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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 29

                             South Asian Youth Action (SAYA)

                                Celebrates 28 Years of Impact

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            generously.
                                                                                                                  Thanks to the altruism of attend-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              ees and supporters, the gala raised
             outh Asian Youth Action                                                                          over $750,000, which will directly
             (SAYA) proudly celebrated its                                                                    benefit SAYA’s programs and initia-
        S28th anniversary at their annu-                                                                      tives—aimed at empowering youth
        al  gala  on  May  18,  2024  -  marking                                                              and fostering their academic, social,
        nearly  three  decades  of  connecting                                                                and personal development.
        underserved New York City youth to                                                                        “I am deeply grateful for the in-
        opportunities and championing solu-                                                                   credible dedication of everyone who
        tions that foster educational equity.                                                                 joined us to celebrate SAYA’s legacy.
            The event, held at Tribeca 360°                                                                   The powerful stories shared by our
        in New York City, brought together                                                                    youth highlight our history and the
        close to 400 guests for an evening of                                                                 far-reaching impact of our program-
        philanthropy, inspiration, and cele-                                                                  ming,” said Sonia B. Sisodia, Execu-
        bration.                                                                                              tive Director of SAYA.
            SAYA’s annual gala recognizes                                                                         As SAYA enters its 29th year, the
        the  significance,  contribution,  and                                                                organization looks forward to build-
        achievements of those community                                                                       ing on its incredible impact.
        members who leverage their privilege                                                                      “The generosity of our support-
        and platform toward positive societal   Guests were treated to a capti-  the touching and powerful stories  ers, along with the incredible $1
        change. This year, three outstand-  vating performance by the celebrated  shared by SAYA youth, which show-  million gift from Mackenzie Scott
        ing individuals who embody these  musician Ali Sethi, while the evening  cased  the  organization’s  profound  SAYA received earlier this year, will
        principles—Sonny Kalsi, co-CEO  was nimbly hosted by actress/author  impact on the lives of young people  advance SAYA’s important work in
        of BentallGreenOak; Priya Parker,  and SAYA board member Sheetal  throughout New York City. These  a profound and transformative way.
        acclaimed  author;  and  Anand  Gi-  Sheth - whose wit and charm kept the  heartfelt testimonials underscored  Together we are creating a lasting
        ridharadas, esteemed writer, were  energy high throughout the event.   the importance of SAYA’s  mission  impact in our communities,” said
        honored.                              The highlight of the evening was  and inspired guests to contribute  Samidh Guha, SAYA Board Chair.

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