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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 03, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 23

             Dr. Joseph M. Chalil Donates $100,000 to

           Nova Southeastern University in Support of

                            International Medical Students

        AJAY GHOSH                        fessor of Mathematics at Devagiri   heim, Abbott Laboratories, and  higher studies in the United States.
                                          College, India, and had served as   Hoffmann-La Roche.              Dr. Chalil has donated generously
        New York, NY
                                          its Principal until 1994. He was ap-  Additionally, Dr. Chalil is the  to help these International Indian
               r. Joseph M. Chalil, a  pointed as the CMI General Coun-     former Chairman of the Indo-Amer-  students at Nova Southeastern Uni-
               Best-Selling Author and the  cilor for Education in 1996 and he   ican Press Club. He is an expert in  versity  in  fulfilling  their  mission  to
        DChief  Medical  Officer  of  oversaw all the CMI Provinces in      U.S. healthcare policy and a strong  be the healers of the world. I am cer-
        Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc., has  South India, as well as the CMI Ac-  advocate for patient-centered care.  tain that Dr. Chalil shall also extend
        donated $100,000 towards establish-  tivities and Personals in the USA,   A strong proponent of provid-  similar monetary help to Medical
        ing a Scholarship Fund in honor of  Canada, and South America.  CMI   ing healthcare access to everyone,  Colleges in India and brighten the
        his mentor and uncle, Reverend Dr.  Congregation owns and manages   Dr. Chalil’s new book, Beyond the  future of aspiring students studying
        Mathew Chalil, a Catholic Priest,  hundreds of schools, over 30 high-  COVID-19 Pandemic: Envisioning  there.  May the generosity of Dr.
        based in Kerala, India. The scholar-  er education institutions, and one   a Better World by Transforming the  Chalil inspire many more successful
        ship fund donated to the prestigious  deemed University in India.   Future of Healthcare, is on Ama-  Indian Americans to come forward
        Nova Southeastern University will     In addition, Rev. Chalil held   zon’s Best Sellers List.        and donate towards the education
        help needy and deserving interna-  several additional positions, includ-  Describing these as critical  of students who seek knowledge and
        tional medical students at the Uni-  ing as Vice-Chancellor of Dharma   times, Dr. Chalil, endowed with the  skills at the universities in India and
        versity.                          Deepti  University  and  as  the  Reg-  vision to support noble causes, be-  abroad.”
            “Congratulations Fr. Mathew  istrar of Dharmaram Vidya Kshet-   lieves that “Medical Education is
        Chalil for being inducted into Nova  ram.  His research interest was using   most needed, especially as the world   Nova  Southeastern  Universi-
        Southeastern University Corner-   mathematical formulas in solving   is continuing to be under the impact
        stone  society  today,”  a  statement  environmental pollution issues. He   of the Covid Pandemic. Health care  ty was developed to recognize
        issued by the University stated. “We  was a World Health Organization   professionals dedicate their lives to   and pay tribute to individuals,
        have created a scholarship fund of  consultant and an advisor to the   the greater well-being of human be-
        1 Lakh Dollars (77 Lakhs Indian  Government of India and the King-  ings. Supporting the upcoming gen- foundations,   and    corpora-
        Rupees). The $100,000 scholarship  dom of the United Arab Emirates.  erations of Medical students in their   tions whose cumulative com-
        will be earmarked for international   Publisher of The Universal    mission to help people live healthier
        medical students at NSU MD with  News Network (,     lives is very fulfilling.”        mitments  to  NSU  MD  reach
        significant financial needs.”     Dr. Chalil is a veteran of the U.S.   Dr. Swati Kulkarni, Consulate   $100,000 by the time the Char-
            Rev. Dr. Mathew M. Chalil,  Navy Medical Corps. Board-certi-    General of India in Atlanta, while
        CMI, MSc, Ph.D. is a Catholic Priest  fied in healthcare management, Dr.   praising Dr. Chalil’s generosity and  ter Class graduates.
        belonging to the Carmelites of Mary  Chalil has been awarded a Fellow-  contribution to support the needy
        Immaculate (CMI), who dedicated  ship by the American College of    medical students at the Dr. Kiran    NSU MD is one of approximate-
        his life to education and the envi-  Healthcare Executives, an interna-  C. Patel College of Allopathic Med-  ly 155 M.D. degree-granting institu-
        ronment. Rev. Chalil completed his  tional professional society of more   icine (NSU MD), said, “Dr. Joseph  tions in the U.S. The college received
        Master’s Degree in Mathematics  than  40,000  healthcare  executives   Chalil, one of the distinguished In-  Preliminary Accreditation by the Li-
        from the prestigious Indian Institute  who lead hospitals, healthcare sys-  dian American, has attained signifi-  aison Committee on Medical Educa-
        of Technology (IIT Chennai) and his  tems, and other healthcare orga-  cant goals in his career and has been  tion (LCME) on October 10, 2017,
        Ph.D. in Mathematics from Perdue  nizations. Dr. Chalil has held roles   at the forefront of helping the needy,  to become the eighth M.D.-degree
        University  in  1982.  He  returned  to  of increasing responsibility at DBV   especially students. India has a large  medical school in Florida and the
        India and was appointed as the Pro-  Technologies, Boehringer Ingel-  number of bright students pursuing  only one in Broward County.

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