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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                   Indo-American Community Alliance

         formally launched with official celebrations

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ
           ndo-American Community Alliance (ICA), a
           non-profit  organization  dedicated  to  serving
        Ithe vibrant and diverse Indian community, cel-
        ebrated its official inauguration with great enthu-
        siasm and pride on Sunday, May 19th, 2024, at the
        Royal Alberts Palace in New Jersey.
            With a firm commitment to nurturing growth,
        fostering collaboration, and promoting empower-
        ment, ICA aims to establish a community-based
        platform that resonates with the values and aspira-
        tions of the Indo-American diaspora. The launch
        event was attended by more than 1,400 community
        members and leaders from various organizations,
        underscoring the significance of this initiative.
            The day commenced with a ceremonial light-
        ing of ornamental lamps by members of our es-
        teemed Women’s Council at 10:30 AM. Guided
        by our leadership team the President, Secretary &
        Treasurer, the event unfolded with warm welcomes
        extended to guests and community members alike.  forthcoming programs, eliciting resounding ap-  traditional Indian dances to innovative western
            Throughout the day, festivities were infused   plause and support from the audience.   adaptations, the performances by students of es-
        with vibrant performances and insightful discus-  The  President  graciously  invited  the  found-  teemed institutions like the Rudra Dance Acade-
        sions, showcasing the diversity and talent within   ers onto the stage, where they eloquently articu-  my, Kavi Nritya Academy, and Jayalaxmi School
        our community. From engaging panel discussions   lated the imperative need for a platform like the   of Dance captivated the audience, showcasing the
        featuring young entrepreneurs and influencers to   Indo-American Community Alliance (ICA) and   richness and dynamism of our cultural heritage.
        captivating skits on women empowerment, each   underscored their vision to establish chapters in   Adding to the enchantment were musical ren-
        segment underscored the multifaceted nature of   major cities across America.              ditions by emerging artists Abhik Mojumdar, Cha-
        our collective identity.                         Their impassioned remarks resonated with the   ran Karthik, and Aarnav Srivastava, whose talent
            Noteworthy presentations on topics such   audience, emphasizing the significance of unity and   and passion resonated throughout the venue. The
        as  the  “Co-Existence  of  Humanity  with  AI”  by   collaboration within our community. In a heartfelt   cherry on top was the spellbinding vocal and dance
        Siva Nadarajah and “Blending Responsibilities:   gesture, the founders and the executive committee   performance by Rimi Nique, which left the audi-
        Achieving Work-life balance” by Dr. Swetha Kan-  proceeded to felicitate several esteemed commu-  ence  spellbound and  elevated the experience to
        dula resonated deeply with the audience, reflect-  nity leaders for their unwavering dedication and   new heights.
        ing our commitment to addressing contemporary   invaluable service to our community.          Together, these performances not only enter-
        challenges while nurturing holistic growth.      Their  selfless  contributions  were  acknowl-  tained but also celebrated the diversity and artistic
            The ICA President introduced the In-     edged and celebrated, serving as inspiration for all   prowess of our community, leaving an indelible
        do-American Community Alliance (ICA), out-   present.                                      impression on all who attended. We extend our
        lining its founding principles, mission, and vision.   The cultural segment of our event was a vi-  heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the
        Joined by representatives from our four pillars,   brant tapestry of talent and tradition, curated un-  success of this landmark event. Your support and
        Youth, Women, Golden Agers, and Business. The   der the expert guidance of Launch Team including   participation are integral to our mission of em-
        President articulated our collective objectives and   members from all four pillars. From mesmerizing   powering and uplifting our community.

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