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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 24

          Mayor Adams, Comptroller Lander, Public Advocate

         Williams and Pension Trustees Celebrate $60 Million

              Investment that will preserve 35,000 Rental Units

          New York City Employees Retirement System’s $60 Million Investment Advances Affordable

                               Housing Stabilization and Delivers for New York City Retirees

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            a working people’s agenda.”
                                                                                                                  “I’m thrilled to see NYCERS’
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              $60 million investment in Commu-
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                    nity Stabilization  Partners,  a  joint
               ams, New York City Comp-                                                                       venture with some of the most expe-
        Ntroller Brad Lander, New                                                                             rienced affordable housing provid-
        York City Public Advocate Jumaane                                                                     ers in New York City,” said Deputy
        Williams, and trustees of the New                                                                     Mayor for Housing, Economic De-
        York City Employees’ Retirement                                                                       velopment, and Workforce Maria
        System (NYCERS) on Wednesday                                                                          Torres-Springer. “This Economi-
        announced an investment of up to                                                                      cally  Targeted  Investment  not  only
        $60 million to preserve rent-stabi-                                                                   infuses a new source of capital into
        lized housing units impacted by the                                                                   preserving a critical source of hous-
        sudden collapse of Signature Bank                                                                     ing for thousands of New Yorkers,
        last spring. The investment was made                                                                  but it will also deliver for retirees
        in Community Stabilization Partners                                                                   over time. I commend the comp-
        — a joint venture led by Community                                                                    troller and other NYCERS trust-
        Preservation Corporation with Re-                                                                     ees for joining our administration
        lated Fund Management and Neigh-                                                                      in  demonstrating  what  is  possible
        borhood Restore HDFC — leading    public safety, rebuild the economy,   sult of the bank’s collapse — is an   through  sound local  investments
        affordable housing providers in New   and make this city more livable for   enormous team effort, and we are   like this.”
        York City.                        hardworking New Yorkers and this   proud to be part of it.”             Through the $60 million in-
                                          investment is a step toward all three   “We should be using every tool   vestment — which NYCERS vot-
        The investment represents the     of those goals.”                  available to address the housing and   ed on in March 2024 — NYCERS
                                              “Today’s announcement is a    homelessness crisis, and this invest-  has become a 25 percent partner in
        largest single investment by  shining example of creative and       ment is a strong safeguard against   Community Stabilization Partners.
        NYCERS in preserving New York     prudent investments we can make   the unsteady practices of some finan-  NYCERS is partnering with Relat-
                                          to preserve existing housing that we   cial institutions and housing stock   ed Fund Management, Communi-
        City’s  rent  stabilization  stock  simply cannot afford to lose,” said   that is falling  apart,” said  Public   ty Preservation Corporation, and
        and will both advance the stabi-  Comptroller Lander. “Expanding    Advocate Williams. “Any serious af-  Neighborhood Restore due to their
                                          and protecting our affordable hous-
                                                                                                              extensive expertise and deep roots
                                                                            fordable housing plan has to heavily
        lization of much-needed afford-   ing supply through sound investment   invest in preservation, and together   in preserving and expanding afford-
        able housing and deliver com-     decisions is a major priority of my   with my trustee designee, I’ve been   able housing. Community Preser-
                                                                            proud to support this investment in
                                                                                                              vation Corporation has been a de-
                                          office, in partnership with NYCERS
        petitive  returns  for  retirees.  trustees. I am grateful to my fellow   both the tenants and retirees of New   cades-long partner of NYCERS in
                                          trustees for their work to secure this   York City. I thank all of the partners   their efforts to secure strong returns
            “Today, we are proud to an-   opportunity and thrilled to collabo-  involved in advancing this historic   for pension members and beneficia-
        nounce a $60 million investment   rate with Community Preservation   investment, which will help provide   ries, while investing in expanding
        from our NYCERS pension fund      Corporation, Related Fund Manage-  both  financial  security  and  housing   the city’s affordable housing supply.
        that will go toward preserving 35,000   ment, and Neighborhood Restore   stability for New Yorkers.”      This  investment  is  part  of  the
        units of affordable housing,” said   who have  decades-long  experience   “This NYCERS investment in   Economically Targeted Investment
        Mayor Adams. “This housing is crit-  ensuring that New Yorkers have an   affordable housing shows how we   program of the five New York City
        ical to making our city more afford-  opportunity to afford to live in the   can deploy investments to contin-  Retirement Systems, managed by the
        able and livable for working-class   city they love. I also want to praise   ue making New York an accessible   New York City Comptroller Office’s
        New Yorkers, and I want to thank ev-  the diligent work of the FDIC, HCR,   place to live while protecting the   Bureau of Asset Management, and
        eryone who came together to make   HPD, and advocates, including    hard-earned pensions of our city   is aimed at achieving strong returns
        sure we got this deal done, including   ANHD and UNHP, who sounded the   workers,” said First Deputy May-  for members and beneficiaries while
        Community Preservation Corpora-   alarm on Signature’s lending practic-  or Sheena Wright. “The continued   helping to preserve some of the city’s
        tion, Related Fund Management,    es and worked tireless to organize   partnership between the mayor, the   stock of rent regulated housing. In-
        Neighborhood Housing Restore,     tenants within these buildings. Pre-  trustees of the pensions systems, the   cluding  today’s  investment,  NYC-
        our trustees, and our partners in la-  serving the nearly 35,000 rental units   comptroller, and the private sector   ERS has invested nearly $700 million
        bor. When we came into office two   in the Signature portfolio — which   demonstrates how the City of New   in rental apartments in the city, with
        years ago, we had a mission: protect   could have faced grave risks as a re-  York can collaborate to implement   19 real estate fund managers.

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