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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        we have a broader base of domestic                                                                    were floating in Ganga.
        investment. Our investors are well                                                                        Addressing a rally in Delhi’s
        aware of the pro-market reforms we                                                                    Dilshad Garden ahead of the sixth
        have implemented. These reforms                                                                       phase of Lok Sabha polls, Rahul
        have created a robust and transpar-                                                                   Gandhi accused Prime Minister Na-
        ent financial system, making it easier                                                                rendra Modi of working for a few.
        for every Indian to participate in the                                                                “The Prime Minister says ‘I am not
        stock markets,” PM Modi added.                                                                        biological. I have sent from above by
            As the campaign for the Lok                                                                       God for a mission’. If someone tells
        Sabha polls hits its final phase, PM                                                                  you this on the road, you will excuse
        Modi is confident that the voter has                                                                  yourself and tell the person to allow
        placed its trust in his party. “In con-                                                               you to do your task,” Gandhi said.
        trast, the atmosphere on the opposi-                                                                      Rahul Gandhi also took pot-
        tion side is very grim and hopeless.                                                                  shots at PM Modi over some of his
        It shows that we are well on track to                                                                 earlier remarks. “God, what kind of
        achieve a historic victory in the on-                                                                 person you have sent,” he said.
        going elections. People also realize                                                                      “During  COVID,  there  were
        this and hence they won’t waste their                                                                 bodies floating in Ganga. In Delhi,
        vote on Congress and its allies which                                                                 people were dying outside hospi-
        have already lost the election,”       Congress leader Rahul Gandhi speaks during a discussion with a group of women    tals. The one who has been sent by
        the Prime Minister told Economic                        in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)                God said brothers and sisters, switch
        Times.                                                                                                on light of your mobile phones...”
            In the campaign, all the big lead-                                                                Gandhi said.
        ers of BJP are busy projecting Modi   held so far.                  it their good fortune to bow before   PM Modi had said in an inter-
        as a great leader.                    “In all the phases of elections   Lord Ram.”                    view to a news channel that till his
            Union Defense Minister Ra-    held in Uttar Pradesh so far, 100     “Be it the President, the Prime   mother was alive, he felt that per-
        jnath Singh on Thursday said that   per cent voting has been in favor of   Minister, the Chief Minister, the   haps his birth was biological and
        earlier India’s words were not taken   BJP. In the remaining two phases, a   Minister and the Governor, every-  after her demise when he connects
        seriously at international forums,   huge result will come out in favor of   one is reaching the Ram Temple to   various experiences, he is convinced
        but today, when he speaks the whole   BJP...We are achieving the target of   worship Ram Lalla. In the same se-  that God has sent him.
        world listens, adding that many   ‘400 paar’ after every phase and PM   quence, today the National President   Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
        world leaders refer Prime Minister   Modi will become the Prime Minis-  of the Yuva Morcha of the Bharatiya   on Wednesday accused the Prime
        Narendra Modi as “Boss” and re-   ter of the country for the third time,”   Janata Party will reach Ayodhya to   Minister Narendra Modi-led govern-
        spect him.                        said  Tejasvi  Surya  while  speaking   have the darshan of Lord Ram and   ment in the Centre of turning India’s
            Singh noted that “just 25 years   to the reporters in Uttar Pradesh’s   pay obeisance at Hanumangarhi,”   soldiers into labourers and promised
        ago, India was not taken seriously on   Ayodhya.                    he added.                         to scrap the Agniveer scheme after
        the international platform, but be-   Hailing PM Modi further he        But the Opposition is not tak-  coming to power on June 4.
        cause of PM Modi Ji’s effective lead-  said, “Under his leadership unprec-  ing all big claims lying down. They   Addressing a public rally in
        ership, other countries now pay at-  edented employment has been cre-  are also challenging the government   Haryana’s Mahendragarh, the Con-
        tention to India’s voice. Many global   ated in the country.”       narrative.                        gress leader said that India’s borders
        leaders regard Prime Minister Nar-    Crediting BJP over Ayodhya        Congress leader Rahul Gandhi   are secured by the youth of Haryana
        endra Modi with respect, some even   Ram Temple he said, “Ever since   on Thursday took a swipe at Prime   and other states. “You have patrio-
        terming him as ‘Boss’ or ‘Great’.”  the grand temple of Lord Ram has   Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks   tism in your heart, blood, and DNA.
            Singh stated that in 2004 Man-  been completed, every day VVIP   in a recent TV interview and said the   Narendra Modi ji, for the first time,
        mohan Singh became Prime Minis-   people from all over the country and   man “sent by God” could not save   has turned India’s soldiers into la-
        ter, however in 2014 even after rul-  the world have started coming to the   people who died during COVID-19   bourers. He (PM Modi) says that
        ing for 10 years, India was ranked   city of Ayodhya. Everyone considers   in front of hospitals or when bodies   there will be two kinds of soldiers
        11th globally, but under the lead-                                                                    who  sacrificed  their  lives  for  the
        ership  of  Narendra Modi,  within 8                                                                  country. One, a normal jawan or
        years, India has climbed to the fifth                                                                 officer whose family will get a pen-
        biggest economy in the world.                                                                         sion, status, and all other facilities.
            “India’s growing stature has also                                                                 The other, a poor family’s son who is
        deterred intimidation from other                                                                      named Agniveer; this Agniveer will
        countries, as India now knows how                                                                     neither get the status of ‘shaheed’
        to assert  itself. Congress  did not                                                                  nor will he get any pension or any
        even develop infrastructure on the                                                                    other facility,” Rahul Gandhi said.
        country’s borders, because the then                                                                       He further said that after June 4,
        Defense Minister said that China                                                                      the INDIA bloc would tear this Ag-
        would get angry if roads were built                                                                   niveer scheme into pieces and dump
        in the border areas,” he claimed.                                                                     it in the dustbin. “The Army does
            Also,  Bharatiya  Janata  Party                                                                   not want this scheme... this scheme
        leader Tejasvi Surya on Thursday                                                                      is imposed by the PMO. The INDIA
        hailed Prime Minister Narendra                                                                        bloc government will come to pow-
        Modi saying that he would become                                                                      er and the first thing we shall do is
        the PM for the third time and 100                                                                     throw this  Agniveer scheme in the
        per cent voting has been done in fa-  BJP supporters attend a public meeting addressed by PM Modi in support of the party candi-  dustbin,” the Congress MP said.
        vor of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh in all          date from Patiala seat Preneet Kaur on Thursday (ANI)     It  will  be  clear  only  on  June  4
        the phases of the Lok Sabha election                                                                  which claims are true.

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