Page 12 - The Indian EYE 052722
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OPINION MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 12
cite the Russian President”, “The US largely on Chinese efforts to mitigate
concocted fake news to exaggerate the crisis. China Daily suggested in
the ‘Russian threat theory’” across its editorials that Russia–Ukraine
popular media outlets like China negotiations were being impeded by
News Service, CCTV News, Caixin non-conciliatory stance of US and
conveyed the narrative that alleged major European powers.
US threat-mongering was causing Chinese calls for restraint and
tensions in the region. Mutual dis- dialogue were contrasted with that
trust between Kiev and Moscow, of the US and the West, with com-
existing acrimony over Crimea, and mentaries arguing that the US was
Russia’s support to Ukrainian sepa- adopting hostile policy measures.
ratists, among other issues, were left The provision of military aid to
out of Chinese news media’s assess- Ukraine by the US, among others
ments of the crisis. and reinforcing of NATO’s pres-
In the wake of Russian military ence in Eastern European countries
build-up prior to start of hostilities, and the Black Sea, were highlight-
Chinese news media sought to por- ed. Efforts by NATO members like
tray Western countries as divided Germany, France and Turkey to fa-
and only striving to secure their re- cilitate negotiations between Russia
spective interests. and Ukraine and Russia’s reluctance
to cease hostilities despite calls for
An article in CGTN stated that the same were hardly highlighted in
this context.
the Ukraine crisis exposed the
cracks within the Western al- Despite strict censorship of
liance and had failed to forge Chinese media and control over the
consensus in their response flow of information, reports flag that
Chinese public opinion is deeply di-
to Russian policies. Highlight- vided about the nature and extent of
ing the alleged depth of the Chinese support to Russian actions.
In the context of both countries pro-
disagreements, Chinese media fessing strategic alignment in early
reported not only on trans-At- February, the Chinese media’s ex-
plicit endorsement of Russia’s ac-
lantic divergences between the tions in Ukraine could have project-
take into account Russia’s security enable the world to view China’s rise
US and its European allies but considerations. favorably. ed China as a co-collaborator to the
international community.
also on differences of opinion It is noteworthy that this nega- The Russian military interven-
tive press coverage of West’s policy ‘China is the stabilizing force’
among the European countries approach and response towards Rus- The Chinese news media’s cov- tion though challenged the Chinese
narrative of the Western countries
themselves. sia–Ukraine crisis fits into the larger erage of the Ukraine crisis has high- being the prime aggressors.
Chinese narrative about the super- lighted alleged Western culpability The Chinese media has ped-
ficiality of the West-led internation- while simultaneously emphasizing
An article published in People’s al order. For long, Chinese experts Chinese efforts towards resolving dled the dual narrative of vilifying
Liberation Army’s official media out- have contended that major Western the crisis in an effort to help project the West and glorifying China’s sup-
posed mediatory role in the crisis,
let, PLA Daily, argued that Germa- powers under the garb of protecting China in a positive light vis-à-vis the even as the war continues to rage
ny and France, owing to their close rules-based international order are Western countries. With China call- in Ukraine. The Chinese media’s
economic cooperation with Russia brewing instability across the world ing for adherence to Minsk Agree- coverage of the crisis has been less
“have a more rational attitude to- through military interventions and ments signed between Ukraine and about Ukraine and Russia and more
wards Russia, and have obvious dif- military alliances, driven by their Russia in 2015, the Chinese media about China and the West.
ferences with the United States on geopolitical ambitions. projected Beijing’s stance as guided
the Ukraine issue”. In comparison, it is contended by the principles of non-interference.
At the same time, it argued that that Chinese foreign policy aims to After Blinken’s talks with the Mayuri Banerjee is Research Analyst at
“Lithuania and other Central and forge consensus and stability through Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense
Eastern European ‘New Europe- mediation and ‘win-win’ cooperation on 27 January 2022, CGTN suggest- Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
an’ countries have obvious doubts to shape global order. Incidental- ed that while NATO was increasing
and fears of Russia, and have ad- ly, this narrative building has also tensions by reinforcing its military Views expressed are of the author and
opted more radical pro-US policies constituted Chinese press coverage presence in Eastern Europe and do not necessarily reflect the views of
in terms of security”. Xinhua News of several other events like the for- the Black Sea, China was “playing a the Manohar Parrrikar IDSA or of the
Agency cited statements of Ameri- mation of the QUAD, the AUKUS constructive role in promoting peace Government of India.
can and European politicians to sup- submarine deal, and US withdrawal and solidarity in the region, calling
port the thesis. from Afghanistan. It is noteworthy for all sides to remain calm and re- This is the abridged version of the
These statements included that such type of narrative gained frain from hyping up tensions”. article which appeared first in the
France’s call for dialogue with Rus- traction largely in response to the After Russia launched the Comment section of the website (www.
sia, Germany’s reluctance to provide ‘China threat theory’ and a perceived Ukraine invasion, the Chinese press of Manohar Parrikar Institute
military aid to Ukraine and Croatia’s need to promote Chinese perception carried limited coverage on Rus- for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
(a NATO member) suggestion to of international relations that will sian military operations and focused Delhi on May 12, 2022