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NATION                                                                    MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                   INDO-CANADIAN RELATIONS

         Canada ups the ante as RCMP warns the son

            of Air India bombing accused killed in 2022

                  CBC News report claims that RCMP investigators are exploring the possibility

              of the Indian government’s involvement in Ripudaman Singh Malik’s assassination

        OUR BUREAU
        Ottawa/New Delhi
              he Royal Canadian Mount
              Police (RCMP) has issued a
        Twarning to Hardeep Malik, the
        son of Ripudaman Singh Malik, who
        was acquitted in connection with the
        Air India bombing of 1985. Hardeep
        Malik, a Surrey-based businessman,
        received an official letter cautioning
        him about potential threats to his life.
        This comes in the wake of Ripuda-
        man Singh Malik’s murder in 2022,
        for which two individuals have been
        charged, CBC News reported.
            Despite the lack of concrete ev-
        idence, the CBC News report claims
        that RCMP investigators are ex-
        ploring the possibility of the Indian                               Air India Flight 182 was bombed in 1985 (ANI)
        government’s alleged involvement in
        Ripudaman Singh Malik’s assassina-
        tion, similar to their alleged role in   ignated a terrorist by India’s Nation-  rest of three Indian nations in Cana-  fied  as  Amandeep  Singh  (22).  Ac-
        the killing of Sikh separatist Hard-  al Investigation Agency in 2020, was   da in Nijjar killing.    cording to the Integrated Homicide
        eep Singh Nijjar the previous year.  shot and killed as he came out of a   Earlier, Ministry of External Af-  Investigation Team (IHIT) in Brit-
            The warning issued to Hard-   Gurdwara in Surrey in June last year.  fairs  (MEA)  official  spokesperson   ish Columbia, Singh was already in
        eep Malik falls under the “Duty to    Earlier, in the aftermath of Ri-  Randhir Jaiswal said on Friday that   the custody of Peel Regional Police
        Warn” protocol, a measure taken by   pudaman Singh Malik’s assassina-  India has seen reports regarding the   in  Ontario  for  unrelated  firearms
        authorities in British Columbia to   tion, the RCMP extended warnings   fourth Indian arrested by Canada   charges. “IHIT pursued the evi-
        alert individuals when their safety is   to several other Sikh-Canadian indi-  over his involvement in the killing of   dence and gained sufficient informa-
        at risk. The RCMP underscored that   viduals, suggesting a broader pattern   India-designated terrorist Hardeep   tion for the BC Prosecution Service
        the threat must be considered likely   of potential threats.        Singh Nijjar.                     to charge Amandeep Singh with
        to materialise.                       While  connections  between       While addressing a press brief-  first-degree  murder  and  conspiracy
            Hardeep Malik is not the only   Singh Malik’s murder and the Nijjar   ing, Jaiswal noted that Canada has   to commit murder,” the police state-
        one to receive such notice; others   case are being investigated, conclu-  not formally conveyed about the ar-  ment said.
        associated with the Khalistan sepa-  sive evidence remains elusive, leav-  rest and India has not yet received   The police said that Singh is an
        ratist movement in British Columbia   ing the investigation ongoing.  any consular access request.    Indian national, splitting his time in
        have also been cautioned.             Earlier this week, the Ministry of   On being asked about the fourth   Canada in Brampton, Ontario; Sur-
            CBC news report claims that   External Affairs reiterated that Can-  Indian arrested by Canada in the   rey, British Columbia, and Abbots-
        these developments lend credence   ada  has  not  provided  any  “specific”  Nijjar killing, Jaiswal stated, “We   ford, British Columbia, as reported
        to the suspicion that the Indian gov-  evidence or relevant information in   have seen reports of the fourth per-  by CBC News. Investigators haven’t
        ernment’s alleged targeting of Sikh   the Hardeep Singh Nijjar killing case   son being arrested. We have not   released any further details of the
        figures in Canada did not begin with   and that no “formal communication”  been formally conveyed of it. So far,   arrest, citing ongoing investigations
        Nijjar’s death, a claim repeatedly de-  has been provided to India over the   we have not received any consular   and court processes.
        nied by India.                    arrests of three Indians allegedly in-  access request as well.         This comes days after the Ca-
            External Affairs Minister S Jais-  volved in the matter.”           Last week, the Canadian police   nadian police arrested three Indian
        hankar has time and again denied     “No specific or relevant evidence   said that they have arrested a fourth   nationals -- Karan Brar, Kamalpreet
        receiving any evidence implicating   or information has been given to us   suspect over his alleged involvement   Singh and Karanpreet  Singh  in Ed-
        Indian nationals’ involvement in the   in this matter. Canada has informed   in  the killing  of the designated ter-  monton. The trio was charged with
        killing in Canada of India-designat-  us about the arrest. But we have not   rorist,  Hardeep  Singh  Nijjar,  Cana-  first-degree  murder  and  conspiracy
        ed terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar.   got any formal communication...”  da-based CBC News reported.    to commit murder in relation to the
        Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was des-  MEA Spokesperson said on the ar-    The accused has been identi-  homicide.

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