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OPINION                                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

                                 How does Indian Prime

               Minister Narendra Modi Connect

                             with the Masses of India?

                                                                                                              nary Indians for getting government
                                                                                                              jobs for their children was addressed
                                                                                                              through transformation of examina-
                                                                                                              tions for even the higher level UPSC
                                                                                                              exams. English, the language of a min-
                                                                                                              iscule section of society, was no longer
                                                                                                              necessary to pocket the plum jobs. Re-
                                                                                                              gional languages got equal berth here.
                                                                                                              The induction of skills in education
                                                                                                              as a gateway to securing degrees and
                                                                                                              establishment of skills universities was
                                                                                                              a revolutionary change as were others
                                                                                                              in the National Education Policy 2020
                                                                                                              now being implemented all over the
                BY JAGDISH BATRA
                                                                                                              country.  These  changes  immensely
                                                                                                              impact the lives of the poor people in
               ow does democracy work in                                                                      the country.
               India and how does the Indi-
                                                                                                                  Modi has not left out the spiritual
        Han  Prime  Minister  influence                                                                       side of human personality. Himself a
        more  than  1.4  billion  people  from                                                                devout Hindu, he has upheld the Hin-
        different socio-cultural backgrounds?   length and breadth of the country.   primary concern. Here again, Mo-  du traditions which has had immense
        This has been a matter of some curi-  Radio is still a medium that works in   di’s track record is envious, to say   potential in connecting with the or-
        osity among people as also the leaders   remote areas here. His broadcasts,   the least. Immediately upon taking   dinary people, majority of whom are
        in other countries. Indian Prime Min-  also  available  on  television,  were   up the reins of power in 2014, Modi   Hindus. This trait is unlike the elec-
        ister Narendra Modi is a valuable case   watched by individuals as also groups.   launched the Jan-Dhan scheme and   tion-time protestations of subscribing
        study of the equation between a leader   Arrangements were also made  by   got almost all poor people open their   to Hindu religion mouthed by leaders
        and the masses whom he leads. Pres-  government agencies to facilitate it.   bank accounts into which periodic   of other parties. The Hindu popula-
        ently,  during  the  elections  happen-  This has gone on until the present   financial  help  from  the  government   tion at large has come to recognize in
        ing for the Indian parliament, Modi   elections were announced. People   side was deposited as assistance, sub-  him a rare Hindu icon, to say the least.
        is  well-acknowledged  as  leading  the   waited keenly for the event as there   sidy or even the cost of crops, etc. It   This does not mean sidelining other
        race for prime ministership by a big   would be surprises when one among   helped particularly during the Coro-  communities like the Muslims. His
        margin. It won’t be an overstatement   them was feted by the Prime Minister   na  time.  The scheme  coupled  with   only objection has been giving special
        to say that his is a rare personality and   for the exemplary work he or she had   digitalization of transactions proved   status to any community at the cost of
        his connect with the people hardly   done. In this, there was no consider-  a boon to all thenceforth. Further,   the other which had been happening
        finds a parallel among world leaders.   ation of caste, creed, class, gender,   not only the antyodaya scheme of the   under previous regimes. This argu-
            Modi comes from a very humble   etc. This kind of recognition uplifted   BJP was given a new thrust, but even
        background – a railway tea-stall own-  their status within their community   the MNREGA scheme started by the   ment has been appreciated by all com-
                                                                                                              munities as the 2019 elections showed.
        er’s son, and so has no problem in un-  but also profiled them as models of   Congress under Manmohan Singh   Last but not the least, one cannot
        derstanding what it means to be poor   self-support, innovation, farsighted-  was continued. Modi or the BJP did   miss reference to his unmatchable
        and what are their wants and aspira-  ness, determination, etc. for others.   not have any notion of untouchabili-  oratorial skill. His rallies draw mam-
        tions. His various steps have been ef-  Not only this, the bestowal of   ty about it, if it served the poor well.   moth crowds whom he can sway easily
        fectively targeted at ameliorating the   national-level awards like Padma   There are hundreds of schemes like   even as his words are not just empty
        plight of poor and ordinary people,   Sri, Padma Bhushan, etc., which so   Mudra, Women self-help groups,   sounds but supported by solid action
        even as he has also accommodated   far went only to the elite supported   etc. which have continued to help   on the ground. So, we have a leader
        other sections, thus lending credence   by bigwigs in the government or the   the poor and ordinary people.   unlike the ones in the past, rooted in
        to his slogan ‘Sab ka saath, Sab ka   ruling  party,  went in for a  surprise   Modi’s special concern for the   the culture of India and mindful of
        vikaas’ (Progress of all with participa-  change. Under Modi government,   womenfolk who are doubly marginal-  modern options in science and tech-
        tion of all). He knows that it is not the   artisans,  craftsmen,  folk  artists, even   ized in society got expressed through   nology as well.
        economic subsistence only that the   bricoleurs who devised contraptions   providing them with free gas connec-
        poor people need, it is also the recog-  of great potential  use were spotted   tions to rid them of the unhealthy   Dr Jagdish Batra is an academic, critic
        nition of their other needs at the psy-  in the remotest corners of the coun-  wood stoves is one example. The   and social activist. He is currently
        chological, social and spiritual levels.   try and given these prestigious awards   Muslim women got reprieve from the   working as a Professor of English
        Only a few of the strategies adopted   at the Rashtrapati Bhawan, thus cen-  triple-talaq curse for which they re-  & Executive Dean at the O.P. Jindal
        by Modi can be considered here.   tre-staging the marginalized. Indeed,   warded BJP with a handsome victory   Global University, India. A former
            Modi’s monthly Mann ki Baat   such measures gave a sense of self-es-  in the Muslim-dominated areas of the   Rotary Study Exchange Scholar to
        on  radio  was  the  first  initiative  that   teem to the humble people.  country, particularly in Uttar Pradesh.   USA, Dr Batra has published eleven
        he took to address people across the   The  economic  sustenance  is  of   The  utmost  concern of  ordi-   books. Views are personal

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