador                                                                   certainly evolved to fit modern times,
        Jaiswal praised IAPC for its “signif-                                                                 its invaluable service to society per-
        icant contribution to promoting In-                                                                   sists. As a member of the media, it
        dia-US friendship and the welfare of                                                                  is my honor to serve as President of
        Indian diaspora in the United States.                                                                 the Indo-American Press Club. I look
        It has brought together people from                                                                   forward to furthering the principles
        the diaspora media fraternity under                                                                   of democracy alongside the rest  of
        a cohesive umbrella so that the voice                                                                 the IAPC leadership and team.” By
        of the community could be heard in                                                                    becoming a member IAPC, she said,
        a meaningful manner. We look for-                                                                     you gain “access to a unique profes-
        ward  to  their  continued  support  to                                                               sional network, exclusive events with
        bring developments from India to the                                                                  high-profile  global  influencers,  cut-
        readers  in  the  US  and carry  all the                                                              ting-edge Newswire services and an
        excitement from the United States                                                                     opportunity to network with others in
        to the people of India. I invite Indo                                                                 the media industry.”
        American Press Club to join hands                                                                           Ginsmon Zachariah, Founding
        with us in celebrating India@75, our                                                                  Chair of IAPC BOD said, “Our home-
        Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. I wish the                                                                   land India is known to have a vibrant,
        Club steady growth, progress and suc-                                                                 active and free media, which plays a
        cess,” he said.                                                                                       very vital role in the functioning and
            Former NYC Mayor Bill de Bla-                                                                     growth of the largest democracy in
        sio, while congratulating Pam Kwatra                                                                  the world. And we recognize that as
        on receiving the Lifetime Achieve-                                                                    members of the media we have an
        ment Award, described her as a trail-  Mehta, its new Board Chairman, new   collective efforts and advocacy activ-  important role to play in our adopted
        blazing businesswoman, a community   committee members and all the hon-  ities through its nearly one thousand   land. We are aware of our call to be
        leader, and a political force with exec-  orees. We will continue to support   members across the US and Canada,   a source of effective communication
        utive chops. No wonder she worked   this media organization.”       by being a link between the media   around the world. We as members of
        with elan on important projects in my   In his acceptance speech, Kam-  fraternity and the world at large. We   the media realize that we have a role
        administration on my request. I also   lesh Mehta said, “These are unprec-  will work together with dedication to   to play in shaping our world to be a
        came to know that her involvement   edented times for journalists and the   enhance the working conditions of   just and  equitable place where  ev-
        with the community spans across cul-  media,  when  many  have  sacrificed   our journalists, exchanging ideas and   eryone enjoys freedom and liberty.”
        ture, art & literature - preserving and   their lives in the pandemic. At IAPC,   offering educational and training op-  Parveen Chopra, past president
        promoting abroad the rich and varied   we salute these brave men and wom-  portunities to our members, aspiring   of IAPC welcomed the audience. A
        culture of India.” While extending his   en who risk their lives to bring to the   young journalists and media profes-  souvenir with colorfully designed pag-
        greetings to IAPC, the Mayor said,   world accurate reporting and being   sionals around the globe.”  es, depicting the history and objectives
        “Congratulations are due to IAPC   an effective voice of the media world.     In her presidential address,   of IAPV, edited by Parveen Chopra
        for doing a good job, to Kamlesh   IAPC envisages its vision through   Aashmeeta  Yogiraj,  Director  -  Pro-  and  Dr. Mathew Joys was  released.

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